



cultivate team spirit 培养团队精神

persistence 恒心

self-independence 自立

build up one’s own innovative business 创新创业

lack confidence 缺乏自信

modesty 谦虚

adversity and hardship 逆境和苦难

sense of honor 荣誉感

believe in the power of aspiration 相信梦想的力量

reap without sowing 不劳而获

give up halfway 半途而废

haste makes waste 欲速则不达

take actions 付诸行动

thrift 勤俭

honesty 诚信

respect the old and care for the young 尊老爱幼

raise one’s curiosity about sth. 激发好奇心

spirit of the craftsman 工匠精神

【考场金句】As the slogan of Mercedes Benz goes, “The Best or Nothing”, we are supposed to make painstaking efforts to strive for the best.

to form a comprehensive vision vs. to blindly judge the world with a partially subjective view 全面vs.片面


public morality 公德

make full devotion to sth. 奉献

charity 慈善

sense of responsibility 责任感

undertake one's duties 承担责任

traditional virtues 传统美德

comply with the law/abide by public morality 遵守法律/遵守公德

injure public morality 损害公共道德

be public-spirited 有公德心的

the corruption of public morality 公德堕落

the crisis of trust 信任危机

spit everywhere 随地吐痰

make noise 大声喧哗

littering 乱丢垃圾

empty promise 空洞承诺

false promise 虚假承诺

unfair competitions 不公平竞争

consumers' rights and interests 消费者权益

fake commodities 伪劣产品

dishonest behaviors 欺诈行为

academic corruption 学术腐败

excessive growth 过度上涨

spirit of contact 契约精神

volunteering service 志愿服务

hold on to the highest standard of food safety / ensure the security of personal information 确保食品安全/个人信息安全

thrift and waste 节约与浪费

【考场金句】Frugality plays a critical role in living either in a high-standard way or in a safe way.


aging society 老龄化社会

narrow generation gap 消除代沟

career women 职业女性

bring up kids 抚养孩子

take care of aged parents 赡养老人

household chores 繁杂家务

spoil children 溺爱孩子

over-indulgence 纵容溺爱

only child 独生子女

the universal two-child policy 全面二孩政策

【考场金句】The aging trend would be actively addressed by the universal two-child policy.(全面孩政策将有效应对人口老龄化趋势)

adult children who live up with parents’ financial supportings 啃老族

a well-off family 小康之家

a nuclear family 三口之家

a single-parent family 单亲家庭

one's remaining years 晚年

maltreat parents 虐待父母


enhance physical well-being 增进生理健康

damage mental fitness 损害心理健康

sub-health 亚健康

well-balanced diet 均衡饮食

sacrifice health 牺牲健康

junk food 垃圾食品

go on a diet 减肥

vaccination 疫苗

infectious disease 传染病

short-sightedness 近视


environment-friendly 生态环保的

conserve natural resources 保护自然资源

biodiversity 生物多样性

extinction of species 灭绝

climate change 气候变化

greenhouse effect 温室效应

threat of global warming 全球变暖的威胁

develop renewable resources 开发可再生资源

develop low-carbon economy 发展低碳经济

to protect our environment by living life in a low-carbon way 环境保护,低碳生活

deforestation 森林砍伐

landslide and mudslide 山体滑坡

eco-friendly products 环保产品

household garbage 生活垃圾

waste sorting 垃圾分类

reduce gas emission from automobiles 减少汽车尾气的排放

high-emission cars 大排量汽车

public transport 公共交通

green commuting 绿色出行

create pleasant living environment 创造怡人的生活环境

degradation of air quality 空气质量恶化

drought 干旱

sandstorm 沙尘暴

industrial waste 工业废物

sewage treatment 污水处理


cultural diversity 文化多元化

cultural identity 文化特性

cultural heritage 文化遗产

cultural relics 文物

cultural devolution 文化退化

carry forward traditional Chinese culture 弘扬中国传统文化

undermine traditions 破坏传统

conserve local customs and practices 保护风土人情

hand down from generation to generation 代代相传

minority 少数民族

national pride 民族自豪

build up our own cultural confidence 建立文化自信

original 原始的,原创的

charming 极具魅力的

mahjong 麻将

Peking/Beijing opera 京剧

Tang Suit 唐装

folk art 民间艺术

paper-cut 剪纸

Confucius Institute 孔子学院

Chinese craze 中国热


be passively involved in a kind of social craze or competitio 内卷

life-long education 终身教育

exam-oriented education 应试教育

quality education 素质教育

well-rounded development of a child 全面发展

intellectual property 知识产权

teach students according to their aptitude 因材施教

force-feeding method of teaching 填鸭式教学

extra-curricular activities 课外活动

cultivate original thinking 培养创新思维

dampen student's interest in sth. 挫伤学生对某事的兴趣

opening ceremony 开学典礼

miss a class 缺课

assistantship 助学金

scholarship 奖学金

take part in the entrance exams for postgraduates 考研

go abroad for further education 出国留学

excessive academic pressure 过大的学习压力

ease academic pressure 缓解学习压力


job market 就业市场

hunt for a job 找工作

job seeker 求职者

a tough job market 严峻的就业形势

unrealistic salary expectations 不切实际的薪资期望

pursue a high-paid job 追求高薪工作

without practical experience/career skills 没有实践经验/职业技能

lose one's job 失业

career guidance 就业指导

after-sale service 售后服务

how to balance work and leisure 如何平衡工作和休息

(内:make a scientific plan and design a systematic process;

外:work hard, play harder)

over-consuming 超前消费

elevate people's standard of living 提高人们的生活水平

narrow the gap between the wealthy and the needy 缩小贫富差距

bustling metropolis vs. peaceful hometown 大城市/小城市(喧嚣的都市与宁静的家乡)

  • 写作八类主题词
    • 【精神品质类】
    • 【道德类】
    • 【家庭类或两代关系类】
    • 【健康类】
    • 【环保类】
    • 【文化类】
    • 【教育类】
    • 【经济类】
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