Trial [ˈtraɪəl]
真题复现1:Think of Gallileo’s 17th-century trial for his rebelling belief before the Catholic Church or poet William Blake’s harsh remarks against the mechanistic worldview of Isaac Newton.(1998年第三篇阅读理解P1)
真题复现2:As the hacking trial concludes—finding guilty one ex-editor of the News of the World, Andy Coulson, for conspiring to hack phones, and finding his predecessor, Rebekah Brooks, innocent of the same charge—the wider issue of dearth of integrity still stands. (2015年英语一第三篇阅读理解P2)
真题翻译:随着黑客攻击审判结束,世界新闻报前编辑安迪·库尔森(Andy Coulson)因密谋窃听手机而被判有罪,而他的前任丽贝卡·布鲁克斯(Rebekah Brooks)因同样的指控无罪,更广泛的诚信缺失问题仍然存在。
真题复现3:The high court’s decision said the judge in Mr. McDonnell’s trial failed to tell a jury that it must look only at his “official acts,” or the former governor’s decisions on “specific” and “unsettled” issues related to his duties. (2017年英语一第三篇阅读理解P2)