


考研英语高频词汇adulthood    /əˈdʌlthʊd/n. 成人期<历年真题考查频次:14次>真题复现1:In adulthood, looking someone else in a pleasant way can be a complimentary sign of paying attention.  (2020年英语一新题型P2)真题翻译:成年后,以一种愉快的方式看别人可能是一种关注的赞美信号。


考研英语高频词汇adolescent   /ˌædəˈles(ə)nt/adj. 青春期的 n. 青少年<历年真题考查频次:5次>真题复现1:Furthermore, the length of the adolescent period and the definition of adulthood status may change in a given society as social and economic conditions change. (1991年text2P1)


考研英语高频词汇mature   /məˈtʃʊr/adj 成熟的 <历年真题考查频次:4次>真题复现1: Furthermore, these losses make us mature and eventually move us toward future opportunities for growth and happiness. (2015年英语二新题型P2)真题翻译:此外,这些损失使我们成熟,最终使我们走向未来的成长和幸福的机会。


考研英语高频词汇ritual  /ˈrɪtʃuəl/n. 仪式<历年真题考查频次:10次>真题复现1:Just as the bewildering variety of human courtship rituals might all be considered forms of sexual selection, perhaps the world’s languages, music, social and religious customs and even history are governed by universal features.  (2012年英语一翻译P3)


考研英语高频词汇single   /ˈsɪŋɡ(ə)l/ adj.  单一的;未婚的 <历年真题考查频次:52次>真题复现1:   As well as those chronic problems, the EU faces an acute crisis in its economic core, the 16 countries that use the single currency. (2011年英语二text4P2)


考研英语高频词汇divorce   /dɪˈvɔːrs/ n. 离婚  <历年真题考查频次:19次>真题复现1: In the past decade, the Japanese divorce rate, while still well below that of the United States, has increased by more than 50 percent, and suicides have increased by nearly one-quarter.(2000年text4P4)


考研英语高频词汇married    /ˈmærid/adj 已婚的   <历年真题考查频次:16次>真题复现1:Across generational lines, Americans continue to prize many of the same traditional milestones of a successful life, including getting married, having children, owning a home, and retiring in their sixties. (2016年英语二text4P2)


考研英语高频词汇marriage   /ˈmærɪdʒ/n. 婚姻   <历年真题考查频次:17次>真题复现1:We tend to think of the decades immediately following World War II as a time of prosperity and growth, with soldiers returning home by the millions, going off to college on the G. I. Bill and lining up at the marriage bureaus.(2011年英语二text3P1)


考研英语高频词汇marry v. 嫁娶  <历年真题考查频次:6次>真题复现1:At the age of eighteen the law provides adult responsibilities as well as rights; the young man can now be a soldier, but he also can marry without parental permission.(1991年text2P2)


考研英语高频词汇circulation  n. (报刊、杂志的)发行量,销售量 <历年真题考查频次:8次>真题复现1:Overhead may be high and circulation may be lower, but rushing to eliminate its print edition would be a mistake, says BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti.(2016年英语一text4P3)


考研英语高频词汇issue  v. 发行;发布  <历年真题考查频次:94次>真题复现1:One hundred and thirteen million Americans have at least one bank-issued credit card. (1994年text2P1)真题翻译:1.13亿美国人至少有一张银行发行的信用卡。


考研英语高频词汇launch v. 发行(刊物、书籍等);启动;发起(活动)<历年真题考查频次:10次>真题复现1:People are absorbed into “a culture of consumption” launched by the 19th-century department stores that offered “vast arrays of goods in an elegant atmosphere. (2006年text1P1)


考研英语高频词汇submit   v. 呈送,提交   <历年真题考查频次:9次>真题复现1: At the same time, Dickens, who had a reporter’s eye for transcribing the life around him especially anything comic or odd, submitted short sketches to obscure magazines.(2017年英语一新题型【E】)


考研英语高频词汇publication  n. 出版,发行;出版物  <历年真题考查频次:27次>真题复现1:More than half of all British scientific research is now published under open access terms: either freely available from the moment of publication, or paywalled for a year or more so that the publishers can make a profit before being placed on general release.(2020年英语一text2P5)


考研英语高频词汇published  adj. 已出版的,已发表的  <历年真题考查频次:32次>真题复现1:Such practices can lead an article to accrue more than 150 citations in the same year that it was published.(2023年英语一text4P3)真题翻译:这种做法可能导致一篇文章在发表的同一年被引用超过150次。


考研英语高频词汇publisher  n. 出版商   <历年真题考查频次:28次>真题复现1:PRH declined to comment on the issue, but a spokesperson for Waterstones told me: “Waterstones are currently operating with reduced credit terms from PRH, the only publisher in the UK to place any limitations on our ability to trade. (2023年英语一text3P3)


考研英语高频词汇release   v. 发表,发布   <历年真题考查频次:22次>真题复现1:In May 1989, space shuttle “Atlantis” released in outer space the space probe “Megallan,” which is now on her 15-month and one-billion-kilometer flight to Venus.(1990年text1P1)


考研英语高频词汇reporter  n. 记者   <历年真题考查频次:13次>真题复现1:He taught himself shorthand to get an even better job later as a court stenographer and as a reporter in Parliament.(2017年英语一新题型【E】)真题翻译:他自学了速记,以便后来在法庭速记员和议会记者中获得更好的工作。


考研英语高频词汇journalism  n.  新闻业;新闻工作 <历年真题考查频次:13次>真题复现1:The organization is deep into a long self-analysis known as the journalism credibility project.(2001年text3P1)真题翻译:该组织正在深入进行一项长期的自我分析,即新闻可信度项目。


考研英语高频词汇qualification    n.  资格;学历  <历年真题考查频次:8次>真题复现1:Although more than half of Harvard undergraduates end up in law, medicine or business, future doctors and lawyers must study a non-specialist liberal-arts degree before embarking on a professional qualification.(2011年英语一新题型【G】)


考研英语高频词汇qualified  adj 合格的,符合资格的  <历年真题考查频次:12次>真题复现1: It is extremely wasteful to give years of training at public expense only to have the qualified teacher or nurse marry after a year or two and be lost forever to her profession. (1988年text3P3)
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