板壳结构 plate and shell structure
变形连续(协调)条件 compatibility and condition of deformation
变形体的虚功原理 principle of virtual work for deformable body
自由度 degree of freedom
常变体系 constantly changeable system
初参数法 method of initial parameter
超静定结构 statically indeterminate structure
超静定次数 degree of indeterminacy
自内力 self-internal force
超静定结构的位移 displacement of statically indeterminate structure
传递系数 carry-over factor
动力荷载 dynamic load
多余约束 redundant restraint
代替杆法 method of substitution of bars
单位支座位移法 unit load method
对称结构 symmetrical structure
对称荷载 symmetrical load
反对称荷载 antisymmetrical load
分配系数 distribution factor
反力互等定理 theorem of reciprocal reaction
杆件结构 structure of bar system
滚轴支座 roller support
固定支座 fixed support
公路标准荷载 highway standard load
拱 arch
刚架 frame
刚臂 rigid arm
刚度方程 stiffness equation
固端弯矩 stiffness coefficient
固端剪力 fixed-end shear force
广义位移 generalized displacement
功的互等定理 theorem of reciprocal works
桁架 truss
桁架影响线 influence line of truss
合理拱轴线 optional centre line of the arch
换算荷载 equivalent load
活载最不利分布 most unfavourable distribution of live loads
荷载 load
互等定理 reciprocal theorems
结构的计算简图 computing model of structure
铰支座 hinge support
结构 structure
几何构造分析 geometric construction analysis
几何不变体系 geometrically unchangeable system
几何可变体系 geometrically changeable system
计算自由度 computational degree of freedom
静定结构 statically determinate structure
静定多跨梁 statically determinate multi-span beam
静定平面刚架 statically determinate plane frame
静力荷载 static load
静力法 static method
结点荷载 joint load
结点荷载作用下的影响线 influence line under joint load
绝对最大弯矩 absolute maximum bending moment
结点角位移 joint rotation displacement
结点线位移 joint translation displacement
结构的刚度矩阵 stiffness matrix of structure
渐进法 successive approximation method
机动法 kinematic method
卡氏第一定理 Castigliano’s first theorem
克罗蒂-恩格塞定理 Crotti-Engesser’s theorem
卡氏第二定理 Castgliano’s second theorem
空间桁架 space truss
空间刚架 space frame
梁 beam
力法 force method
连续梁 continuous beam
力法的基本未知量 primary unknown of force method
力法的基本结构 primary structure of force method
力法的基本体系 primary system of force method
力法的基本方程 basic equations of force method
两铰拱 two-hinged arch
带拉杆的两铰拱 two-hinged arch with tension bar
力矩分配法 method of moment distribution
零载法 method of zero load
内力影响线 influence line of internal force
内力包络图 envelope of internal force
柔度系数 flexibility coefficient
柔度矩阵 flexibility matrix
实体结构 massive structure
瞬变体系 instantaneously changeable system
瞬铰 instantaneous hinge
三铰拱 three-hinged arch
三铰拱的压力线 line of pressure in three hinged arch
铁路标准荷载 railway standard load
弹性中心 elastic centre
弹性中心法 method of elastic centre
图乘法 method of graph multiplication
通路法 method of closed loop
位移法 displacement method
位移法的基本未知量 primary unknown in displacement method
位移法的基本方程 basic equation in displacement method
温度应(内)力 temperature stress(internal force)
无铰拱 hingeless arch
无侧移刚架 rigid frame without sidesway
位移法的基本体系 primary system in displacement method
位移法的基本结构 primary structure in displacement method
位移法典型方程 canonical equations in displacement method
无剪力分配法 no-shear moment distribution method
弯矩包络图 envelope for bending moment
位移互等定理 theorem of reciprocal displacement
位移反力互等定理 theorem of reciprocal displacement-reaction
位移影响线 influence line of displacement
位移 displacement
悬索 cable
虚功原理 principle of virtual work
虚力原理 principle of virtual force
约束 constraint , or restraint
影响线 influence line
影响系数 influence factor
应变能 strain energy
应变余能 complementary energy of strain
有侧移刚架 rigid frame with sidesway
组合结构 composite structure
转角位移方程 slope-deflection equation
转动刚度 rotational stiffness
标准化主振型 normalized mode shape
冲击荷载 impulsive load
初始相位角 initial phase angle
常微分方程求解器 ordinary differential equation solver
常微分方程求解器解法 method of ordinary differential equation solver
等效结点荷载 equivalent nodal load
单元刚度矩阵 element stiffness matrix
单元分析 element analysis
单元定位向量 element localization vector
动荷载 dynamic load
达朗伯原理 d’Alembert’s principle
单自由度体系 single degree-of-freedom system
动力系数 magnification factor
杜哈梅积分 Duhamel’s integral
短时荷载 suddenly applied load
动力系数反应谱 spectrum of magnification factor
第一振型 first mode shape
第一频率 first frequency
单元几何刚度矩阵 element geometric stiffness matrix
二阶分析 second order analysis
分区混合法 sub-region mixed method
分区混合能量法 sub-region energy method
分区混合能量偏导数定理 sub-region mixed energy partial derivative theorem
分区混合能量驻值原理 principle of stationary sub-region mixed energy
分层计算法 sub-story computing method
反弯点法 method of inflection point
分支点失稳 bifurcate buckling
广义能量偏导数定理 generalized energy partial derivative theorem
广义基本结构 generalized primary structure
广义单元 generalized element
广义坐标 generalized coordinate
刚度法 stiffness method
刚度矩阵 stiffness matrix
共振 resonance
广义质量矩阵 generalized mass matrix
广义刚度矩阵 generalized stiffness matrix
刚架的稳定 stability of rigid frame
哈密顿原理 Hamilton’s principle
结构矩阵分析 matrix analysis of structure
结构的整体分析 assembly analysis of structure
矩阵位移法 matrix displacement method
先处理法 pretreatment method
后处理法 post treatment method
近似法 approximate method
静力可能内力 statically possible internal force
静力可能应变 statically possible strain
几何可能位移 geometrically possible displacement
几何可能应变 geometrically possible strain
静荷载 static load
静力法 static method
简谐荷载 harmonic load
基本频率 fundamental frequency
基本振型 fundamental mode shape
集中质量法 method of lumped mass
极值点失稳 limit point buckling
几何非线性分析 geometric nonlinear analysis
极限荷载 ultimate load
极限弯矩 limit moment
可破坏荷载 possible collapse load
可接受荷载 statically admissible load
临界阻尼常数 critical damping coefficient
临界状态 critical state
临界荷载 critical load
粘滞阻尼力 viscous damping force
能量法 energy method
频率 frequency
频率方程 frequency equation
强迫振动 forced vibration
屈服弯矩 yield moment
柔度法 flexibility method
瑞利法 Rayleigh method
瑞利-里兹法 Rayleigh-Ritz method
里兹法 Ritz method
势能 potential energy
势能驻值原理 principle of stationary potential energy
势能偏导数定理 potential energy partial derivative theorem
随机荷载 random load
受迫振动 forced vibration
塑性铰 plastic hinge
上限定理 upper bound theorem
突加荷载 suddenly applied constant load
特征方程 characteristics equation
无限自由度体系 infinite-degree-of-freedom system
无限自由度体系的稳定 stability of in infinite-degree-of-freedom system
稳定方程 stability equation
形状函数 shape function
线性分析 linear analysis
下限定理 lower bound theorem
余能 complementary energy
余能驻值原理 principle of stationary complementary energy
有限元法 finite element method
圆频率 circular frequency
压杆稳定 stability for column
压杆单元的刚度方程 stiffness equation for column element
圆拱和圆环的稳定 stability of circular arch and ring
一阶分析 first order analysis
整体刚度矩阵 assembled stiffness matrix
子结构 substructure
最小势能原理 minimum potential energy principle
最小余能原理 minimum complementary energy principle
周期荷载 period load
周期 period
自振周期 natural period
自由度 degree-of-freedom
自由振动 free vibration
振幅 amplitude of vibration
振幅的对数递减率 logarithmic decrement of vibration amplitude
阻尼 damping
阻尼比 damping ratio
质量矩阵 mass matrix
主振型 振型 normal mode shape
主振型的正交性 orthogonality of normal modes
主振型矩阵 mode shape matrix
主振型分解法 method of mode-resolution
主振型叠加法 method of mode-superposition
正则坐标 generalized coordinate
正则坐标分析法 method of generalized coordinate
缀条式组合杆 laced composite member
缀板式组合杆 battened composite member
增量变刚度法 incremental variable stiffness method