subscription n顾客,客户
真题复现1:But it is the arrival of new satellite channels--funded partly by advertising and partly byviewers’subscriptions - which will bring about the biggest changes in the long term(1996年text2P6)
真题翻译:但从长远来看,将带来最大变化的是新卫星频道的到来 --这些频道的资金部分来自广告,部分来自观众的订阅。
真题复现2:Think about the times you felt tricked or frustrated by a membership or subscription that had a seamlesssign-up process but was later difficult tocancel(2022年英语二 text3P1)
真题复现3:Areport last year pointed out that the costs both of subscriptions and of these“article preparation costs”had beer steadily rising at a rate aboveinflation(2020年英语一text2P6)