instens n.例子,事例,例证历年真题考查频次:25次>
真题复现1: You begin to infer a context forthe text, for instance, by making decisionsabout what kind of speech event is involvedWho is making the utterance, to whom, whenand where.(2015年英语一新题型P1)
真题复现2: You make further inferences,forinstance, about how the text may besignificant to you, or about its validity -inferences that form the basis of a personatheautnoTocwnicnbe far less responsible.(2015年英语一新题型[E) )真题翻译:例如,你会进一步推断文本对你的意义,或者它的有效性一一这些推断构成了个人反应的基础,而作者对此的责任将不可避免地大大减少。
真题复现3: But in some cases,onemarketer's owned media become anothermarketer’ s paid media - for instance, whenan e-commerce retailer sells ad space on itsWeb site. (2011年英语一text3P2)