
Part 1 The Anglo—Saxon Period(449-1066)秧格鲁-撒克逊时期

1.    Historical Background
Celts           400B.C.  Romans         50B.C.
Anglo—Saxons  450A.D   Norman Invasion 1066A.D.
Roman empire从albion撤军,teutonic tribes(包括angles, Saxons,jutes)(条顿人or日耳曼人)陆续登陆此地 
2. Literature 1,pagan异教徒文学 2 christian基督徒文学  alliterative verse头韵诗
Epic: Beowulf贝奥武甫(Denmark背景)(the hall heorot鹿庁,grendel:a monster half-human)
1) Oral origin, recited in court, handed down in generations until finally it was recorded by certain poet.上下部分由pagan写,插入由christian写
2) a mixture of history and legend.,england’s national epic民国史诗
Part II  The Anglo-Norman Period(1066-1350)秧格鲁-诺曼时期
1.    Historical Background
Roman conquest,接着是english conquest,最后是norman conquest。
The Norman Conquest in 1066
Duke William of Normandy claimed himself William I, King of England.(the battle of hastings希斯廷战役)
Kings—Barons男爵—Knights, a feudal system of hierarchy统治集团 was formed
2.    The language
Upper classes: French, Latin     The common people: Old English
Three languages co-existed in England. French became the official language used by the king and the Norman lords; Latin became the principal tongue of church affairs and in universities; and Old English was spoken only by the common English people. 
3.The literature
Romance was a type of literature that was very popular in the Middle Ages. It is about the life and adventures undertaken by a knight.
It reflected the spirit of chivalry骑士制度. The content of romance: love, chivalry and religion. It involves fighting, adventures. 
Subject matter:
Geoffrey’s History杰弗里《史记》,riming chronicles押韵编年史,metricalverse格律诗体,doggerel verse打油诗体
1)    the Matter of France eg. Charlemagne and his peers查理曼大帝和他的骑士
2)    Matter of Greece and Rome eg Akexabder亚历山大大帝
3)    Matter of Britain tales having for their heroes Arthur and his knights of the Round Table 
3.    main literature
Sir Gawain and the green knight.高文爵士和绿衣骑士(arthur,gawain,green knight, morgain the fay-woman妖精摩根, the green girdle绿腰带)
Part III  Geoffrey Chaucer (1340—1400)杰弗里.乔叟时期
1.    Historical Background
He was living at the same time as the writer of Sir Gawain.
In 1350 AD,  100 Years' War between England and France.
The English won, they controlled large French territory领土. The Henry VI lost it all. He is father of English poetry
War of the Roses    1455-1485 AD
2.    What's middle ages like?
1). The medieval society:  hierarchy 等级制度social system. 
2). Another important thing in the medieval society is Christianity基督God-centered thinking, mind ideology思想体系
3.    Life and work of Chaucer
Chaucer lived between (1340-1400). His life is closely connected with the King and the royal family. Chaucer is working in a royal family as a page小侍臣. He married the sister of Gaunt's wife. He became a government official.He is very much exposed to the influence of Italy of the culture. E. G. Dante但丁, Patriarch,主教 Boccaccio-the Decameron薄伽丘著《十日谈》,Chaucer chose the metrical form which laid the foundation of the English tonico-syllabic verse.乔叟第一次在英国用韵脚韵律诗形式来创作诗歌,开创了英国文学以重音-音节为基础的格律诗先河。首创heroic couplet英雄双行体。
His career can be divided into several periods
1. French 1360-1370     translate French poetry
2. Italian 1372-1386
3.    English  The Canterbury tales
4.    The Canterbury tales
He got his stories from various sources, Greek authors, Roman authors, Italian, French, but there is no doubt about Chaucer's originality. He retells the stories in his own way. The stories are told by a group of people on their way to and back from Canterbury. Pilgrims 朝圣者tell stories to pass the time. The journey is used as a kind of device to unite the various tales    Nun修女:Her enthusiasm for grace, trying to become someone that she is not, she cannot possibly be. --Pretentiousness, pretending伪装too much
Chaucer has different attitude to different characters
第一句:as soon as april pierces to the root, the drought of march, and bathes each bud and shoot
The significance of his writing
1)    it gives a comprehensive广泛的 picture of Chaucer’s time
2)    the dramatic structure
3)    Chaucer’s humor
4)    Chaucer’s contribution to the English language. Ever since the Norman Conquest the French language was the language at the court and the upper classes, and Latin was the language of the learned and the church. Chaucer used the native language English and proved that the English language is a beautiful language. He increased the prestige 威信of the English language.
5.    Popular ballads大众民谣
A ballad is a narrative叙述 poem that tells a story. It is about particular incidents, usually dramatic. Ballets tell stories-about tragic悲剧的 incidents. They are written in a special musical pattern, ballad meter-four meters, couplets(相连并押韵的两行诗)—
two line in a unit or quatrain 四行诗__ ababcdcd
1)    The beginning is often abrupt突然地. No introduction of the characters and the background of the tale
2)    There are strong dramatic elements. A ballad deals with a single episode插曲
3)    the story is often told through dialogue and action
4)    the theme is often tragic悲剧的
5)    The ballad meter is used. It contains four-line stanza节,段
在英国把民谣当文学形式研究的第一人是托马斯.帕西主教Bishop Thomas Percy,他将民谣收录到《英诗辑古》Reliques of Ancient English Poetry中。
Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale罗宾汉和阿林代尔  Get Up and Bar the Door.起来去关门  Sir Patrick Spens派屈克。斯宾塞爵士
Part IV   The Renaissance文艺复兴时期
1.    Historical Background
1)    The reign of Queen Elizabeth  (1558_1603) 
England enjoyed a period of peace and prosperity
2)    The defeat of the Spanish Armada舰队 by the English navy in 1588. After the battle, England gradually became a mighty naval海军的power.
3)    Humanism人文主义
Renaissance: it is a French word that means “rebirth”复活 in English. In the 15th and 16th century, scholars in western European countries had a keen interest in the Greek and Latin culture. That is the art and science of ancient Greece and Rome were being born again after long years of neglect.忽略
 The welfare幸福 of human being is very important. It emphases the worth of life in this world, and the dignity of human being. 
Thomas More : Utopia托马斯。莫尔:乌托邦
Thomas Wyatt:怀亚特:把sonnet十四行诗引入英国第一人
Edmund Spenser: the Fairy Queen埃德蒙。斯宾塞:仙后
John Lyly: Eupheus约翰。黎里:艳词,首创euphuism绚丽体
Christopher Marlowe:克里斯托弗。马洛:把blank verse无韵诗作为英语戏剧主要表达方式的开创者
English drama是英国文艺复兴的主流
2.    The writers
William Shakespeare  (1564—1616)
1) His life and work 
  –1592, arrived in London doing very mean jobs, then he joined Lord chamberlain’s国王侍从 company, became very famous.
He became a shareholder股东 in the Globe and bought a big house in his hometown. He bought a coat of arms for his father。出生地:Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire   -2 poems, 37 plays, 154 sonnets
His plays-1,Histories and comedies  2.Tragedies  3.Romances
The importance of his writing( more can be added)
1)    Shakespeare represented the tread脚步 of history in giving voice to the desires and aspirations of the people.( peace)
2)    Shakespeare’s humanism. His plays reflected the spirit of his age.
3He was a great poet
4)    He was a master of the English language.
5)    His first original play written in about 1590 was King Henry VI
6)    Hmalet,哈姆雷特 Othello,奥赛罗 King Lear,李尔王and the Tragedy of Macbeth麦克白 are regarded as Shakespeare’s four great tragedies.
主要人物:Claudius克劳迪斯,死去国王的弟弟,Queen Gertrude乔特鲁得:王子的母亲,Polonius波洛琉斯:爱说闲话的官员,Ophelia奥菲利亚:官员的女儿,Laertes雷欧提斯:官员的儿子
The Merchant of Venice威尼斯商人
主要人物:Bassanio巴萨尼奥,Antonio安东尼奥,Shylock夏洛克:a wealthy Jew犹太人,Portia鲍西亚:Bassanio’s girlfriend, Jessica杰西卡:shylock’s daughter, Lorenzo罗兰佐:Bassanio’s friend and Jessica’s boyfriend,
Nerissa尼莉莎:Portia’s waiting-woman侍女 ,Gratiano:葛莱西安诺:Bassanio’s another friend and Nerissa’s boyfriend 
Sonnet 18:
The first eight lines: shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?thou art more lovely and more temperat….
--The English summer: warm, not hot, gives people a happy feeling, lots of sunshine
--Proposing a comparison:Even better to a summer’s day
--Rough winds—nature ,The duration持续 of summer: ends very soon ,Hot_ the sun
Summer is beautiful, but it will change into winter,But—change
This poem is similar the Spencer’斯宾塞s sonnets
Spencer is using tide潮水__time,
Shakespeare is using summer—time
Sonnet 29:
The first eight lines: “when ,in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes, I all alone…..”    unlucky, unfortunate despised by other people
Describes his unfavorable condition, therefore he is very sad.
Line 9-12:The author—the lark云雀
His great happiness—the memory of his friend brings his happiness
--Magical effect
Francis Bacon:十七世纪初,英国的杰出散文家
1.    his life:Pope蒲柏 descibed him as the wisest,brightes, meanst of mankind,Bacon’s work may be divided into three classes, the philosophical, the literary, and the professional works. The final edition of essays contains 58 essays.
2.    writing
 (Of Truth,谈真理 Of Studies 谈读书)
Part V     The 17th century The period of revolution and restoration.17世纪资产阶级与王政复辟时期
1.    Historical Background
1)    English Bourgeois Revolution英国资产阶级革命
During the reign of Elizabeth, England enjoyed a time of prosperity and fast development. James I (Stuart斯图亚特王室), a change of Dynasty, all the conflicts, which has started during Elizabeth reign, has come into surface. James I imposed担负的 heave taxes on businessmen, bourgeoisie, he controlled the manufacture product__monopoly垄断, but people believed in free trade
King VS. The Parliament (has the support of the capitalists and businessmen and also the Puritans清教徒)
2)    the persecution迫害者 of the Puritans
Charles I was beheaded砍头. After the civil War, the parliament was in power—Crowell克罗韦尔 became the Lord君主 Protector (1653) Charles II, and restoration, James II
William Orange singed “ The Bill of Rights” which greatly restricted约束 the power of the English King. The civil war has transformed the country from tyranny to a constitutional monarch.
The revolution period is also called puritan age, because the English revolution was carried out under a religious cloak
  这一时期的四约翰(John Milton弥尔顿,John Bunyan班扬,John Donne多恩,John Dryden德莱顿)成为文坛杰出人物,metaphysical poet玄学派 and French drama的影响成为两个重要的文学概念。The literature of the middle and later periods of the 17th century cultimated in the poetry of Milton, in the prose 散文writing of Bunyan, and also in the plays and literary criticism 文学评论of Dryden. Milton and bunyan represented the extreme of English life in the 17th century. One gave us the only epic史诗 since Beowolf, the other gave us the only great allegory寓言.
2.    Writers 
John Donne:玄学派代表人物
John Milton: Paradise Lost失乐园:consists of 12 books(it’s based on the biblical legend ,invovlves Adom亚当 and Eve夏娃, Satan撒旦 in his plot)The character of Satan撒旦:既是英雄又带点邪恶色彩的反叛者形象we think of Satan either as an abstract conception as someone in whom evil is mixed with good but who is doomed to destruction毁灭 by the flaw缺点 of slef-love.
1.    his good mastery熟练 of Latin
His writing of English is much influenced by his use of Latin
2.    revolutionary enthusiasm
His attempt to throw tyranny暴政and gain freedom
His language
--Long, complex sentence structures
--Allusions影射, references to Bible, history, mythology神话
--Some sentences begin in the middle or at the end. Some are inverted 
John Bunyan  
The book: The pilgrim’s Progress天路历程,it’s written in the old-fash-ioned, medieval form of allegory and dream.采用的旧体形式,大量运用了中世纪时的比喻和梦的形式。In the Pilgrim’s Progress, the story begins with a man called Christiam 基督徒setting out with a book in his hand and a great load负荷 on his back from the city of Destruction毁灭城.
 The fair-England the persecution迫害 of the faithful, the persecution of the puritans清教徒. 
Christ基督---Vanity虚荣心    Fair---Heaven
Style: simple, straightforward, Biblical圣经的
“ The Vanity虚荣心 Fair,” an Excerpt摘录 from Part 1 The Pilgrim’s Progress
Part VI  The 18th Century
The Age of Enlightenment in England英国启蒙运动时期
1.    Historical Background
In 1688, the constitutional宪法的 monarchy君主制. The monarch was deprived剥夺 of its ruling power and in his place Parliament议会 became the actual leader of the country. England grew from a second rate country to a powerful naval country.
Parliamentary parties: the liberal Whig自由派辉格党, the conservative Tory保守派托利党, on the extreme of Toryism was a third part of zealots, called the Jacobites ,who aimed to bring the Stuarts back to the throne.托利党中的狂热分子形成第三方势力被称作詹姆斯派,妄图恢复斯图亚特王朝
All the struggles, violence has come to an end with the coning of the weak kings. People desire peace and stability
Any extreme actions are regarded as irrational.无理性The puritan’s revolution is treated as extremist action, excessive过度的 zeal热情 and subversion颠覆, irrationality不合理性, absurdity荒谬. People wish that their actions were controlled by reason.
Moderation温和, tolerance宽容, restraint约束, rule规则, order次序, these qualities are the most important. 
With the rising of bourgeoisie, the cultural life had undergone经历 remarkable changes. Some special features:
1)    political writings
2)    newspapers and journals杂志
3)    coffeehouse
4)    the new morality道德
5)    science and technology
Newton牛顿’s scientific discovery—men were living in a mechanistic机械地 world which ran as precisely精确地 as a clock.
6)    the French influence
1.    Daniel Defoe丹尼尔。笛福
作者介绍:He is often given the credit for the discovery of the modern novel.开创了现代派小说的先河。
Work:Hymn to the Pillory立伽颂: a set of doggerel verses打油诗
     The life and strange surprising adventures of robinson crusoe 鲁滨逊漂流记:robinson named Friday to the saved victim,此书根据Alexander Selkirk经历改编.
The features of his works: he is anti-romantic, anti-feudal realistic writer.He often use long sentences without strong paused to give his style an immediate quliaty, but the units of meaning are small and clear with frequent repetition so that the writing gives an impression of simple lucidity.明朗
2.    Jonathan swift乔纳森。斯威夫特
1)    life: He was born in Dublin都柏林(爱尔兰首都),He was the most remarkable satirist讽刺家 in the 18th century who criticized the new bourgeois-aristocratic贵族的 society of his age with mercy.宽容,he supports the conservative Tory
2)    works:
the tale of a tub木桶的故事 is a satire on religion.
Gulliver’s Travels格列弗游记:包括4部分1,Lilliputians厘厘普特人:矮人, 2, tBrobdingnagians伯罗白丁拉格人:giants,  3, the flyingisland of Laputa拉普特飞岛:on the island, the ingenious invention is used not for the benefit of the people,but against them,  4,Houyhnhnms胡己姆:horses,endowed with human intelligence and a virtue much superior to that of men.比人聪明,也比人品格高尚。And Yahoo雅虎:repellent creatures with the outward appearance of human beings.长相像人,行为丑陋
A modest proposal一个小小的建议:is made to English government to relieve消除 the poverty权力 of irish people。强烈谴责了英国对爱尔兰人民的剥削和压迫。The bitter irony of the pamphlet expresses swift’s great sympathy for the oppressed and hungry peasants of Ireland and his anger at English landlords地主
3)Joseph Addison约瑟夫。爱迪生
   Life: he is the central figure of coffeehouse meetings.,he support whigs, 作为The Tatler闲谈者得主要撰稿人和the Spactator旁观者得合办者,他把期刊散文艺术发展到极致。这两本杂志brought literature down to everyday life and kept it clean and wholesome健康。These two magazines are the first important recognitions by literature of the special of the special interests of women readers. Sir Roger是他塑造的经典形象。
4) Henry Fielding亨利。菲尔丁:英国十八世纪最伟大的小说家。主要作品:Jonathan Wild乔纳森。威尔德,the history of tom jones, a foundling弃婴汤姆。琼斯的故事, amelia阿米莉亚
5)Thomas Gray托马斯。格雷:浪漫主义运动的先驱。主要作品:Elegy written in a country churchyard墓园挽歌:表达了对农民贫苦遭遇的同情,歌颂了他们的质朴品质。前几句是:the curfew tolls the knell of parting day, the lowing herd wind slowly o’er the lea…..
6)Oliver Goldsmith 奥利弗。歌尔德斯密斯:he was born in Ireland. As an essayist散文家,he is among the best in the century. As a poet, he makes the riming couplets英雄双行体 as natural and simple as his prose.主要作品:novel:the vicar of wakefield维克菲德尔的牧师,comedy:She stoops to Conquer委曲求全,essay:the critizen of the world世界公民,poems:The traveler旅行者 and the Deserted Village.荒村
7)Richard Brinsley Sheridan理查德。布林斯里。谢里丹:主要作品:讽刺喜剧:the rivals对手,the school for scandal造谣学校:(presents a brilliant portrayal描绘 of england’s high society and a biting satire on the morals and manners of that age.主要人物:Charles查尔斯,Joseph约瑟夫:charles’brother, sir oliver surface奥利弗。萨费恩:their wealthy uncle)
8)William Blake ( 1757—1827)
1) Life
He lived into the 19th century. In his lifetime, he was not considered a very important poet. Now he is universally acknowledged as one of the most important poets in English literature. His father recognized his talent and sent him to school.
His visionary梦想的 experience: 
Classicism典范: reason, order, law, art techniques
He believed the power of imagination. With it a poet can reach out. Blake and Burns彭斯—the romantic revival复活—to break away with the convention习俗,协议
2) His work
Songs of Innocence天真之歌→delight
Songs of Experience经验之歌→confusion困惑
They show two contrary states of human souls
London:I wander thro’ each charter’d street, near where the ….
It is taken from The Songs of Experience. Blake apparently drew from his personal observations and gives a comprehensive综合的 picture of the many miseries, physical and spiritual, in the English capital.资本家
Background: industrial revolution, the fog city
The scene was in London, in Blake’s time. 
The Tiger:tiger!tiger!burning bright in the forests of the night…..
It is from The Songs of Experience. It is one of Blake’s best known poems. The apparently simple questions of curiosity and puzzlement. What imagination inspires the creator
1.    The image of the maker is complete. the process of creating tiger. 
Religions allusion暗指: lamb羊羔  
The whole poem is consisted of questions—are not able to be answered
The Chimney-Sweeper扫烟囱的孩子:a little black thing among the snow cring” weep, weep” in notes of woe!
The short lyric contains chiefly the simple yet somewhat ironical speech of a boy chimney
9 ) Robert Burns罗伯特。彭斯:the greatest Scottish poest.主要作品:my heart’s in the highlands我的心呀在高原,John Anderson, my jo约翰。安徒生,我爱,a red, red rose一朵红红的玫瑰, to a mouse致小鼠
Part VII   The Romantic Period浪漫主义时期
A new movement appeared in the literary area with the publication of Lyrical Ballads 抒情歌谣集by William Wordsworth威廉华兹华斯and Samul Taylor. Coleridge柯勒律治 in 1798. Coleridge’s chief contribution was his masterpiece The rime of the ancient mariner古舟子咏
1.    Historical Background
French Revolution,American Revolution,The Industrial Revolution
2.    Intellectual Background
Rousseau卢梭 (1712—1778) the French philosopher, is generally regarded as the father of romanticism. 
English Romanticism: a kind of emotional outlook, an attitude towards life. Individual is the center of all life and experience, cast its eye on human being, individual, the intense强烈的 subjectivity主观性, concerned with nature, express s strong like for nature. Interest in supernatural; take an interest in the past—ancient civilization represented by Greece and Rome.
1832 was the year the Romantic writer Scott dies
1836 was the year when Queen Victoria inherited the throne, the start of Victorian Age.
The older generation: Wordsworth, Coleridge
The younger generation: Byron拜伦, Shirley雪莱, and Keats济慈
Characteristic features of the romantic movement( more can be added)
(1)    Subjectivism主观主义: imagination.
(2)    Spontaneity自发性: A work of art must be original. The role of instinct本能, intuition直觉, and the feeling of “ the heart” is stressed.
(3)    Singularity奇怪: Romantic poets have a strong love for the remote, the unusual, the strange, the supernatural, the mysterious, the splendid壮丽的, the picturesque生动的, and the illogical.
(4)    Worship of nature: 
(5)    Simplicity: Romantic poets take to using everyday language spoken by the rustic乡村的 people. A reviva复活 of folk literature, a sense of universal brotherhood, a growing sympathy for the suffering of the people.
(6)    There is a dominating note of melancholy忧郁的 in the poems of the romantic poets.
(7)     The use of free verse form
The characteristics of Gothic novels( search from the Google)
William Wordsworth (1770—1850)威廉。华兹华斯
1.    his life
His love for nature is boundless. To him nature means more than rivers, trees, rocks, mountains and lakes. Nature has a moral value and has its philosophical significance. Nature is for him the embodiment体现 of the Divine神圣的 Spirit. He believes the God and universe are identical同一的
2,his work:大部分主题是关于nature and country life.主要有:lines composed a few miles above tintern abbey丁登寺,the prelude序曲,the excursion漫游,miscellaneous十四行诗
Tintern Abbey丁登寺
It is a meditation思考 on his mental精神的 grownup成年人
Selected挑选出的 reading:
She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Way她住在人际罕见的路边:悼亡露西
I travelled among unknown men我在陌生人中孤独旅行
I wondered lonely as a cloud我好似一朵孤独的流云:it’s  about the beauty of nature.there is vivid picture of the daffodils here, mixed with the poet’s philosophical and somewhat mystical thoughts.
The Solitary Reaper孤独的割麦女:在抒情中表达了华兹华斯的自然观,具有林秀之气和音韵之美。
  Soonet composed upon Westminster bridge在西敏寺桥上
  Soonet :London 1802
George Gordon Byron乔治。戈登。拜伦
His major contribution of romantic literature is the creation of Byronic hero冷笑而浪漫的主角, a mixture of good and evil. 
Byron is hard to describe, moody喜怒无常, unstable, sensitive, melancholy忧郁, sad, he deliberately故意地 exile流放himself to a foreign, dared to die.
The early death of the Romantic poets-image: the poet will never grow old.      Poets die young. They have reached their peak. 
Works: Childe Harold’s pilgrimage恰尔德。哈罗尔德游记, Cain该隐,Done juan唐璜
1.    She Walks in Beauty 她走在美的光彩中 
This perfect beauty serves as the ideal for the poet, peace. Harmony. 和睦
2,Childe Harold’s pilgrimage恰尔德。哈罗尔德游记
3,  when we two parted想从前我们两分手
4.  The Isles of Greece颂希腊
It is taken from “ Don Juan唐璜”. It is among Byron’s most effective poetical utterance on national freedom. All the 16 stanzas节 that constituted the song are supported to have been sung by a Greek singer at the wedding feast宴会 of Don Juan and Haidee on an isle of Greece. 
The past glory of the Greek people
The present state of enslavement奴役 by the Turkey土耳其
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)珀西。比西。雪莱
He was rebellious反抗的 from a very young age. He was a person of extreme personality. He wrote about the universe, lark宇宙 sky.
主要作品:pamphlet:the nescessity of atheism无神论的重要性 ,Queen mab麦布女王,adonais阿多尼斯,ode to the west wind西风颂,to a sky lark致云雀
He was a pharaoh of Egypt. He had several statues雕像 of himself built after he died.这首诗借埃及历史上的拉美西斯二世嘲讽封建专制,表达了对专制帝王的厌恶和蔑视。同时表明,尽管专制帝王曾经不可一世,但也不过是过往烟云,专制政权可以延续几百年,但在历史长河中不过是一瞬之间。
Antique古董的 land: Egypt, earliest civilization.文明 
A song: man of england给英国兰人的歌
Ode to the West Wind:   Ode: it is used to express the poet’s feelings and emotion. 在此诗中,使人抒发了对大自然的热爱,歌颂了西风摧毁旧事物,孕育新事物的精神。诗歌以“如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗”结尾。
The cloud云:反映的是一个争取独立和追求幸福的人物形象。
To a sky-lark致云雀:运用云雀美妙的歌声,反映诗人向往美好未来的欢乐心情,表达他渴望自己也能用同样空灵的曲调宣扬革命理想,获得世人的倾听。是诗人追求理想主义的光辉诗篇。
John Keats约翰。济慈(1795—1821)
“ A thing of beauty is a joy for ever”.他一生崇尚美,追求美。
He was born in a lower class family. He abandoned medicine for poetry simply for its beauty. He is physically small. His father died when he was eight. His childhood was quite miserable. His tomb are carved:“ Here lies a one whose name is written with water.” 此地长眠者,声明水上书
课文节选:On first looking into chapman’s homer初读查普曼译荷马诗有感。 Ode to a nightingale夜莺颂  ode on a Grecian urn希腊古翁颂,to autumn秋颂,bright star灿烂的星
Walter scott华特。司各特:欧洲历史小说之父
这个时代的不同时期:the Crusades,the rise of absolute monarchy, the bourgeois revolution in England, the attempts to restore feudalism in the 18th century.十字军时期,君主专制制度的兴起,英格兰资产阶级革命,18四级欲恢复封建主义的尝试
His historical novel paved the path for the development of the realistic novel of the 19th century.他的历史小说为19世纪现实主义小说的发展铺平了道路。
主要作品介绍:Waverley威弗利:establish its author as a novelist奠定了作者的小说家帝王 , St. Ronan's well圣罗南之泉 :is the only contemporary novel among the works of scott   Count robert巴黎的罗伯特伯爵: the last of scott's novels 
课文节选:ivanhoe艾凡赫主要地点:cedric's ball大厅,ashby de la zouche阿什贝.德.拉.左克,isaac of york约克城,knights templar吞不拉司陀圣殿骑士院
重点词汇: pilgrim朝圣者
Rob roy罗布罗伊  重点句子: in the first selection francis’meeting with robroy is described. The second selection vividly depicts a skirmish战斗 between the highlanders高地居民 and the english
Jane Austin
Literature:乡村生活是她小说的主要题材。全部作品:northanger abbey诺桑觉寺,persuasion劝导,sense and sensibility理智与情感,pride and prejudice傲慢与偏见,mansfield park曼斯菲尔德花园and emma艾玛
课文节选 :Pride and Prejudice
This book mainly tells of the love story between a rich, proud young man Darcy and the beautiful and intelligent Elizabeth Bennet. Mr. Bennet, a clergyman牧师 who has married young and rashly轻率地, is skeptical怀疑的 of conventional常规的 marriage and has no good words for his beautiful daughters except Elizabeth. Mrs. Bennet is a beautiful but empty-headed, snobbish粗俗的 and vulgar庸俗的 woman whose only goal in life is to marry her five daughters to rich, handsome young men.
Charles lamb查尔斯。兰姆:最大成就在散文,其随笔与蒙田名声并列
课文节选:Dream-children, a reverie梦中的孩子们,poor relations穷亲戚
Part VIII  The Victorian Age维多利亚时期
Critical Realism in England英国的批判主义
1.    Historical Background
Industrial Revolution, railways, novels provide a means to kill the time. The rising of middle class. Reading novels is becoming a sign of statues and a way of living.
A typical Victorian novel is usually 400-5oo pages, lengthy长的, thick厚的.
The values of Victorian Age
The middle class, the core of the values: to be a gentleman, the pursuit of wealth achieved by self-reliance倚靠自己 through hard work. 
The Victorian Age (1832-1901)
1.    Historical background
The Queen came to the throne in 1837
The two Queens that the English people were proud of: Queen Elizabeth (1533-1603)
Queen Victoria. The similarities between the two queens:
First, both queens were on the throne for a long period of time, Queen Elizabeth being on the throne for over forty years and Queen Victoria more than sixty years. 
Secondly, during their long reigns England developed rapidly both politically and economically. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth, capitalism first took its shape, and the small island country defeated the strong naval power Spain in 1588. During the long reign统治 of Queen Victoria., England grew from an agricultural country into an industrialized one and became the workshop工场 of the world as well as its financial and political center.
Thirdly, during their reign, literature flourished. 繁荣In the age of Queen Elizabeth drama flourished and with it there was the greatest dramatist William Shakespeare whereas但是 in the age of Queen Victoria., novel flourished and with it a galaxy一群 of brilliant novelists appeared in the literary scene.
The Victorian age can be roughly divided into three periods: the early period 1832-1848, a time of social unrest;( child labor, women workers, long working hours, miserable working conditions)  the middle period 1848-1870, a period of economic prosperity and religious controversy论战;( social reforms , in 1851 a gigantic greenhouse of glass and iron铁 was built in Hyde Park. It was called the Crystal Palace where the Great exhibition was held. It was a display of the nation’s advanced technology and industry, as well as its prosperity.)  The last period 1870, a period of decay of Victorian values .England continued to grow in strength in this period. “the empire帝国 on which the sun never sets”. To many Victorians this was a period of serenity安详 and security, the age of house parties and long weekends in the country. 
Rival竞争对手s: Germany, the United States, Japan and Russia 
The Charitist Movement宪章运动 appeared in the thirties of the 19th century.导致其的主要矛盾是工人阶级与此本家的矛盾。此运动最后以工人在议会中取得相应席位而告终。
2.    The Victorian novelists
The rise of the novels as a dominant突出的 literary genre类型 during the Victorian age
First, the growth of urban城市的 population resulted in the appearance of a new reading public
Second, with the development of the method of printing and paper making, the price of books dropped, and the serial publication, the libraries
Third, writing had become a profession
Fourth, there was a large idle空闲的 class who needed recreation and entertainment
Fifth, the conditions of the time and the dire可怕的 poverty贫穷 in the one hand and the enormous wealth on the other hand needed a secular世俗的 form to explore human relations rather than sermons 说教given in the church. the novels were used as a tool to 
Finally, the feminist男女平等主义 movement had much to do with the growth of the novel. The struggle for women’s rights was a recurring循环的 theme in the novels of the 19th century.
The common features of the Victorian novels
1.    The plot is unfolded 展现against a social background. The Victorian novels reflect the complexity 复杂性of human relations in a capitalist society and reveal the writer’s attitude towards the society.
2.    the cause –effect sequence is much more striking突出的 than in previous novels, the central character, 
3.    Most of the Victorian novels were first published in serial form, that is, by installment安装, before they were fully published in a single book.
4.    the Victorian novels were tainted 污染的by the spirit of Puritanism清教徒 of the Victorian age
5.    The Victorian novels were characterized by their moral purpose. Many writers wrote with a purpose to edify开到 readers and to bring about reforms. 
In economics, capital, capital goods, or real capital are factors of production used to create goods or services that are not themselves significantly consumed (though they may depreciate) in the production process. Capital goods may be acquired with money or financial capital.Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned; supply, demand and price are mostly set by market forces rather than economic planning; and profit is distributed to owners who invest in businesses. Capitalism also refers to the process of capital accumulation
3.in the 19th-century english literature, a new literary trend critical realism appeared.
Charles Dickens (1812-1870):he was the greatest representative of English critical realism. And  William Makepeace Thackeray(1811-1863)威廉。梅克皮斯。萨克雷
Dickens and Thackeray were contemporaries.Similarities:Both humorists and they criticized the Victorian society satirically嘲讽的。在使小说回返自然和真实这一点上,萨克雷是英国小说家中影响最大的一位。Different life
Differences in writings
1.    Thackeray mainly described the lives of aristocrats贵族 and rich businessmen, that is, people of the upper and middles classes, whereas Dickens’s chief contribution was his description o the underdogs受压迫者 and unprivileged平穷的.
2.    Dickens was a sentimentalist.多愁善感者 He likes to avail有益于 himself of every opportunity to arouse the emotions of his readers. Thackeray was a cynic愤世嫉俗者 who saw no good in anything and doubted the goodness of human nature. On the whole he preserved detachmen分离t, and he always held himself under control. 
3.    Whereas Dickens was a romantist in many aspects by letting loose his imagination. Thackeray was against affectation假装. His cynical attitude towards life explains the fact that most of his clever people are rogues流氓 and most of his virtuous善良的 people are fools.
3.The Victorian poets
The Novel was the predominating占支配优势 genre类型 of literature in the Victorian age. There are prominent突出的 poets after the death of major romantic poets.

Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892)  Robert Browning (1812-1889)他们两个最具代表性Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861) ,Matthew Arnold (1822-1888)
They not only wrote highly lyrical poems as the romantists did, but also they in their poetry reflected the spiritual search which was characteristic of the age.
The conflicts at that time:
The class struggle between the wealthy and the poor
The rapid progress of science and technology, and the discovery of new theories of social science. All these greatly shook the religious faith that had been the mainstay支柱 of people’s spiritual life for centuries. Hence所以 the Victorian age was marked through by the prominence of the spirit of inquiry探究 and criticism by skepticism and religious uncertainty, and spiritual struggle and unrest. .
Charles Dickens  1812-1870
He was the most important novelist in the Victorian age, and he was extremely popular, best seller, most of his characters in his early work are cartoon characters, most complex in his late work  Initiation novel. His artistic techniques: 
1.    Dickens has a tendency to depict描绘 the grotesque荒唐的 (very odd奇怪的 or unusual, fantastically奇异的 ugly or absurd荒谬的) characters or events. Most of Dickens’s characters have peculiar奇怪的 habit, manner, behavior, dress, and catch phrase of his or her own.
2.    Dickens loves to instil灌输l life into inanimate无生气的 things and to compare animate beings to inanimate things, engines—the head of an elephant, the smoke in the air to snakes trailing 蔓延themselves for ever and ever.
3.    Dickens is noted for his description of pathetic凄惨的 scenes that aim to arouse people’s sympathy. Pathos哀婉 is a distinctive与众不同的 quality in Dickens’s writings.
4.    Dickens is a great humorist. His novels are full of humor and laughter.
5.    主要作品:Pickwick Papers匹克威克传,Oliver Twist雾都孤儿, The old curiosity shop老古玩店, a christmas carol圣诞欢歌,Dombey and son董贝父子,david copperfield大卫科波菲尔,hard times艰难时世,a tale of two cities双城记,great expectation远大前程。In 双城记,the  two cities are london and paris in the time of revolution.艰难时运makes a fierce attack on the bourgeois system of education and the bourgeois philosophy人生观
6.    课文节选
Posthumous Papers of the pickwick club匹克威克传
Oliver twist 雾都孤儿:this passage tells us the terrible conditions in the english workhouse of the time and the cruel treatment of a poor orphan by the so-called “Philanthropists”慈善事业。
William makepeace thackeray威廉。梅克皮斯。萨克雷
The vanity fair名利场:its sub-title is a novel without a hero. the writer’s intention was not to portray individuals, but the bourgeois and aristocratic society as a whole. The main plot of Vanity Fair renders on the story of two women: Amelia Sedlley 阿美利亚。赛迪尼And Rebecca Sharp瑞比卡。夏普。
George eliot乔治。艾略特
Life: 原名Mary Ann Evans玛丽。安埃。文斯。主要作品:Adam Bede亚当比德,The mill on the floss弗洛斯河上的磨坊,silas marner织工马南。
作品特色:1,her novels ,for the most part, describe rural life,deal with moral problems and contain psychological studies of the characters.2,she has rich humor and keen observation, and her characters are real men and women of her time.3,her novels are very philosophical.4,with her the transition from critical realism to naturalism began in english literature.
课文节选:Adam bede亚当比德:主要人物:Adam, heety sorrel:海蒂苏洛:adam最初喜欢的人,arthur donnithorne亚瑟。唐尼桑恩:海蒂喜欢的人,Seth赛斯: adam’s brother, Dinah Morris:戴娜。莫里斯:seth喜欢的人,同时也是adam 最后喜欢的人。
Charlotte bronte(1816—1855) and emily bronte(1818—1848)
Charlotte bronte:主要作品:the professor, jane eyre, shirley雪莉, villette维莱特.
emily bronte主要作品:wuthering heights呼啸山庄:it is influenced both by the Romantic Movement as well as Gothic writing.
The novel deals with a kind of raw天然的 passion. It is not to be judged by its moral context背景. Her novel has nothing to do with moral issue. How passion works in human beings. Wuthering Heights: the place stands for storm, violence
Thrush画眉鸟: civilization文明, very gentle, mild.
Her mentality心态 is much in line with what Wuthering Height stands for.
Complex structure, layers层面板 of narration叙述
Wuthering Height:
Class distinction: emphasis decency庄重, respect
课文节选:jane eyre., wuthering heights主要人物:lockwood洛兹伍德,Heathcliff西斯克里夫,catherine,Hindley辛迪尼。
Thomas hood(1799—1845)托马斯。胡德
Most of his works were humorous poems, containing topical comments on contemporary events and manners.主要作品:the princess, in memorian悼念:是为了悼念朋友hallam而写 ,Idylls of the king国王叙述诗
课文节选:the song of the shirt衬衫之歌:this poem presents a vivid picture of the miserable life of the british seamstresses.女裁缝。The bridge of sighs叹息桥
Alfred, Lord Tennyson艾尔弗雷德.丁尼生(1809—1892)
He is the representative of Victorianism. His poem has an exquisite 精致的sense of music. 
课文节选:Ulysses尤利西斯:A Greek hero 
If life is not without experience, struggle. It is not life at all. A typical ambition of Victorian age, a confidence. The age is full of ambition, desire to explore the world. The poet expresses this through the image of Ulysses.
Break ,break ,break 碎了,碎了,碎了:把自己痛失密友的悲伤之情同渔家子女的嬉戏和少年水手的歌唱等天真快乐对比,并同撞击海岸那无情的海浪以及驶入港湾那冷漠的航船进行对照,书法自己的悲痛心情。crossing the bar过沙洲:注重本能和自然
Robert Browning  1812-1889
代表作:the ring and the book指环与书
Dramatic monologue独白poem in which there is one imaginary speaker addressing an imaginary audience. In his dramatic monologues, he penetrates to depth the psychology of his characters and through their won speeches, he analyses and dissects分析is characters and reveals the innermost secret of their lives
dramatic monologue
. ¬It has a single person who is not the poet himself as the speaker. He utters at the critic moment. 
--The person addresses and interacts with one or more people. We can feel the presence of the auditor. We can infer what they say and they do from the clues in the course of the speaker.
--The principle to select a piece of poem: it should reveal temperament and character of the speaker.
课文节选:My last Duchess我已故的公爵夫人 Ferrara费拉拉
An image of a lively young lady. Dramatic situation  which reveal the psychology of the character. It paved铺 the way for the upcoming即将到来的 of the 20th century poetry.
Critical moment, single speaker, and interaction合作: the speaker is talking to a specified auditor旁听者 or speaker.
Elizabeth barrett browning伊丽莎白。巴雷特。布朗宁
代表作:casa guidi windowsk卡萨。吉迪的窗子,aurora leigh奥罗拉。利, poems before congress议会前的诗
课文节选:from sonnets from the portuguese葡萄牙十四行诗:表达诗人对爱情的赞美和对幸福的追求。
Part IX Twentieth century literature20世纪文学
The transition from 19th to 20th century in English literatue
Historical background:对文学产生影响的两个因素:1,imperialism帝国主义:统治世界的精神的觉醒。相继爆发了第一,二次世界大战。2,widespread demand for social reform of every kind.
Thomas Hardy 托马斯。哈代(1840—1928)
1.    His life
He was born in Dorset多赛特, an agricultural district in the south of England. His father was an architect. After studying in Dorset and in London, he returned to settle down in his native place. While he worked as an architect, he began to write novels and stories. Later he became a full—time writer.
His principal主要的 works are the Wessex伟克塞斯 novels, novels describing the characters and environment of native countryside.
  He was a writer who sees the turn of the century. He witnessed the change of the society, the fashion; he was the last of the Victorian novelist and one of the forerunners of the modern writing.
代表作:Tess of the d’urbervilles德伯家的苔丝,jude the obscure无名的裘得,epic drama:the dynasts统治者
课文节选:Tess of the D’urbevilles:是哈代“性格和环境小说”中一部分量颇重的长篇小说,导致苔丝悲剧的不是盲目的无从追究责任的命运,而是环境和社会的力量。
Setting环境: the agricultural region of the southern countries of England.
The impoverishment使贫穷 and decay腐烂 of small farmers who became hired field hands and roamed漫步 the country in search of seasonal jobs.   His tone is pessimistic悲观的
Mankind is subjected to the rule of some hostile and mysterious fate, which brings misfortune to human life.
The double moral standard for men and women exposes曝光 the hypocritical虚伪的 morality in bourgeois society.
Why does Hardy call her a pure woman?
According to the values of that age, Tess is a stained 玷污的woman, she gave birth to a child outside marriage, and she became the mistress情妇 of Alec艾立可 later.
The son’s veto儿子的否决权:小说反映了生活的多层面,还对受挫以后的幸福提出了重建。女主人公名叫Sophy.
John Galsworthy约翰。高尔斯华朔
代表作:the man of property有产业的人:was the highest point of social criticism ever attained by Galsworthy,它是福赛特世家中的第一部, the forsyte saga福赛特世家,the sivler box银匣
课文节选: 有产业的人中 chapter X diagnose of a forsyte福尔赛的诊断, conscience良心
Oscar wilde奥斯卡。王尔德
出生于Dublin,have a homosexual relationship with Lord Alfred douglas和艾尔弗雷德。道格拉斯有同性恋关系
代表作:长篇小说:The portrait of dorian gray多里安。格雷的画像,Salome莎乐美:唯美主义的代表作,是戏剧,喜剧:Lady windermere’s fan温得梅尔夫人的扇子, a woman of no importance无足轻重的女人, an ideal husband理想丈夫, and the importance of being earnest认真的重要.
课文节选:The portrait of dorian gray多里安。格雷的画像
George Bernard Shaw(1856—1950)乔治。萧伯纳
George Bernard Shaw was dramatist, essayist随笔作家, and critic. He was born of Irish Protestant新教徒 parents in Dublin. In 1876 Shaw left Ireland for good. During his life time he wrote lots of dramas. He is considered to be the best –known English dramatist since Shakespeare. His works are the best example of all the plays that are inspired by social criticism. In most of his plays, he expressed a strong indignation against political and economic exploitation开发, against hypocrisy虚伪 and corruption腐败, against prostitution作践自己 and slavery奴隶制度, and against poverty and dirt.

His style:
1.    didactic教导的,学究式的
2.    Made his lessons “palatable”可口的 through comedy.
3.    Use his wit to ridicule嘲笑 the things he attacked—witty rather than humorous.
4.    Inversion倒装 of ideas—made things usually considered good and just to appear absurd荒谬的 and ridiculous.
5.    Exaggerated, sometimes grossly很,非常, in order to achieve comedy.
6.    Plays made up-to-date references and used modern stage props小道具.
7.    Destructive破坏性的 in his criticism, but constructive建设性 in his analysis and interpretation 解释of life.
Features of his plays:
1.    His plays witty rather than humorous—avoidance of emotion and sympathy.
2.    Improved upon play craftsmanship of his predecessors—increased stage directions.
3.    Frequently subordinates下级得 dramatic interest to expounding论述 his ideas. His characters are his mouthpieces代言人.
4.    characters lack true life
5.    His plays vehicles to express his many ideas.
6.    Shocks his audience into attention—paradoxical矛盾的, personal, and outspoken直言的. 
7.    Powerful, logical, satirical style. Dialogue has vitality精神, clearness, directness.
课文节选:Mrs. Warren’s profession华伦夫人的职业:华伦夫人的职业是豢养妓女,Mr. Crofts是她的帮凶,女儿Vivie是一所传统寄宿学校毕业的学生。此书深刻揭露了“体面的”资本者不体面的财富来源:残酷的剥削和肮脏的交易。It deals with the theme of prostitution卖淫 as big business in the bourgeois society.
David .Herbert.Lawrence(1885—1930)戴维。赫伯特。劳伦斯
He is often criticized for the didactic 说教的elements and looseness in structure.
代表作:the white peacock白孔雀: his first novel, sons and lovers儿子与情人,the rainbow虹,Lady Chatterlay’s Lover查特莱夫人的情人:his most controversial争议的 novels
课文节选:sons and lovers儿子与情人主要人物:paul保罗,Mrs morel莫瑞尔:it’s a semi-autobiographical nove.
Viginia Woolf弗吉尼亚。沃尔夫(1882—1941)
她是“意识流”stream of consciousness小说的代表人物.代表作:Mrs. Dalloway达洛维夫人,to the lighthouse到灯塔去, the waves海浪。
课文节选:Mrs. Dalloway达洛维夫人
James Joyce詹姆斯。乔伊斯(1882—1941)
He was born in Dublin.是“意识流小说之父”。代表作:Dubliners都柏林人,a portrait of the artist as a young man一个青年艺术家的肖像。Ulysses尤利西斯:in the book, the writer intends to present a microcosm小规模地 of the whole human life by providing an instance of how a single event contains all the events of its kind, and how history is recapitulated总结 in the happenings of one day.。

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