spe n演讲,说话;语言,话语<历年真题考查频次:31次>
真题复现1:Experts suggest that speechstages are reached in a fixed sequence and ata constant age, but there are cases wherespeech has started late in a child whoeventually turns out to be of high lQ. (1993年text1P4)
真题复现2: But speech has to be induced,andthis depends on interaction between themother and the child, where the motherrecognizes the signals in the child’babbling(咿呀学语),grasping and smilingand responds to them.(1993年text1P6)真题翻译:但言语必须被诱导,这取决于母亲和孩子之间的互动,母亲在互动中识别出孩子牙牙学语中的信号(咿呀学语),抓住并微笑,并对它们做出回应。
真题复现3: If you have ridden in the rear of ajet transport, you may have noticed that itwas difficult to carry on a conversation atfirst, and that, eventually, you adjusted theloudness of your speech to compensate forthe effect.(1988年text2P4)