virtual /ˈvɜːtʃuəl/
adj. (计算机)虚拟的
真题复现1:Direct links between the brain’s nervous system and a computer will also create full sensory virtual environments, allowing virtual vacations like those in the film Total Recall.(2001年翻译 P1)
真题复现2:Companies such as Virtual Vineyards are already starting to use similar technologies to push messages to customers about special sales, product offerings, or other events. (1999年text2 P3)
真题翻译:像Virtual Vineyards这样的公司已经开始使用类似的技术,向客户推送有关特价销售、产品供应或其他活动的信息。
真题复现3:The examples of Virtual Vineyards, Amazon.com, and other pioneers show that a Web site selling the right kind of products with the right mix of interactivity, hospitality, and security will attract online customers. (1999年text2 P4)
真题翻译:像Virtual Vineyards, Amazon.com这样的先驱网站表明,一个将交互性、热情服务和安全性合理结合以销售同类商品的网址是可以吸引网上客户注意的。