


考研英语高频词汇distribution n.分配,分布;分销<历年真题考查频次:17次>真题复现1:Translated, that means politicians intervening in monetary policy and a system of redistribution from richer to poorer members, via cheaper borrowing for governments through common Eurobonds or complete fiscal transfers.(2011年英语二text4P5)


考研英语高频词汇每日一词marketer n.市场营销人员<历年真题考查频次:9次>真题复现1:There are concerns that government, employers, and marketers might be able to access these data, thereby violating our privacy.(2013年英语二完型P3)真题翻译:有人担心,政府、雇主和营销人员可能能够访问这些数据,从而侵犯我们的隐私。


考研英语高频词汇barrier n.障碍 (物) ;壁垒历年真题考查频次:4次>真题复现1:I believe that the most important forces behind themassive M&A wave are the same that underlie the globalizatiorprocess: falling transportation and communication costs, loweltrade and investment barriers and enlarged markets that requireenlarged operations capable of meeting customer's demands(2001年text4P3)


考研英语高频词汇unite v.使联合,团结真题复现1:In dealing with a challenge on such a scale,it is noexaggeration to say“United we stand, divided we fall” -- and ifhad to choose a slogan it would be “Unity in our diversity.”(2005年翻译P5)真题翻译:在应对如此规模的挑战时,可以毫不夸张地说“团结则存,分裂则亡”-如果让我选择一个口号,那就是“多样性中的团结”。


考研英语高频词汇Retail n.零售历年真题考查频次:18次>真题复现1:Retail trade groups praised the ruling, sayingit levelsthe playing field for local and online businesses. (2019英语text4P7)真题翻译:从基因上讲,避免过高的身高是有好处的。


考研英语高频词汇rival n.竞争者,对手历年真题考查频次:23次>真题复现1:From the early days of broadband, advocates forconsumers and web-based companies worried that the cable andphone companies selling broadband connections had the poweland incentive to favor affiliated websites over their rivals. (2021年英语一text4P1)


考研英语高频词汇promotion  n.营销;升职;促进历年真题考查频次:12次>真题复现1:After all, four decades of evidence has now shownthat corporations in Europe as well as the US are evading themeritocratic hiring and promotion of women to top positions-ncmatter how much“soft pressure” is put upon them. (2013年英语二text4P6)


考研英语高频词汇management n.管理;治疗历年真题考查频次:25次>真题复现1: The profession is taking steps to require youngdoctors to train in hospices, to test knowledge of aggressive painmanagement therapies, to develop a Medicare billing code forhospital-based care, and to develop new standards for assessingana treating pain at the end of life. (2002年text4P8)


考研英语高频词汇manager n.经理,管理人员历年真题考查频次:12次>真题复现1: “The concept of retirement is evolving,” saidChristine Russell, senior manager of retirement at TD Ameritrade(2022年英语二text2P4)真题翻译:TD Ameritrade退休部门高级经理克里斯汀·拉塞尔(Christine Russell)表示:“退休的概念正在演变。


考研英语高频词汇retirement n.退休<历年真题考查频次:24次>真题复现1:One reason for the change in retirement patterns Americans are living longer.(2022年英语二text2P5真题翻译:退休模式改变的一个原因是:美国人的寿命变长了。真题复现2:More Americans are opting to work well into retirement, a growing trend that threatens to up end the old workforce model.(2022年英语二text2P1)


考研英语高频词汇leave n.辞职;离开,放弃;留下,使…处于某种状态<历年真题考查频次:51次>真题复现1:Employers have long seen the advantages of hiring schoo.leavers wno often prove themselves to be more committed and loyal employees than graduates.(2022年英语一 text2P4)
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