

考研复试英文常见问题模板:喜欢的事-What's your favorite book or sport or music or subject or movie or city...? Why?

喜欢的事-What's your favorite book or sport or music or subject or movie or city...? Why?What's your favorite book/sport/music/subject/movie/city...? Why?题型分析:此类题是复试英语问题中的“万金油”题,也是最常见的题型之一。该题型考察的内容主要针对考生的临场反应能力与表达能力,而非内容本身。这类题型由于题目简单,无标准答案,因此要求考生流利、迅速地反应与表达。建议考生在备考复试时准备好一套固定的表达结构,再根据问题内容进行相应嵌套。要注意的是,表达过程中不要太多卡顿,不需要太注重高级的语法与表达:自然、流利、大方往往是该题型考察的要点。

考研复试英文常见问题模板:兴趣爱好-Do you have any special hobby?

兴趣爱好-Do you have any special hobby?I like playing basketball, playing the guitar, reading books. But writing dairy is my special hobby. When I was young, my teacher encouraged us to keep a journal (日志,日记), so my mother bought me my first diary book. My dairy contains stories, prose(散文) and even my nightmares (噩梦) . It is a good way to enhance my writing ability.

考研复试英文常见问题模板:风俗-Tell me something about the customs of your hometown.

风俗-Tell me something about the customs of your hometown.[告诉我一些你家乡的风俗习惯]Tell me something about the customs of your hometown. We attach great importance to some traditional festivals, such as we will go to worship ancestor in the Qing Ming Festival, we should eat steamed rice dumpling in the Dragon Boat Festival and in the Mid-Autumn Festival we often have to eat the moon cake

考研复试英文常见问题模板:父母生活-What do you think about living together with your parents

父母生活-What do you think about living together with your parents答题思路:与父母生活在一起的好处;不与父母住在一起的好处。I think living with my parents offers a lot of benefits, like they could take care of everything for me such as diet and daily life, so I can focus on my study better. However, if l don't live with them, I can enjoy better privacy, freedom and independence, so given the choice, I will still choose to live alone.

考研复试英文常见问题模板:获得的成就-What has been your greatest accomplishment?

获得的成就-What has been your greatest accomplishment?答题思路:只能是学习和学术方面的。(1): 大赛获奖:I have won the championship in the XXX national competition.(2)发表论文: I have published my thesis on the academic journal of SCI(3)参与导师的项目: My professor selected me to attend his program in the research of XX.

考研复试英文常见问题模板:怎样看待成就-What do you think ofthe achievement you have made

怎样看待成就-What do you think ofthe achievement you have made[回答思路]①专业上已经取得的成如绩点、证书、论文、科研等;②课外生活的丰富性一论坛、实习等;③ 成就是过去的,未来还要更加努力。Honestly speaking, I am quite content (满足) with my achievements in my college study. Thanks to my teachers' encouragement andmy own efforts, I have done a great deal of exercises, from which I have accumulated considerable professional knowledge for XXX. Therefore, I have won the xx scholarship, and gained the XXX certificate, etc.

考研复试英文常见问题模板:看待大学-What do you think of your university

看待大学-What do you think of your university减分思路:大学有多大?坐落在哪里?有多少院系多少人?有多少年历史?加分思路:我很爱它,具体谈爱什么。具体思路:①母校带给我什么,我学到了什么②切入母校校训,讲它带给自己的精神指引例子1:I really love my university. It gave me the initial courage to begin my college life. The perfect patience of my teachers comforted my study anxiety, and the diligence of my roommates motivated me to devote more energy into study. 4 years, 48 months, and 1460 days has witnessed my reshaping there. My university is not in the leading position in academic field, but it has taught me how to be an academic person. That is, always stand on the solid ground, and always do the solid research work.

考研复试英文常见问题模板:毕业论文-Please talk briefly about your undergraduate thesis

毕业论文-Please talk briefly about your undergraduate thesis题型分析:此类题属于不常见题型,对回答范围有所限制,一般仅见于部分文科专业,需要考生对相关内容提前有所准备,在此基础上适当发挥即可。例:OK professors, the question I got is to introduce the undergraduate thesis. It's my honor to introduce it to you. Firstly, the theme of my paper is the development of cyber literature. My college is famous in this field and my professors also encouraged me to choose it as my thesis. And from it I also find the differences between normal literature and cyber literature. It somehow inspired me to choose the journalism and communication because I want make sure if media is the cause and why it exerts such influence, My thesis of undergraduate provides myself with another perspective to analyze the interaction between media and literature That's all thank you.

考研复试英文常见问题模板:未来规划-What's your study plan if you are accepted as a postgraduate student

未来规划-What's your study plan if you are accepted as a postgraduate student回答思路:规划类问题不能“大而空”,要有可行性。如了解新的学习环境->努力提高专业基础知识->参与科研,提高实践能力->适当娱乐,促进身心健康->职业规划I will make my study arrangement according to the semesters. The first semester is the best time to build the theory foundation, so I will devote all time to reading at least 20 books, some high quality papers, attend various kind of lectures or seminars (研讨会) , and assist my supervisor (指导者) to do some detailed work in the programme. 

考研复试英文常见问题模板:为什么选择我们学校-Why did you choose our university

为什么选择我们学校-Why did you choose our university减分答题思路:有抱怨口吻的表达一本科学校不好、专业不喜欢、不是当年高考一志愿、父母的意愿。加分答题思路:正向积极的以对方为焦点的思一学科优势、导师的学术影响、报考学校的学风、看到朋友在这里读书之后的改变。(第一种思路,常规思路)The first time I get to know our university is in my freshmen stage. I read an thesis from Professor Wu, (最好加上论文的标题) and I was inspired and enlightened by his unique and creative viewpoints. I also read an experience article from Internet. It introduced and recommended our university in three parts: key subjects, spirit of our university , and some brilliant teachers, which exerted a great fascination on me. 

考研复试英文常见问题模板:为什么选这个专业-Why do you choosethis major

为什么选这个专业-Why do you choosethis majorIt is the constant interest and passion that motivates me to choose this major continuously (连续不断的) .Interest is the best teacher. At the first class in the freshmen, I was attracted (吸引) by (专业的名词), which spread out a charming map before me. In this map, I am exposed to the world of A, B, and C (专业名词定义) 

考研复试英文常见问题模板:为什么考研-Why do you want to be a postgraduate

为什么考研-Why do you want to be a postgraduate该问题可以从以下三个方面来回答:①为了自己专业上的能力提升,提升自己的认知边界;②为了自己阶段性梦想的实现,人生因此会有更多的可能;③就是纯粹为了多读书,在可以读书的世界里多受书籍的熏陶(学霸版)思路:有较高的追求/热爱研究和学术I have only one reason, that is I am a person of higher pursuit, and to be an academic scholar has always been my ideal. To do the research work is not painstaking work for me. On the contrary, I enjoy it. I felt extremely interested when I see a professor said in his thesis: XXX; 

考研复试英文常见问题模板:家乡-Please introduce your hometown

家乡-Please introduce your hometown题型分析:此类题也是复试英语问题中的“万金油”题,也是最常见的题型之一。该题型同样对内容不会做太多要求,值得一提的是,可以将你的家乡与自身经历相结合,这样能使你的答案具有很强的区分度,老师也会更感兴趣,从而从考生中脱颖而出。例:OK professors,the question I got is to introduce my hometown.It's my honor to introduce my hometown to you.I come from Changsha,as we all know,it is a beautiful city.It possesses not only beautiful scenery and delicious foods,but also a long history.We have Yuelu mountain,Orange Isle and Xiang river.And our amusement(娱乐)industry and journalism are famous in the whole country such as HNTV and mango TV.I feel honored to have an internship in Happy camp for 2 years(快乐大本营).To an extent maybe it also inspired me to chase(追逐,追赶)the academic road in Journalism and Communication.We like spicy(辛辣的)foods,so I will never be afraid of any thorn(辣)in this road.
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