collection n.(文学、音乐、诗歌等)作品集
真题复现1:Straitford president George Friedman says he sees the online world as a kind of mutually reinforcing tool for both information collection and distribution, a spymaster’s dream. (2003年text1P4)
真题翻译:Straitford总裁George Friedman表示,他认为网络世界是一种信息收集和分发的相辅相成的工具,这是间谍头目的梦想。
真题复现2:This work of collection is common in an office from the sorting of mail every morning to the accountant's work in finding out the final figure for the year's profit. (1985年翻译(2)P3)
真题复现3:Derek Jarman's yellow-tinted film Towards Avebury, a collection of long, mostly still shots of the Wiltshire landscape, evokes a tradition of English landscape painting stretching from Samuel Palmer to Paul Nash.(2014年英语二新题型P6)
真题翻译:Derek Jarman的黄色电影《走向Avebury》汇集了威尔特郡风景的长镜头,大部分是静止的,唤起了从Samuel Palmer到Paul Nash的英国风景画传统。