
一、    中古英国文学
1.    Beowulf : the oldest poem in the English language and the most important specimen of Anglo-Saxon literature.
2.    Geoffrey Chaucer: he is acclaimed as the father of English Poetry and father of English fiction. His masterpiece。
The Canterbury Tales
The Romaunt of the Rose
The Legend of good Women
The House of Fame

二、    文艺复兴时期
特点: Humanism became the keynote of English Renaissance
1.    Thomas More:  Utopia

2.    Edmund Spenser (a poet): 
                     The Faerie Queen
                     The Shepherd Calendar
3.    Christopher Marlowe( a poet and dramatist):
                      Edward II
                      Dr. Faustus
                      The Jew of Malta
4.    William Shakespeare
         喜剧:A Midsummer Night’s Dream
               As you like it
               Merchant of Venice
               The Twelfth night
         悲剧:Romeo and Juliet
               The Tempest 
         四大悲剧:Othello, Macbeth, King Lear, Hamlet
         主要历史剧:Henry IV, Henry V
5.    Francis Bacon
           The advancement of learning
6.    John Donne
          The Elegies and Satires
          The Songs and Sonnets
7.    John Milton (poet)
晚年三首长诗 Paradise lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes

特点:The neoclassicists held that all forms of literature were to be modeled after the classical works of the ancient Greek and Roman writers. They believed that the artistic ideals should be order, logic and restrained emotion and accuracy.

1.    John Dryden:      All for Love
2.    John Bunyan:      The Pilgrim’s Progress
                 The Holy War
                 The life and Death of Mr. Badman
3.    Alexander Pope    An Essay on Criticism
                 An Essay on Man
                 The Rape of the Lock

4.    Daniel Defoe(who is called the father of English and European novels)
                Robison Crusoe
                A journal of the Plague year
                Captain Singleton
5.    Jonathan Swift
                Gulliver’s Travel
                A Tale of a Tub
                A Modest proposal
                The Drapier’s letters

6.    Henry Fielding
                The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
7.    Samuel Johnson (著名词汇家,第一部英语字典的编者)
                 A Dictionary of the English Language
                 The Vanity of Human Wishes
8.    Richard Brinsley Sheridan
                    The school for the scandal
                    The Rivals
9.    Thomas Gray
                   Elegy Written in a country churchyard
                   Ode on the spring

特点:Romanticism gave primary concern to passion, emotion, and natural beauty and is marked by a strong reaction and protest against the bondage of rule and custom. The Romanticism period is an age of Poetry and poets.

1.    William Blake
           Songs of Experience
           Songs of Innocence
           Poetical Sketches
           The marriage of heaven and hell

2.    William Wordsworth
           Lyrical Ballads
           To the Cuckoo
           My Heart leaps up

3.    Samuel Taylor Coleridge
              Kubla Khan 忽必烈汗

1.    George Gordon Byron
           Don Juan
           Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage

2.    Percy Bysshe Shelley
           Ode to the West Wind
           Ode to the Skylark
           Prometheus unbounded
           The Necessity of Atheism
           Queen Mab

3.    John Keats
           Ode to Autumn
           Ode to a nightingale
           Ode on a Grecian um 希腊古瓷颂
1.    Charles Lamb
            Tales from Shakespeare
            Essays of Elia
2.    Mary Shelley
3.    Robert Southey
               Joan of Arc   圣女贞德
Jane Austin 

           Sense and Sensibility
           Pride and Prejudice
           Mansfield Park

特点:Writers in Victoria period all focus on the fate of common people. Therefore Romanticism was replaced by realism. And the novel gradually became the dominant form of literature.
1.    Charles Dickens
            A Tale of two cities
            David Copperfield
            Dombey and son
            Great Expectation
            Oliver Twist
            Hard times
            The Old Curiosity Shop
2.    Charlotte Bronte
            Jane Eyre
3.    Emily Bronte
            Wuthering Heights
4.    Anne Bronte
            Agnes Grey
5.    George Eliot
The mills on the Floss

6.    William M Thackeray
         Vanity Fair   名利场
7.    Thomas Hardy
         Tess of the D’s Urbervilles
         Far From the madding crowd
         Jude the Obscure
         The Mayor of Casterbridge
请同学们自己特别注意一下剧作家,诗人, 散文家 Oscar Wilde。

1)    Alfred Tennyson
          Poems by two brothers
          The princess
          In Memoriam
          Idylls of the king
2)    Robert Browning
Home thoughts from abroad
The rings and the book

特点:Realistic tradition ,though continued to alive was gradually overtaken by other literary trends such as symbolism, the stream of consciousness and naturalism
1.    Bernard Shaw (爱尔兰剧作家)
            Major Babara    巴巴拉上校
            Mrs. Warren’s Profession
            Pygmalion   买花女
2.    John Galsworthy (英国小说家,剧作家,1932年诺贝尔文学奖)
            The Forsyta Saga    福赛特家史包括three novels and two interludes.
          The man of Property
          In Chancery 骑虎难下
          To let 出让
          The Indian summer of Forsyte (interlude)
          Awakening (interlude)
3.    T. S Eliot (英国诗人) 
          Ash Wednesday
          Four Quartets  四个四重奏
          The Wasteland

4.    William Butler Yeats (爱尔兰诗人,剧作家)
          The land of Heart’s desire
          The Tower
          Sailing to Byzantium  驶向拜占庭
          The second Coming   基督再临
          Leda and the Swan    利达和天鹅
5.    D H Lawrence
             Lady Chatterley’s Lover
             Sons and Lovers
             The Rainbow
             The White Peacock
             Women in Love
6.    James Joyce (爱尔兰小说家)
          A Portrait of the Artist as a young man
          Finnegans Wake   芬尼根的醒悟

Virginia Woolf 
             To the Lighthouse 去灯塔
           The Waves 海浪
           Mrs. Dalloway 黛咯维夫人
           A Room of One’s Own 自己的房间
           A Voyage out   航行

一、    北美殖民主义时期文学
特点:The first writings are narratives and journals of early settlers
1.    John Smith
       A True Relation of Virginia  : the first book in American literature
       A Map of Virginia with a description of the country

特点 it is featured by two revolutions. One was American revolution and the other is enlightenment, which led to the American independence and an intellectual development whose rationalistic spirit inspired Americans and brought them into a new horizon
1.    Benjamin Franklin ( a member of the committee to draft the Declaration of Independence)
             Poor Richard’s Almanac  穷理查德书
2.    Thomas Paine
              Common Sense
              The American Crisis
              Rights of man
              The Age of Reason

3.    Philip Freneau (poet of American Revolution)
              The British Prison Ship
              The Rising Glory of America
              The Indian Burying Ground
              The wild Honey Suckle 野金银花

三、    浪漫主义时期
特点:American Romanticism advocates individualism and encourage people to fight for individual right and human happiness with brevity. It attached importance to individual dignity and value and believed that human nature is benign.

1.    Washington Irving
          A history of New York
          The Sketch Book   见闻札记
          Rip Van Winkle     瑞普 梵 温克尔
          The Legend of Sleepy Hollow   睡谷传说
          Tales of a traveler

2.    James Fenimore Cooper
           Leather Stocking Tales  皮袜子故事集
           The last of the Mochicans 最后的末希干人

3.    William Cullen Bryant (romantic poet)
The fountain
               The white-footed deer
               A forest hymn
               The flood of years

4.    Edgar Allen Poe
            Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque 怪诞奇异故事集
            The Fall of the House Usher 呃舍屋的倒塌
            The Raven 乌鸦
            To Helen  致海伦
            The City in the Sea   海城
5.    Ralph Waldo Emerson
            The Transcendentalist
            The American Scholar
            Divinity School Address   神学院的演说
6.    Henry David Thoreau
             Walden 瓦尔登湖
             Resistance to Civil Government 抵制公民政府
             Civil Disobedience 论市民的不服从
7.    Nathaniel Hawthorne
             Scarlet letter
             Mosses from an old manse 古屋青苔
8.    Herman Meville
            Moby Dick 大白鲸
            Typee   泰比
9.    Walt Whitman  (诗人)
            Leaves of Grass
            Song of myself  自我之歌
10.    Emily Dickinson  (诗人)
         The Poems of Emily Dickinson
         This is my letter to the world
         I heard a fly buzz when I died

特点:The rise and development of American literary realism was the product of the changes in American politics and economic development

1.    Harriet Beecher Stowe
        Uncle Tom’s Cabin
2.    Mark Twain
        The adventure of Tom Sawyer
        The adventure of Huckleberry Finn
        The Innocents abroad   傻瓜出国记
        The Prince and Pauper   王子和贫民
        The Gilded Age         镀金时代
3.    O Henry
        The Cop and the Anthem
4.    Henry James
         Daisy Miller
         The portrait of a lady   贵夫人的画像
         The Ambassadors   大使们
         The wings of a dove  鸽翼

5.    Jack London
          The son and the wolf
          The call from the wild
          The sea-wolf
          White fang 白獠牙
          The people of the Abyss 深渊中的人们
          Martin Eden 马丁易登

6.Theodore Dreiser 
              Sister Carrie
              Jennie Gerhardt  珍妮姑娘
Trilogy of Desire
              An American Tragedy
              The Financier
              The Genius  

特点:writers of this time freed themselves from traditional concepts of culture and morality and created the literary art of modernism. The writers of lost generation were frustrated by the war and literature accordingly was featured by disillusionment of ideas and civilization.
1.    Ezra pound (imagism poet)
           In a station of Metro 地铁站里
           The Cantos  诗章
           Homage to Sextus Propertius
           Personage 人物
           The Pisan Cantos  比萨诗章

2.    Robert Frost (新英格来背景的诗人)
       A Boy’s Wish
       North of Boston
       A Witness tree  一棵作证的树
       Mountain Interval 山间
       A Further Range 又一片牧场

3.    Wallace Stevens (诗人)
      Harmonium      (风琴)
      The man with blue Guitar
      The Auroras of Autumn  (秋天的晨曦)
      Collected Poems  诗集

4.    Thomas Stearns Eliot (诗人,剧作家,1948年诺贝尔文学奖)
     Ash Wednesday     圣灰星期三
     Murder in the Cathedral    大教堂的谋杀
     The Waste land      荒原
     The Hollow Man      空心人
     The Sacred Wood     圣林

1.    Sinclair Lewis (第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的美国作家)
             Our Mr. Wrenn   我们的雷恩先生
             The Job     求职
             The Main Street 大街
             Babbit  吧比特

2.    Eugene O Neill(唯一一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的剧作家)
             The Iceman Cometh 送冰的人来了
             The long day’s journey into night 长夜漫漫路迢迢
             The Hairy Ape  毛猿
             Emperor Jones  琼斯皇帝
             The Great God Brown  大神布朗
             Desire under the Elm   榆树下的欲望
             All the God’s Children Got Wings 上帝的儿女都有翅膀
3.    F. Scott Fitzgerald (爵士乐时代的优秀编年体作家)
              The Side of Paradise 人间天堂
              The Beautiful and the Damned 漂亮冤家
              Tender is the night 月色温柔
              The Great Gatsby  了不起的盖兹比
              The last Tycoon  最后的巨头

4.    Ernest Hemingway (获诺贝尔文学奖,迷茫一代的代言人)
              The sun also rises
              A farewell to arms
              For whom the bell tolls
              The old man and the sea
              Death in the Afternoon  (午后之死)
              Green hill of Africa     (非洲的青山)
5.    John Steinbeck  (1962获得诺贝尔文学奖)
            The Grapes of Wrath
            The Pearl
            Of Mice and Men
            In Dubious Battle
            Tortilla Flat (煎饼坪)
6.    William Faulkner (南方文艺复兴最杰出代表,1949年诺贝尔文学奖)
              The sound and fury   喧哗与骚动
              As I lay dying         在我弥留之际
              Light in August        八月之光
              Absalom, Absalom    押沙龙,押沙龙

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