
艾滋病毒携带者HIV carrier
麻省理工学院MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
爱国民主人士patriotic democratic personages
马尔堡出血热Marburg haemorrhagic fever
爱国情操patriotic sentiment
马拉松赛跑Marathon (race)
爱国统一战线Patriotic united front
爱国卫生运动patriotic sanitation campaign
码分多址CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access)
爱国者导弹patriotic missile
慢镜头slow motion
爱国主义教育education in patriotism
漫游roaming service
爱好和平的国家a peace-loving country
盲目投资haphazard investment
爱滋病AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
毛重或总重gross weight
安家费settling-in allowance
贸易保护主义trade protectionism
安居工程Comfortable/Affordable Housing Project
贸易伙伴trade partner
安全保障计划safety-net program
贸易顺差逆差trade surplus/deficit
安全第一,游客至上safety first, passengers supreme
贸易议定书trade protocol
安全与稳定的基础bedrock of security and stability
贸易争端trade dispute
安置受灾群众resettlement of affected residents
贸易自由化trade liberalization
按劳分配distribution according to one’s performance
媒体炒作the media hype
案件受理费court acceptance fee
媒体丑闻media gate
案例分析case study/case analysis
媒体顾问;宣传顾问media advisor 
案情陈述书statement of case
媒体民意测验media polling 
案由cause of action
媒体战争media war
案值total value involved in the case
美国宝洁公司P&G(Procter & Gamble)
暗恋unrequited love
美国材料与试验协会ASTM(American Society for Testing Material)
暗箱操作black case work/covert deals
美国参议院the US Senate
熬夜sleeping late
美国齿轮制造商协会AGMA(American Gear Manufacturers Association)
奥斯卡金像奖Academy award
美国船舶制造商协会NMMA(National Marine Manufacturers Association)
奥委会Olympic Committee
美国大学教授协会AAUP(American Association of University Professors)
澳大利亚广播公司ABC(Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
美国动力会议APC(American Power Conference)
澳门特别行政区基本法Basic Law of Macao Special Administrative Region
美国公共广播电视公司PBS(Public Broadcasting Service)
美国广播公司ABC(American Broadcasting Company)
八国峰会G8 summit
美国国会两院concurrent resolution 
八荣八耻the "eight honor and eight shame" outlook/the socialist outlook on honor and shame
美国国际集团AIG(American International Group)
巴菲特规则Buffett Rule
美国国家航空和航天管理局NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
巴厘路线图the Bali Road Map
美国航天太空总署NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
吧台bar counter
美国机车保养员协会LMOA(Lake Monticello Owners’ Association)
把安全关take measures to ensure safety
美国联邦调查局FBI(Federal Bureau of Investigation)
把龙当作吉祥物take dragon as the mascot
美国联邦贮备委员会US Federal Reserve Board
把握大局see the whole picture
美国纳斯达克指数NASDAQ(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation)
美国农业部USDA(US Department of Agriculture)
霸王条款inequality/imparity clause
美国偶像American Idol
白炽灯incandescent lamp
美国期货商品委员会CFTC(Commodity Futures Trading Commission)
美国汽车工程师学会SAE(Society of Automotive Engineers)
百慕大魔鬼三角Bermuda Triangle
美国汽车制造商协会AAMA(American Automobile Manufacturers Association)
美国情报)泄密者whistler blower 
美国润滑脂协会NLGI(National Lubricating Grease Institute)
百闻不如一见seeing is believing
美国石油炼制协会NPRA(National Petrochemical And Refiners Association)
摆架子put on airs
美国石油学会API(American Petroleum Institute)
摆谱show off
美国食品安全检验局FSIS(Food Safety and Inspection Service)
摆脱贫困shake off poverty
美国税务局IRS(Internal Revenue Service)
拜把子兄弟哥们sworn brothers/buddies/very close friends
美国硕士研究生入学资格考试GRE(Graduate Record Examination)
拜金主义money worship
美国退休者协会AARP(American Association of Retired People)
拜年pay a new year’s visit
美国为攻读企管硕士学生而设的入学考试(MBA) AGMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test)
美国医学会杂志JAMA(The Journal of the American Medical Association)
颁奖仪式prize-awarding ceremony
美国医药协会AMA(American Medical Association)
颁奖音乐award ceremony music
美国有线电视新闻网络CNN(Cable News Network)
斑马线人行横道pedestrian crossing/cross walk/cross zone /zebra crossing
美国证券交易委员会US Securities and Exchange Commission
板寸crew cut
美国驻华大使American Ambassador to China
版权法copyright law
美国总领事USCG(United States Consul General)
版税收入royalty income
美联社AP(Associated Press)
办案人员personnel handling a case
美中战略与经济对话U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue
办公室恋情office romance
蒙特利尔议定书Montreal protocal 
办年货do new year’s shopping
迷茫的一代the lost generation
办丧事conduct funeral
米袋子省长负责制和菜篮子市长负责制the system of provincial governors taking responsibility for the' rice bag' program and city mayors taking responsibility for the' vegetable basket 'program
半边天half the sky
密集的增长模式the intensive mode of growth
半成品semi-finished products
密码提示password hint
半封建社会semi-feudal society
半拉子工程never-to-be finished project
免费义务教育free compulsory education
半托day care(for kids)
免考exemption from examination
半文盲functionally illiterate
免申办签证旅行visa-free travel 
伴飞卫星accompanying satellite
免税区tax-free zone
伴舞演员backup dancer
免责条款escape clause
傍大款find a sugar daddy
面子工程vanity/image project
包车chartered bus
包二奶have a mistress
民调支持率riding high in opinion polls
包干到户work contracted out to households
民生people’s wellbeing
包工包料contract for labor and material
民事权利剥夺deprived of private rights
包工头labor contractor
民事权利与责任civil right and liability
包容性增长inclusive growth
民事权利争议dispute concerning private rights
保持发展后劲bring about a sustainable development
民选政府elective government
保持高层次接触maintain high-level contact
民意测验opinion poll
保持高度警惕keep up extreme vigilance
民用航空civil aviation
保持国有股keep the state-held shares
民众之声公众舆论vox pop 
民主监督democratic supervision
保持双边贸易的平衡balance the two-way trade
民主权利democratic rights
保护耕地protect arable land
民主协商democratic consultation
保护和弘扬民族文化艺术protect and promote the national culture and arts
民主运动pro-democracy movement
保护生物多样性biodiversity conservation
民族地区regions inhabited by ethnic groups
保护性关税protective tariff
民族感情national sentiments
保护珍稀动物和植物protect rare animals and plants
民族特性和价值观national identity and values
保监会China Insurance Regulatory Commission
民族团结ethnic unity
保健品health supplements
民族振兴the revitalization of a nation
保健食品health food
明文规定stated in explicit terms
保税仓库bonded warehouse
明月当空with a bright moon ; moonlit
保税区bonded/free trade area
命令行command line
保送高校be recommended for admission to top universities
摩城之音the Motown sound
保险公司insurance company
摩天轮Ferris wheel
保险索赔insurance claim
莫尔斯电码Morse code
保险箱服务safe deposit box services
母校Alma Mater
保修期warranty period
目标责任书target responsibility document/description
保研postgraduate recommendation
目的口岸port of destination
保障房供给不足insufficient affordable housing
内联企业inland associated enterprises
保障和改善民生ensure the wellbeing of the people and improve their lives
内陆国家landlocked country
保障年度收入guaranteed annual income
内政interior administration
保质期shelf life
内政部长interior minister
报酬渐减diminishing return
报复性关税retaliatory tariff
报关单customs declaration
耐药性drug resistance
报价单price quote
男女平等gender equality
报喜不报忧report only the good not the bad
南非发展共同体SADC(Southern African Development Community)
暴发户nouveau riche
南水北调South-to-North water diversion
暴力和自杀violence and suicide
南水北调工程东线eastern route of the South-to North Water Diversion Project
北大西洋公约组织NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
难降解有机污染物persistent organic pollutants
北京四合院Beijing’s courtyard house/Beijing’s four-section rectangular compound
北美自由贸易协定NAFTA(North America Free Trade Agreement)
能源利用率rate of energy utilization
背黑锅be the scapegoat /bear the blame
背投屏幕rear projection screen
年度国家预算annual state budget
被告席defendant’s penal
年级名次class rank
被隔离under quarantine
年久失修的道路crumbling roads
被解除隔离be released from quarantine
年均增长率annual average growth rate
年气温幅度annual temperature
被迫辞职walk the plank
年终报告year-end report
被指控接受贿赂be accused of accepting bribes
牛津英语词典OED(Oxford English Dictionary)
被逐出校门track out of schools
扭转收入差距扩大的趋势reverse the widening inconel gap
本命年the year of one’s animal sign
纽波特民间艺术节the Newport Folk Festival
本着……精神in the spirit of
纽约证券交易所NYSE(New York Stock Exchange)
逼供forced confession
农产品agricultural commodities
比赛地点spots/competition venue
农村富余劳动力surplus rural labor
必修课compulsory course
农村合作医疗制度system of rural cooperative medical care
农副产品agricultural and sideline products
毕业旅行after-graduation trip
农户和社区rural households and communities
毕业设计graduation project
农机具补贴subsidy for agricultural machinery and tools
毕业献辞valedictory address/speech
农民工migrant worker
闭关政策closed-door policy
农药残留pesticide residue
闭卷考试closed-book exam
农药残留物pesticide residue
闭门羹give a cold shoulder
农业工厂化factory farms
避暑胜地summer resort
农业企业的专家an agribusiness specialist
避险基金hedge fund
农业税agricultural tax
边际收入marginal revenue
农业特产税taxes on special agricultural products
边际效益marginal benefit
农业现代化rural modernization
边界争议区disputed border region
农资综合补贴general subsidies for agricultural production supplies
边缘科学boundary science
挪用公款embezzle public funds
欧盟European Union(EU)
便利店convenience store
欧盟轮值主席国rotating EU presidency
便衣警察plainclothes policemen
欧亚大陆桥Eurasia Land Bridge
便宜的航空公司budget airlines
欧元债务危机The Euro debt crisis
欧洲安全与合作组织OSCE(Organization Security and Cooperation in Europe)
标本兼治address both the symptoms and the root causes of the problem
欧洲共同体欧共体European Community 
标的物subject matter 
欧洲国家的一种面向国际学位制度IMP(International Master Program)
标准普尔指数Standard & Poor’s Index 
欧洲货币联盟EMU(European Monetary Union)
飙车drag racing
欧洲经济共同体EEC (European Economic Communities)
表面反照率surface albedo
欧洲经济合作委员会CEEC(Committee of Europe Economic Coorperation)
表面文章lip service
欧洲经济合作协定CEECO(Convention of European Econimc Cooperation)
欧洲联盟EU (European Union)
表演项目demonstration event
欧洲汽车制造商协会ACEA(European Automobile Manufacturers Association)
表演艺术visual and performing arts
欧洲协调委员会CEC(The Co-ordinating European Council)
别跟自己过不去don’t be hard on yourself
欧洲央行ECB(European Central Bank)
冰雪节Snow Festival
欧洲药品管理局EMA(European Medicines Agency)
兵马俑terracotta warriors/clay figures of soldiers and horses
欧洲议会European Parliament
兵马俑博物馆the Terra-Cotta Warrior Museum
欧洲中央银行ECB(European Central Bank)
并购merger and acquisition (M&A)
欧洲中央银行央行ECB(European Central Bank)
病虫害防治pest and disease control
欧洲自由贸易联盟EFTA(European Free Trade Association)
病从口入illness enters via the mouth
欧猪五国PIIGS(Portugal、Italy、Ireland、Greece and Spain)
病毒、细菌或真菌viruses, bacteria or fungi 
排除官僚障碍clear away the red tape
病毒感染的实验室确认laboratory confirmation of infection
排放贸易计划ETS(Emission Trading Scheme)
病毒性疾病viral disease
排放许可证emission permits
病例medical/clinical records; case history
庞氏骗局Ponzi scheme
菠菜电影(即有教育意义、令人深思的电影)spinach cinema
咆哮体roaring genre
播客video blog on the Internet
泡网吧hit the Internet bar/cafe
播种面积sown area
陪同口译liaison interpretation
博鳌亚洲论坛The Boao Forum for Asia
配对游戏Bingo part or game
博采众长draw on others’ successful experience
配角supporting role
配套工程auxiliary/supporting project
博士后研究员postdoctoral fellow
配套资金supporting funds
博弈论game theory
补偿贸易compensation trade
喷灌sprinkler irrigation
补充协议supplementary agreement
蓬勃发展势头robust growth momentum
补贴粮食subsidize food
碰撞出许多思想的火花spark new ideas
批发底价bottom wholesale price
不安全性行为unsafe sex
不安全饮用水和环境卫生unsafe water and sanitation
骗税tax fraud
不成则败make or break
票贩子黄牛党ticket scalper 
不打不成交no discord no concord/no agreement without disagreement
票房box office
不到长城非好汉He who has not scaled the Great Wall is not a true man
票房大战box office battle
不断酸化的海洋growing acidification of the oceans
票房毒药box office flop
票房冠军top-grossing moive
不记名投票secret ballot
票房号召力box office appeal
不结盟运动non-aligned movement
票房价值box office value
不可抗力force majeure
票据贴现bank discount
不可推卸的责任unshakable responsibilities
不扩散核武器条约Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty 
贫富差距disparity in wealth distribution
不立案决定书written decision of no case-filing
贫富加剧widening income gaps
不良贷款non-performing loan/bad loan
贫困人口impoverished people
不良资产救助计划TARP(Troubled Asset Relief Plan)
贫困线poverty line
不明飞行物UFO(Unidentified Flying Objects)
贫老救济Aged poor relief
不拿原则换人情refrain from seeking personal favors at expense of principle
频谱管理spectrum management
不惜一切代价spare no effort /go all out
品牌定位brand positioning
不信任票vote of non-confidence
平等权利修正案ERA(Equal Rights Amendment)
不锈钢stainless steel
平房改造工程renovation project of shanty dwellings
不折腾avoid self-inflicted setbacks/don’t get sidetracked
平均分数GPA(Grade-Point Average)
不正之风bad/harmful practice
平均时间MT(Mean Time)
布雷顿森林体系Bretton Woods System
步行街pedestrian-only street; vehicle-free promenade
平日门票standard day tickets
财产保全申请书application for attachment; application for property preservation
评估小组assessment team
财产股利property dividend
屏保screen saver
财产侵犯property violation
屏幕保护screen saver
财产让与权benefit of cession
瓶颈bottleneck restrictions
财产申报asset declaration
瓶颈制约bottleneck restrictions
财富全球论坛Fortune Global Forum
破发stock sinks below the IPO price
财税体制fiscal and taxation system
剖腹产Caesarean section
财务作假案;假账accounting fraud 
铺设铁轨或路面lay down tracks or pavement
财政保守主义fiscal conservation
普遍服务universal service
财政收入fiscal revenue
普遍优惠制generalized system of preference
财政资助(泛指向学生提供的各种资金、贷款、非全日工作等)financial aid 
普通股common stock
采购经理人指数PMI(Purchase Management Index)
普通开业医生GP(general practitioner)
采矿工业mining industry
普通照会verbal note
彩铃polyphonic ring tone
彩屏color screen
歧视性条款discrimination practice
菜篮子工程the Vegetable Basket Project
旗帜鲜明地反对民族分裂take a clear-cut stand against attempts to split the nation
参股收益;股本盈利equity earnings 
旗帜鲜明反对各种形式的保护主义take a clear-cut stand against all forms of protectionism
参议院席位Senate seats
企业标识corporate identity
参政党parties participating in the management of State affairs
企业到用户的电子商务模式B2C(Business to Customer)
参政议政political participation
企业法enterprise law
餐饮业catering trade
企业孵化器a business incubator
餐桌礼仪dinner etiquette
企业联合馆cooperate joint pavilion
仓储式超市stockroom-style/warehouse-type supermarket
企业社会责任Corporate Social Responsibility
企业退休人员enterprise retirees
操作方法working technique; method of operation
企业文化corporate culture
草根工业grassroots industry
起步价flag fall
测谎试验lie detector tests
气候变化没有国界climate change has no national boarders
测验民意的投票;大选前的意向性投票straw poll 
气候友好技术climate-friendly technologies
插播广告commercial interruption/commercial break
气体能源转化探索研究小组TARGET(Team to Advance Research for Gas Energy Transformation)
查点考勤take attendance
气温引爆点temperature "tipping points" 
茶话会tea party
气象部门meteorological department
产粮大省granary province
弃权票vote abstention
产能过剩行业industries with excess capacity
汽车尾气car exhaust
产品科技含量technological element of a product
汽车制造商共同市场委员会CCMC(Car Makers Common Market Committee)
产品数据管理PDM(Product Data Management)
汽化器空气温度CAT(Carburetor Air Temperature)
产权单位owner of property rights
千年虫millennium bug
产权登记registration of property right
千禧一代the Millennials
产权多元化ownership diversification
签发签证issue a visa
产权制度改革reform of property rights system
产权资本转让equity capital transaction
前台front/reception desk
产销直接挂钩directly link production with marketing
潜规则casting couch
产业的升级换代upgrading of industries
潜在恐怖袭击possible terrorist attacks
产业核心竞争力the core competitiveness of industries
枪手ghost examinee 
产业化扶贫reduce poverty through industrial development
强硬政策tough policy
产业结构调整industrial restructuring
强制措施enforcement measure
产业转移industrial transfer
强制执行compulsory execution
长篇连续剧long-running television moive
抢占经济科技制高点capture the economic, scientific and technological high ground
长期低息贷款long-term, low-interst loan
敲门告知knock and notice
长时间起立鼓掌standing ovation
怯场stage fright
长治久安lasting political stability;  long-term stability
肠胃病gastro-intestinal trouble
亲切的问候cordial greetings
常见问题FAQ(frequently asked questions)
勤工助学work-study program
常务委员member of a standing committee
青花瓷blue and white porcelain
抄袭剽窃plagiarize/plagiarism ,
青年奥林匹克运动会YOG(Youth Olympic Games)
超级爱玩的人party animal
青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency
超前消费excessive consumption
清仓销售clearance sale
超生人口extra births
清产核资asset and capital verification
超水平发挥 outdo oneself
清偿国债extinguishment of national debt
超文本传输协议HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
清关customs liquidation
清洁发展机制clean development mechanism
超音波钢轨探伤器ultrasonic rail detector
清洁能源clean energy
朝鲜半岛核问题Korean Peninsula nuclear issue
情报机构intelligence agencies
朝鲜半岛无核化denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula
情报人员intelligence officers
朝鲜民主主义人民共和国DPRK(Democratic People’s Republic of Korea)
情调音乐mood music
朝阳产业夕阳产业sunrise/sunset industry
情商EQ(Emotional Quotient)
潮汐日tidal day
区域合作regional cooperation
炒股speculate in the stock market
区域协调发展balanced development between regions
区域协调互动发展机制a mechanism for promoting balance and interactive development among regions
车辆购置及运行费the purchase and operating cost of motor vehicles
渠道输水能力water carrying capacity of a canal
车牌号plate number
全方位的外交政策all-dimensional foreign policy
车牌摇号license-plate lottery
全国各族人民people of all ethnic groups
撤销立案revoke a case placed on file
全国人大代表deputy to the National People’s Congress
撤销专利revocation of a patent
全国人民代表大会NPC(the National People’s Congress)
成本、保险费加运费CIF(Cost,Insurance and Freight)
全国人民代表大会主席团NPC Presidium
成本收益分析cost and benefit analysis
全国外语翻译证书NAETI(National Accreditation Examinations for Translators and Interpreters)
全国一级文物保护单位class A heritage site under state protection
成绩全优生straight A student
全国有色人种协进会NAACP(National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)
成人礼coming-of-age ceremony
全国政协委员 member of the national committee of the CPPCC
承诺派军commit troops to
全科执业医师general practitioner
城管urban management officers
全美篮球协会NBA(National Basketball Association)
城际高铁intercity high-speed rail
全面的经济计划all-inclusive economic plan
城际快速铁路inter-city express railway
全面深化改革comprehensively deepen reforms
城区建快速交通线IRT(interborough rapid transmit)
全面投产run at full capacity
城市补丁run-down neighborhoods
全面选举blanket ballot
城市带urban belt
全面质量管理TQC(Total quality control)
城市低收入者low-income city dwellers
全民健身和竞技体育public fitness programs and competitive sports
城市垃圾urban refuse
全能冠军all-round champion
城乡差距rural-urban divide
全球500强企业The global top 500 enterprises
城乡低保urban and rural recipients of subsistence allowances
全球定位系统GPS(Global Position System)
城乡公共就业服务体系urban and rural systems for providing public employment services
全球经济治理和区域合作Global economic governance and regional cooperation
城乡社会救助体系urban and rural emergency aid system
全球警报global alert
城镇登记失业率registered unemployment rate in cities and towns
全球排放分配方法apportionment approaches for global emissions
城镇社会保障体系urban social security system
全球信息化论坛Global City Informatisation Forum
城镇职工基本养老保险制度basic old age insurance system for urban workers
全球移动通信系统GSM(global system for mobile communications)
城镇住房制度改革reform of the urban housing system
全球油气生产能力global oil and gas capacity
惩罚性关税punitive tariffs
全日制教育full-time education
橙色预警orange alert
全套发射设备LG(Lanch Complex)
持中立态度的国家fence-sitting nations
全体教师teaching faculty
赤贫dire poverty
赤字结余red balance
权力下放shift of power to the grassroots;delegate power to the lower levels
充分发挥企业作为技术创新的主体作用give full play to the role of main parties for technologicalinnovation
权利的和平过渡peaceful transfer of authority
冲动犯罪impulse crime
权钱交易power-for-money deal
冲破不合时宜的观念束缚break the shackles of outdated ideas
缺乏运动lack of exercise
抽象派艺术abstract art
确认令状的发出acknowledge the issue of the writ
抽样检查sample survey
裙带经济crony economy
筹款募款raising money 
群众路线活动mass line campaign
出场费performance fee
群租客tenant groups
出口贸易export trade
燃料排放量fossil fuel emission
出口信贷export credit
燃油附加费fuel surcharge
出口总值total export value
燃油附加税banker surcharge
出类拔萃的最棒的Bee ’s knees  
热点地区hot spot 
出生时间和地点DPOB(date and place of birth)
热点消费consumption in areas of high consumer interest
出线资格finals berth
人才教育professional education
出于善意的done as a matter of favor
人才培训personnel training
人才培养staff development
初级产品生产国primary producing country
人才选拔personnel selection
初级商品primary goods
人才战略human resources strategy
厨师特荐菜;招牌菜chef’s special 
人才之家Home for Talent
储备产业supporting industry
人道主义干涉Humanitarian intervention
储蓄投资组合savings portfolio
人道主义革命humanitarian mission
处世哲学 philosophy of life
人道主义援助humanitarian aid
处于最低生活保障线上的人minimum earner
人格权right of personality
穿小鞋make life difficult for
人工降雨artificial rain
传播文明transmission of civilization
人均教育经费per-capita education spending
传媒大亨media tycoon
人均可支配金额Per capita disposable income
传媒大战media competition
人均能源浓度比per capita energy intensity ratio
传票issue a summons
人均排放per capita emissions
传染病contagious disease
人均占有量per capita availability
传染因子infectious agent
人口功能区functional population zone
传染源source of infection
人口红利demographic dividend
传输控制协议TCP(Transmission Control Protocol)
人口老龄化aging population
传统教学方式traditional way of teaching
人口零增长ZPG(Zero Population Growth)
传统中医药TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine)
人口因素demographic factors
传销pyramid schemes; multi-level marketing
人类基因组计划Human Genome Project
创汇型企业foreign exchange-earning enterprise
人力资源 human resources
创建卫生城市build an advanced clean city
人力资源管理HRM(Human Resource Management)
创刊号inaugural issue
人们赖以生存和发展的people rely on for subsistence and development
创新驱动发展战略innovation-based development strategies
人民内部矛盾contradictions among the people
创新体系an innovation system
人民生活和社会稳定people’s livelihood and social stability
创新型国家innovation-oriented nation
人民团体mass organizations
创新型企业innovative enterprises
人权公约human rights conventions
人身攻击personal remark/comment
垂直管理vertical management
人事制度改革 reform of personnel system
垂直贸易vertical trade
人体免疫缺损病毒HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
春卷spring roll
人头税community charge 
春运transport during the Spring Festival Period
人头税poll tax
慈善事业观察员Charity visitor
人造燃料synthetic fuel
磁带MT(Magnetic Tape)
人造卫星artificial satellite
磁共振成象magnetic resonance imaging
认股权stock option
磁悬浮列车maglev train/magnetically levitated train/magnetic suspension train
任意单位AU(Arbitrary Unit)
次贷危机sub-prime crisis
日本工业标准JIS(Japanese Industrial Standards)
次级房贷subprime mortgage
日本共同通讯社Kyodo News Service
次区域合作sub-regional cooperation
日本航空公司JAL(Japan Air Lines)
次生地质灾害secondary geological disaster
日本汽车标准化组织JASO(Japanese Automobile Standards Organization)
从检票口通过get in through the wicket
日本汽车工程师协会JASE(Japanese Society of Automobile Engineers)
从轻处罚情节mitigating circumstances
日美同盟Japan-U.S. alliance
从人民的根本利益出发proceed from the fundamental interests of the people
日益增长的物质文化需求 growing material and cultural needs
从事贸易engage in trade
融资渠道financing channels
从重处罚情节aggravating circumstances
入户摸底调查 door-to-door survey
聪明才智得到充分发挥bring the talent and creativity into full play
入籍证明Certificate of naturalization
粗放集约经营extensive/intensive operation /
入学须知information for admission
粗放式发展extensive development
入住率occupancy rate
粗放性增长方式extensive mode of growth; inefficient model of growth
软毒品;不易成瘾的毒品soft drug 
粗活menial activity
软环境 soft environment
促进公共活动promote communal activity
软件开发software development
促进共同繁荣promote common prosperity
软件开发工程师software developer
促进国际关系民主化promote democracy in international relations
软实力和巧实力soft power and smart power
促进国际收支平衡maintain a basic balance in international payments
瑞士联合银行UBS(United Bank of Switzerland)
促进社会和谐稳定promote social harmony and stability
三八红旗手March 8 Red Flag Bearer
促进艺术交流promote artistic exchange
三包包修包换包赔three guarantees (for repair, replacement or compensation of faultyproducts)
催泪弹tear gas
三个代表重要思想 the important thought of Three represents
存款法定准备金比率deposit reserve ratio
三角债chain debts
达到自给自足reach self-sufficiency
三农 agriculture,rural areas and farmers
答辩权right of reply
三网融合three network convergence/TCL convergence
答谢宴会return dinner
三一律(一个情节一个地点一个时间)the three unities 
打击取缔非法收入crack down on and ban illegal income
三资企业three kinds of foreign-invested enterprise or ventures
打酱油see no evil/hear no evil/I’m just passing by
散客odd customer; individual visitors
打破地区封锁和行业垄断break regional blockades and trade monopolies
丧失全部财产lose one’s shirt
打破世界纪录break a world record
森林砍伐和森林退化deforestation and forest degradation
大包干all-round responsibility system/lump-sum appropriations operation
森林砍伐速度deforestation rate
大部分lion’s share
森林蓄积量forest stock volume
大城市人口metropolitan area population
大幅量化减排deep quantified emission cuts
珊瑚白化coral bleaching
大规模杀伤性武器weapons of mass destruction
闪跳族habitual job hopper
大海捞针look for a needle in a haystack
伤不起to dedicate to bear a blow
大韩民国ROK(Republic of Korea)
商会chamber of commerce
大麻烟叶Mary Jane 
商品保修期warranty period
大满贯grand slam
商品房commercial apartment
大片好莱坞大片hit moive/Hollywood blockbuster /
商品交易管理局美国CEA(Commodity Exchange Authority)
商品经济commodity economy
大容量高速率high-capacity and high-speed
商务参赞commercial secretary
大西洋两岸的分歧transatlantic divergence
商务专员commercial attache
商业贷款business lending
大学城Higher Education Mega Center
商业周期business cycle
大学生创业university student’s innovative undertakings
商用通信服务commercial communications services
大学水平考试CLEP(College Level Examination Program)
上岸游行观光shore excursion
大学先修课程考试(俗称测验)Advanced Placement Test , AP
上铺中铺或下铺upper, middle or lower berth 
大众传播mass media
上升段ascent stage
大众媒体popular media
上市公司listed company
大众艺术pop arts
上市股票listed shares(stock)
代表on behalf of
上诉法院appeal court
代表团成员member of the delegation
少不更事的青涩时代salad days
代表作tour de force
少年司法制度juvenile justice system
社会保险账号SSN(Society Security Number)
代理检察员acting prosecutor
社会保障social security
代排族hired queuer
社会保障工作social security work
代用币游戏币礼品券token(coin)/token for games/a gift token 
社会保障私有化social security privatization
代孕surrogate births
社会保障体系social security system
带薪假期 paid holiday
社会保障支出social security expenditure
待处理流动资产损失current asset losses in suspense
社会惰性social weakening
待机模式standby mode
社会工作者social worker
单边行动unilateral action
社会公共需要social needs
单独二胎couples with one spouse being an only child are permitted to have two children
社会监管social supervision
单双号限行规定an odd-and-even license plate rule
社会健康保险social health insurance
单位犯罪unit crime
社会结构social structure
单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放强度carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP
社会利益格局interests of different social groups
单位国内生产总值能耗energy consumption per unit of GDP
社会零售物价总指数general retail price index
单位面积产量yield per unit area
社会生产力social productivity
弹道导弹ballistic missile
社会事业体制social program system
弹性外交elastic diplomacy
社会消费函数community consumption function
弹性预算discretionary budget
社会心理承受力social acceptability
淡季slack season/off-season
社会心理底线"psychological bottom line" of society
淡妆light make-up
社会信用体系social credit system
蛋白质工程protein engineering
社会演变social evolution
当代文艺思潮contemporary literary and artistic trend
社会渣滓Bottom dregs
当地艺人local craftspeople
社会主义法治国家 social country under the rule of law
当作耳旁风.turn a deaf ear to sth.
社会主义核心价值体系 core socialist values
党纲party program
社会主义核心价值体系core socialist values
导弹防御missile defense
社会主义荣辱观Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace
导航栏navigation bar
社会主义现代化建设socialist modernization drive
到岸价格C.I.F(cost, insurance, and freight)
社会主义新农村Socialist New Countryside
盗版片荒诞剧pirated film/theatre of the absurd /
社会主义制度的无比优越incomparable superiority of the socialist
盗版书pirated book
社会转型时期period of social transition
盗用版权copyright theft
社会组织形式the way society is organized
道德沦丧的社会broken society
社交媒体social media
道琼斯工业平均指数DJIA(Dow Jones Industrial Average)
社区福利基金community chest
德高望重be of high prestige
社区联合儿童监护站community coordinated child care
登机牌boarding check
社区住院和门诊照护in-patient and out-patient community care
登记结婚wed in civil ceremony
登陆艇LC(Landing Craft)
涉外经济体制regulatory mechanism governing external economic relations
登录log in/on
申办冬季奥运会launch a bid to host the Winter Olympic Games
登月舱lunar module
申根护照自由区Schengen passport free zone
等绩点均值GPA(Grade Point Average)
申论argumentative essay writing
等距离外交equidistant diplomacy
申请签证apply for a visa
邓小平理论Deng XiaoPing Theory
身体素质physical condition
低保制度subsistence security system
深入和建设性的交流in-depth and constructive exchanges
低等文化低级文化low culture 
神舟十号the Shenzhou X spacecraft
低端产品low-end product
审理案件hear a case
低焦油香烟low-tar cigarette
审美疲劳aesthetic fatigue
低排放经济a low-emission economy
审时度势seize up the situation
低收入家庭low-income family/household
生产能力过剩excess production capacity
低水平重复建设low-level redundant development
生产者物价指数PPI(producer price index)
低碳经济low carbon economy
生存排放survival emissions
低血压low blood pressure
生发排放物gaseous pollutant
低脂饮食low-fat diet
生父鉴定试验paternity test
低致病性low pathogenic form
生活成本指数cost of living index
滴灌drip irrigation
生活费用的调整COLA(Cost of Living Adjustment)
底线bottom line
生活费指数cost-of-living index
底线思维bottom-line mentality
生活轨迹trajectory of one’s life
抵押贷款mortgage/secured loan
生计农民subsistence farmers
地方保护主义regional protectionism
地方财政预算local government budget
生命科学life science
生命维持系统life support system
地方债全面审计nationwide auditing of local government liabilities
生态保护与建设natural environment protection and development
地面沉降land subsidence
生态补偿机制ecological damage compensation mechanism
地面塌陷ground depression
生态补偿制度the system of ecological compensation
地球同步卫星geostationary/synchronous satellite
地区动荡regional turmoil
生态文明ecological civilization
地王top bidder for a land plot
生态移民eco-driven migration/ecology migration/eco-migration
地质灾害易发区调查评估体系disaster-prone areas risk assessment systems
生物带life zone
帝王威仪的象征a symbol of imperial dignity
生物工程 biological engineering
第三产业tertiary industry/service industry
生物控制biological control
第三世界Third World
生物能源bio-based energy
第一审判庭first tribunal
生物因子biological agents
第一责任人person of primary/chief responsibility
生于低谷期Baby bust
点播request a song
生育保险Maternity Insurance
点击量click rate
生育率fertility rate
碘缺乏症iodine deficiency disease
生殖周期breeding cycle
电汇telegraphic transfer
声名显赫的学术水平an outstanding academic reputation
电力控制electric control
圣诞老人Santa Claus
电视电影made-for-television moive
圣雄甘地Mahatma Gandhi
电视实况转播live television coverage
盛情接待cordial hospitality
电视选秀talent show
剩余法on a residual basis
电信业务the telecommunication sector
剩余劳动力surplus labor
电影摄制助理film production assistant
失业保险Unemployment Insurance
电子发票electronic invoice
失职渎职dereliction of duty; neglect of one’s duties
电子公告板系统BBS(Bulletin Board System)
电子讲解机audio guide
石洞壁画cave painting
电子商务认证E-business certification
石油输出国家组织OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
石油消费国oil consuming countries
奠基礼foundation stone laying ceremony
石油泄漏oil spill
时尚牺牲者fashion victim
调整改组国有企业readjust and reorganize state-owned enterprises
实话实说speak the plain truth
丁克家庭DINK(Double Income No Kids);dink family
实际利用外资foreign investment in actual use
顶职办法job release scheme
实事求是be practical and realistic
订金CBD(Cash Before Delivery)
实体法substantive law
定期存款time deposit
实习导游义务导游trainee guide/volunteer guide /
定期选举regular elections
实现公平竞争level the playing field
东道国host country/nation
实现跳跃性发展make a leap forward
实行单双号通行on alternate days 
东非共同体EAC (East African Community)
食品污染food contamination
东海问题East China Sea issue
食品药品质量监管oversight and supervision of food and drug quality
东京证券交易所TSE(Tokyo Stock Exchange))
食品药物管理局FDA(Food and Drug Administration)
东盟ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)
世界博览会World Expo
东盟自由贸易区AFTA(Asian Free Trade Area)
世界地质公园a world geological park
动产或不动产real or personal property
世界观人生观价值观outlook on world/life and values
动画片animated movie
世界和平理事会WPC (World Peace Council)
动物保护协会SPCA(Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
世界经济格局大变革大调整major changes in the global economic landscape
动植物检疫animal and plant quarantine
世界经济论坛达沃斯会议World Economic Forum 
都市电台metropolitan station
世界粮食计划署WFP(the World Food Program)
豆腐渣工程jerry-built projects
世界旅游组织WTO(World Tourism Organization)
督导inspection and supervision
世界贸易组织WTO(World Trade Organization)
毒品走私drug smuggling
世界卫生组织WHO(World Health Organization)
渎职dereliction of duty
世界野生动物基金WWF(World Wildlife Fund)
独唱音乐会solo concert
世界遗产名录the World Heritage List
独家报道exclusive story
世界遗产委员会WHC(World Heritage Committee)
独立展馆stand-alone pavilion
世界银行WB(World Bank)
独立自主的和平外交政策independent foreign policy of peace
世界知识产权组织WIPO(World Intellectual Property Organization)
独联体CIS(Commonwealth of Independence States)
世界最大的排放国the world’s leading emitters
独生子女政策the one-child policy
度假的天堂a vacation wonderland
市场化改革market-oriented reform
镀金时代the gilded age
市场经济a market economy
短篇小说short story
市场疲软sluggish market
短信服务SMS(short message service)
市场准人的行政管理措施AAMA(Administrative Aspects of Market Access)
短租房short-term housing/accommodation
市场准入market access/entry
对等资金matching funds
市内电话网local network
对呼吸道疾病的监视surveillance for respiratory disease
市政工程municipal/public works
对立情绪confrontational feelings
事后的;溯及既往的by a subsequent act 
对人民高度负责的态度maintain a high sense of responsibility to people
事实上承认de facto recognition
对外开放广度和深度opening up in scope and depth
视觉艺术家visual artist
对外贸易总额total foreign trade volume
视力受损visual impairment
对外直接投资FDI(Foreign Direct Investment)
视频点播video on demand
对药物具有敏感性susceptible to drugs
视频艺术video art
对遇难者亲属表示慰问express condolences to the families of the killed
试点计划pilot programme
对照食物control diet
试点项目pilot project
多边出口控制协调委员会CCMEC(Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls)
试读conditional admission
多边贸易谈判MTN(Multilateral Trade Negotiations )
试婚trial marriage
多边组织的发展growth of multilateral organizations
试验太空船experimental spacecraft
多发病frequently occuring disease
试运行trial operation
多功能卡multipurpose card
室内运动indoor sports
多级火箭multistage rocket
室外运动outdoor sports
收购价purchasing price
多人多天太空飞行multi-manned and multi-day space flight
收盘价closing price
多任务小卫星small multi-mission stellite(SMMS)
收容调查shelter and investigation
多数规则plurality rule
收视率audience rating
多种经济成分diverse sectors of the economy
手部卫生hand hygiene
多种所有制经济an economy with diverse forms of ownership
厄尔尼诺现象El Nino
手机充值卡pre-paid phone card
恶搞parody joke
守法公民law-abiding citizen
恶性循环vicious circle
首次公开募股IPO(Initial Public Offerings)
恶意诋毁malicious slander
首例患者索引患者index case 
恶意营销smear campaign
首日封first-day cover
恩格尔系数Engel coefficient
首席财务主管CFO(Chief Finance Officer)
儿童津贴child benefit 
首席记者front row seat
二次污染物secondary pollutant
首席技术官CTO(Chief Technology Officer)
二手房pre-owned house; second-hand house
首席运营官COO(Chief Operating Officer)
二维码QR(quick response) code
首席执行官CEO(Chief Executive Officer)
二氧化硫sulfur dioxide
首演;首映(screen) debut/premiere 
二氧化碳排放carbon dioxide emissions
发表回复post a reply
寿桃 birthday peaches
发动机排量 engine capacity
受旱区域droughts plaguing parts
发光二极管LED(Light-emitting Diode)
售后服务after-sale service
发光二极管显示器LED(light-emitting diode display)
售票厅ticket booth
发射控制LG(Launch Control)
授予学位award/confer degree
发射台launch pad
熟女mature woman
发型原始股IPO(Initial Public Offerings)
薯类作物tuber crops
发扬国粹carry forward the quintessence of Chinese culture
数码摄像DV(Digital Video)
发展才是硬道理development as a task of overriding importance driven by consumption, investment ,import and export
数字鸿沟digital divide
法典legal code
数字信息鸿沟digital gap/divide
法定监护人legal guardian
法律承认de jure recognition
耍小聪明too clever by half
法律顾问legal adviser
栓塞和脓血症embolism and sepsis
法律和秩序law and order
双边会谈bilateral negotiation
法律漏洞legal loophole
双边口译Bilateral interpreting
法律追究be brought to justice
双层公共汽车double-deck bus
法律尊严legal sanctity
双城记The Tale of Two Cities
法轮功the Falungong cult
双休日two-day weekend
法新社AFP(Agence France Presse)
双眼皮double eyelid
法学院入学考试LSAT(Law School Admission Test)
双赢win-win/double win
法制观念legal awareness
水产品aquatic product
法治政府law-based government
水产养殖系统agriculture farming system
法治政府和服务型政府a law-based and service-oriented government
水产业aquatic product industry;fishery
翻唱cover version
水电装机容量installed hydro power capacity
繁文缛节red tape
水力发电hydroelectric power generation
反对党opposition party
水利工程water resources projects/water conservancy projects
反对增加学费运动anti-tuition hike campaign
水球water polo
反腐倡廉anti-corruption bid
水土流失water loss and soil erosion
反垄断法anti-monopoly law
水土流失和侵蚀mud slides and erosion
反倾销措施anti-dumping measures
水源的疾病waterborne disease
反倾销税countervailing duty
水资源保护区water resource conservation zone
反水货市场联盟AGMA(Anti Gray Market Alliance)
税后利润after-tax profit
反贪法规anti-corruption legislation
税前利润profit before tax
反应迟钝lack of alertness
税务代理人tax agent
返程票round-trip tickets
税务抵免tax credit
返回舱reentry module
睡眠不足sleep debt
泛太平洋伙伴关系TPP(trans-pacific partnership)
司法程序legal proceedings
贩卖人口traffic in persons
司法公正judicial justice
方便的付款方式a convenient method of payment
司法惯例judicial practice
防尘口罩anti-dust masks
司法权judicial power
防护林shelter belts
司法仲裁judicial arbitration
防空识别区air defense identification zone
防灾减灾disaster prevention and reduction
私密反对票Black ball
防灾减灾能力the capacity to guard against disasters and mitigate their damages
私有财产的继承权right to inherit private property
防止核扩散条约Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
思想道德修养Ideological and moral cultivation
防止核扩散运动nonproliferation drive
四点优势、劣势、机会、威胁分析SWOT analysis
房奴mortgage slave
松散的家庭观loosely-bound family
访问控制列表ACL(Access Control List)
松土功能tillage function
非处方药OTC(Over the Counter)
搜查令search warrant
非传统安全问题non-traditional security issues
非传统领域合作cooperation in nontraditional areas
苏伊士运河Suez Canal
非典SARS(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
诉苦;抱怨singing the blues 
非法传销illegal pyramid selling
酸雾acid mist
非法收入illegal earning;illicit income
酸性爵士乐Acid Jazz
非法套汇illegal purchase of foreign exchange
随机存取random access
非公有制经济non-public sectors of the economy
随军记者war correspondent
非关税壁垒non-tariff trade barriers
随行就市fluctuate in line with market conditions
非营利性的教育机构non-profit educational institutions
胎教fetal education
非营利性组织NPO(Not-for-Profit Organization)
非洲统一组织OAU (Organization of African Unity)
太空病space sickness
费改税transform administrating fees into taxes
分工division of labour
太空服space outfit
分类网站classified website
太空食物space food
分配货币化 distribution of money
太阳活动周期solar cycle
分治的政府divided government
太阳能电池板solar panel
氛围流行ambient pop
谈判代表bargaining agent
粉扑运动花拳绣腿a powder-puff sport 
坦诚相待in an honest partnership
粪水dung water
探月工程lunar exploration program
风格主义湿壁画mannerist frescoes
碳的隔离sequestration of the carbon
风险防范机制risk prevention mechanism
碳汇carbon sink
风险投资venture capita/risk investment
碳排放carbon emission
风险资本venture capital
碳收集及储存CCS(carbon capture and storage)
封口费hush money
碳吸收carbon sequestration
疯牛病BSE(Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy)
碳信用额carbon credit
凤凰男ugly duckling
碳足迹Carbon Footprint
奉子成婚shotgun marriage/wedding
逃税tax evasion
佛经Buddhist scriptures
淘汰的产品knockout product
扶贫poverty alleviation/anti-poverty effort
套票season ticket
扶贫工作poverty alleviation work
特别行政区SAR(Special Administrative Region)
扶贫基金anti-poverty funds
特大自然灾害large-scale natural disaster/devastating disaster
扶贫政策poverty relief policy
特技special effects
服从全局、服务全局be subordinated to and serve the overall interests of the country
特技替身演员stunt man
服务舱service module
特刊special issue
服务贸易trade in services
特洛伊木马Trojan horse
服务外包service outsourcing
特命全权大使ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary
服务型政府service-oriented government
特派记者accredited journalist
服装设计师fashion designer
特任大使ambassador with special function
浮云fleeting cloud
特色旅游feature tour
符合文艺发展内在规律consistent with the inherent laws of the development of arts
特色项目odd event
福利彩票welfare lottery
特色优势产业industries with local advantages
抚恤金injury and death benefits
特使special envoy
俯瞰城市全景enjoy a bird’s-eye view of the city
特约经销商exclusive distributor
辅助设备accessory apparatus
梯田terraced field
腐败的行政管理corrupt administration
提供免费讲解服务provide free interpretation service
负责型政府responsible government
提供全方位的服务offer an all-round service
附加税VAT(value-added tax)/extra duties/surtax/super tax/tax surcharge
提升核心竞争力boost core competitiveness
附加政治条件political strings attached
提示音warning tone
附赠曲目bonus track
复读生return and repeat students
体罚 corporal punishment
复方阿司匹林APC(Aspirin Phenacetin and Caffeine)
体外受精IVF(In Vitro Fertilization)
复合型人才interdisciplinary talent
体育大国a major sports country
复课resume classes
体育强国a world sports power
复式班makeshift classes
体制创新institutional innovation
复种multiple cropping
体制与机制institutions and mechanisms
体制障碍institutional barriers
副业sideline production
体质下降physical decline
富二代affluent second generation
富强民主文明的和谐的社会主义现代化a prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally developed and harmonious modern socialist country
天然水疗中心natural spa
覆盖作物cover crops
天人合一the unity of man/human and nature/Heaven-Man Oneness/Heaven and man are one
改革攻坚further reform in difficult areas;tackle hard issues in the reform
天体物理学a strophysics
改革试点pilot reform program
改良土壤soil improvement
天灾人祸natural calamities and man-made misfortune
改善贫困状况Amelioration of poverty
肝胆相照荣辱与共treat each other with all sincerity and share weal and woe
田径运动track and field/athletics
感情投资investment in human relationships
填鸭式教学法cramming system; spoon-feeding pedagogy
岗位津贴post allowance
贴小广告的人bill sticker
岗位培训on- the - job training
铁饭碗ironclad labor protection
岗位责任制work post responsibility
铁路运力不足train service shortage
港人治港the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong
高保真音乐hi-fi music
亭、台、楼、阁pavilion, stage, building and multi-storied pavilion
高层次人才high-caliber personnel
庭院旧货出售yard sale
高度自治a high degree of autonomy
停职育婴期Baby break
高端产品high-end product
通货贬值升值currency depreciation/appreciation /
高端设备制造high-end equipment manufacturing
通勤job commuting
高峰论坛summit forum
通商口岸trading port
高峰期peak season
通俗文学light literature
高级经理工商管理硕士EMBA(Executive Master of Business Administration)
通用放大器GPA(General Purpose Amplifier)
高级流线型列车super-streamlined train
通用分组无线业务GPPS(general packet radio service)
高技能人才highly skilled personal
通知照会circular note
高架公路overhead road/elevated highway
同步卫星geostationary satellite
高架轻轨elevated railway
同步叙述simultaneous narrative
高考状元top scorer of the national college entrance examination
同城待遇identical treatment
高品位的生活a life of exquisite taste
同工同酬equal pay for equal work
高清电视HDTV(High-Definition Television)
同邻国实现关系正常化normalization with neighbors
高速宽带网络不健全incomplete high-speed broadband network
同盟国allied powers
高消耗高污染行业highly-polluting enterprises with high energy consumption
同仁堂Tongrentang Chinese Medicine
高效照明工具CFL(compact fluorescent lamp)
同学会alumni association
高雅艺术refined and elegant art
铜首bronze head sculpture
高致病性highly pathogenic form
统筹城乡发展coordinate development in rural and urban regions
歌剧音乐operatic music
筒子楼tube-shaped apartment building
革命老区old revolutionary base areas
偷税漏税tax evasion
个人崇拜cult of personality
头版新闻front page news
个人护理产品personal care products
头等生top student
个人理财计划personal financing plan
个人所得税personal income tax
投票箱ballot box
个体、私营经济self-employed and other private businesses/private economy
投资比例investment ratio
个体工商户self-employed/private industrial and commercial household/the self-employed
投资回报率ROI(Return on Investment)
个体户the self-employed
透明度和问责制transparency and accountability
各界人士all walks of life
突发公共安全事件应急处理机制mechanisms for responding to emergencies that threaten public safety
徒步旅行walking tour
跟风go with the trend
途中休息停车comfort stop
跟团旅游package tour
土地承包经营权land contract and management right
跟踪调查tracking survey
土地出让金land conveyance fee
跟踪审计follow-up auditing
土地复垦land reclamation
耕地保护制度system for protecting arable land
土地沙化desertification of land/desert encroachment
耕地流失arable land loss
土壤微生物soil micro-organisms
耕地设施farming equipment
土壤养分平衡soil nutrient balancing
耕作技术farming techniques
土特产local specialty
工龄工资seniority pay
团购group buying
工伤work-related injuries
团体游package tour
工伤保险Occupational Injury Insunmce
团体游客group visitors
工业标准规格ISS(Industry Standard Specification)
推广节水灌溉法popularize water-efficient irrigation methods
工业废水industrial effluents
推广系统extension systems
工业固体废料industrial solid waste
推进经济进入创新驱动内升增长的发展轨道put economic development onto the track of endogenous growth driven by innovation
工业三废industrial waste water/waste gases and residues
推进事业单位改革push forward the reform of institutions
工业园区industrial park
推行可持续发展战略pursue the strategy of sustainable development
工艺美术arts and crafts
退耕还林convert cultivated land into forests
工艺美术师industrial artist
退耕还林还草return farmland to forests and restore livestock pastures to grasslands
工作午餐.working lunchcon.
退休金双轨制dual pension scheme
公告板服务Bulletin Board Service
公共参与public/communal participation
托福考试TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language)
公共服务和社会管理public services and administration
脱产培训off-the-job training
公共关系部public relations department
拓宽农村增收渠道seek new ways to increase farmer’s incomes
公共关系管理public relationship management
外国学生咨询顾问foreign student advisor
公共英语等级考试PETS(Public English Test System)
外汇储备foreign currency reserves
公共资助public funding
外汇牌价foreign exchange quotation
公积金public accumulation fund/public reserve fund
外汇市场foreign exchange market
公开预算publicize budget
外交代表diplomatic representative
公款的拨用specific appropriation of public money
外交和联邦办公室Foreign and Commonwealth Office
公路隔离带median strip
外交礼仪diplomatic etiquette
公路隧道highway tunnel
外交信使diplomatic courier
外交邮袋diplomatic bag; diplomatic pouch
公民责任civic responsibilities
外贸工作者foreign trade personnel
公平分配fair distribution
外商独资企业exclusively foreign-owned company in china
公平贸易行为fair trading practice
外商直接投资foreign direct investment
公司汇票house bill
外事专员extra-affairs commissioner
公司债券corporate bond
完成两年学院课程或同等程度而获得的学位associate degree
公诉方证人prosecution witness
完成四年的学业finish a four-year curriculum
公务车state-financed vehicle
晚餐前茶点low tea
公务接待费hospitality spending
万国邮政联盟UPU(Universal Postal Union)
公务员civil/public servant
万事如意all the best
公务员热civil servants frenzy
万维网WWW(World Wide Web)
公用互联网public Internet
公有制和非公有制经济public and non-public sectors of the economy
网络城市cyber city
公债public debt
网络环境online environment
公证notary service
公证处notary office
网络课堂on line class/course
公租房public rental housing
网络快车ADSL(Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line)
供求失衡supply-demand imbalance
网络身份online identity
供氧能力aerobic capacity
网络威胁cyber threat
供应链supply chain
网络协议IP(Internet Protocol)
宫外孕ectopic pregnancy
网络综合症net synthesis
共和党GOP(Grand Old Party)
网民cyber citizen/netizen
共同安全shared security
网上冲浪surf the Internet
共同但有区别的责任原则principle of common but differentiated responsibility
网上购物online shopping
共同的监护权joint custody
网上交易平台online trading platform
共同繁荣shared/common prosperity
网上聊天online chatting
共同监护权joint custody
网上通信online communication
共同利益shared/common interests
网瘾Internet addiction /cyber addiction
共有权communal tenure
旺季high/busy season
危害性空气污染物HAPs(hazardous air pollutants)
狗仔队dog packs/paparazzo
危机管理机制crisis management mechanism
购买力平价PPP(purchasing power parity)
危险垃圾运输hazardous waste transport
购物狂欢节shopping gala
古代雕塑antique sculpture
微型企业micro-sized enterprises
股本投资equity investment
为他人谋取利益seek profits for others
股票上市stock listing
股权分置改革reform of listing non-tradable shares of listed companies
违约金default fine
股市暴跌stock market crash
违约赔偿金liquidated damages
股市行情stock market quotation
维持低生育水平maintain a low birth rate
骨干企业backbone/key enterprise
维和行动peace-keeping operation
维护社会公平正义safeguard social fairness and justice
鼓励艺术创新encourage artistic innovation
维护祖国统一safeguard national unity
固定成本fixed cost
伪报fraudulent report
固定电话网fixed-line telephone network
伪娘drag queen
固定资产核算fixed-assets accounting
固定资产重估reevaluation of fixed assets
尾气净化器exhaust purifier
挂广告牌的人sandwich man
委任书letter of appointment
挂靠户an adjunct organization
委任证书certificate of appointment
挂钥匙儿童latchkey children
卫生规范hygienic practices
怪诞小说mystery story
卫生埋填sanitary landfills
关税壁垒customs barrier; tariff wall
卫星导航satellite navigation
关系正常化normalized relations
未婚先孕premarital pregnancy
观光台observation deck
未接电话missed call
观日出watch the rising sun
官方使用双语制officially bilingual
温带大陆性气候 temperate continental climate
官方语言机构OLA(Official Language Agency)
温带气旋extratropical cyclone
官方援助official assistance
温度逆增temperature inversion
管理服务部MSA(Management Services Agency)
温室气体排放greenhouse gas emissions
管理机构management organization/body
温室气体排放和气候变化greenhouse gas emission and climate change
管理信息系统MIS(Management Information Systems)
温室效应greenhouse effect
管理学研究生入学考试GMAT(Graduate Management Admission Test)
文化产业culture industry
贯彻党的文艺方针implement the Party’s literary and artistic principals and policies
文化多元论cultural pluralism
灌溉面积irrigated area
文化旅游culture-oriented travel
灌溉农田irrigate croplands
文化特质culture trait
光伏发电容量photovoltaic power capacity
文盲率illiteracy level
光缆optic cable
文明冲突The Clash of Civilization 
光通信photo-communication/optical communication
文明间的对话dialogue among civilizations
光污染light pollution
文物cultural relics
光效应艺术;视幻艺术op art 
文学年轻女性小说Chic lit
广大人民群众the broad masses of the people
蜗居snail house/dwelling
广告片advertising film/commercial message
我们的命运紧紧相连我们的利益水乳交融Our destinies are closely linked and our interests intertwined.
规范税制standardize the tax system
污染防治pollution control
规划许可planning approval
污染防治激励措施anti-pollution incentive
规模经济economy of scale
污染控制期限制度pollution control deadline system
规模经济scale economy; economy of scale
污染物鉴别identification of pollutants
国防预算defence budget
污染物排放pollutant discharge
国红十字会ARC(American Red Cross)
污染物排放标准emission standard
国会大厦Capital Building
污染指数pollution index
国会图书馆LC(Library of Congress)
污水处理sewage treatment/disposal
国会演说parliamentary speech
污水处理厂sewage treatment plant
国货homemade products
污水处理系统sewage treatment system
国际奥林匹克委员会IOC (International Olympic Committee)
无偿献血blood donation without payment
国际奥委员会IOC(nternational Olympic Committee)
无党派人士代表non-party representative
国际标准化组织ISO(International Standardization Organization)
无风不起浪there are no waves without wind/there is no smoke without fire
国际采购分销和配送international purchase, allocation and distribution
无氟冰箱freon-free refrigerator
国际电话电报公司ITT(International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation)
无公害农业nuisanceless agriculture
国际电子计算中心ICC(International Computing Centre)
无公害蔬菜"green" vegetable; pollution-free vegetable
国际防盲机构International Agency for thePrevention of Blindness
无火不生烟no smoke without fire
国际惯例common international practice
无铅汽油unleaded gas
国际红十字会IRC(International Red Cross)
无人飞船unmanned spacecraft
国际红十字委员会ICRC(International Committee of the Red Cross)
无人售票buses with self-serving ticketing
国际货币基金会International Monetary Fund(IMF)
无条件释放unconditional release
国际货币基金组织IMF(international monetary fund)
无条件投降full surrender
国际金融危机world financial crisis
无土栽培soilless cultivation
国际金融中心international financial center
无为而治govern by non-interference
国际聚焦international spotlight
无线电导航设备radio navigation device
国际决策机制international decision-making mechanism
无线寻呼网radio paging network
国际科学组织ISO(International Science Organization)
无形资产intangible assets
国际空间站ISS(International Space Station)
无性繁殖asexual reproduction
国际劳工组织ILO(International Labor Organization)
无学习能力的儿童children with learning disability
国际贸易纠纷international trade dispute
无烟环境tobacco-free environment
国际农业发展基金会IFAD(the International Fund for Agricultural Development)
无语no comment
国际排放转移international transfer emissions
五好家庭Five-Virtues Family
国际评级机构international credit rating
五角大楼the Pentagon
国际清算银行BIS(The Bank for International Settlements)
五音不全tone deaf
国际润滑油标准和批准委员会ILSAC(The International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee)
武官military attache
国际商用机器公司IBM(International Business Machine)
武力威胁threat of force
国际社会international community
武装干涉armed intervention
国际生态旅游协会International Ecotourism Society
务实合作practical cooperation
国际事务研究中心CFIA(Center for International Affairs)
物联网the internet of things
国际收支状况balance of payments
物流园区logistic park
国际数据公司IDC(International Data Corporation)
物种灭绝extinction of bio-species
国际舞台international arena
雾霾天hazy days
国际原子能机构IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)
西部大开发western development strategy
国际责任international responsibilities/liabilities
西部大开发战略the strategy of developing the western region
国际政治经济新秩序new international political and economic oder
西电东送transmission of electricity from the western to the eastern region
国际直拨长途电话IDD(International Direct Dial)
吸收游资absorb idle fund
国际秩序和正义international order and justice
希望工程Project Hope
国际仲裁international arbitration
稀土rare earth
国际足球联盟FIFA(Federation Internationale de Football Association)
洗钱money laundering
国家补贴节能产品government-subsidized energy-efficient products
细读安全须知read through safety instructions
国家导弹防御系统NMD(National Missile Defense)
下岗职工unemployed workers and staff;laid-off employees
国家地理管理局NGD(National Geographic Directorate)
下基层锻炼temper oneself in a grassroots unit
国家发展规划纲要Outline of the National Development Program
下拉菜单pull down menu
国家航空航天局NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
下落不明whereabouts is unknown
国家科技创新体系state scientific and technological innovation system
夏季达沃斯论坛Summer Davos
国家收购粮grain purchased by the state
先到先得first come first served
国家外汇储蓄state foreign exchange reserves
先进的安全技术leading-edge security technologies
国家卫生研究所NIH(National Institutes of Health)
先进的污水处理技术advanced sewage disposal technology
国家物价局SACP(State Association of Community Prices)
闲散基金scattered founds
国家主权national sovereignty
现场会议on-site meeting
国库券treasury bill
现场清醒度测试现场酒精测试field sobriety test 
国民待遇citizen treatment
现场演出live performance
国民福利指标NNW(Net National Welfare)
现代产业体系the modern industrial system
国民经济性支柱产业pillar industry of national economy
现代能源产业the construction of the modern energy industry
国民净产值NNP(Net National Product)
现代五项modern pentathlon
国内航空部CAD(Civil Aviation Department)
现代音乐剧modern moive musical
国内配套资金domestic funds
现金股利cash dividend
国内生产总值GDP(gross domestic products)
现金捐款cash contribution
国情教育education about China’s condition
限购property-purchasing limitations
国情咨文State of the Union Address
限购令Sales order
国事访问state visit
限期治理undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time
国泰航空公司cathay pacific
限制人身自由restriction of personal liberty
国土安全部美国Homeland Security Department 
宪法修正案amendments to the Constitution
国宴state banquet
乡巴佬country bumpkin
国有企业SOE(state-owned enterprises)
乡长township head
国有资产流失loss of state-owned assets
乡村自动电话局community automatic exchange
国有资产投资反弹压力较大there is a strong possibility of the resurgence in fixed asset investment
乡镇企业township enterprises
过程控制系统PCS(Process Control System)
相互依存的专利interdependent patents
过错赔偿责任fault liability
过境免签visa-free stay
香港廉政专员署ICAC(independent commission against corruption)
过境签证transit visa
享乐主义 hedonism
过于激进的发展项目overambitious development projects
享受优惠价格enjoy service at a preferential price
哈勃太空望远镜Hubble Space Telescope
项目经理project manager
海滨度假胜地a seaside resort
橡皮人the jaded
海水淡化sea water desalinization
橡皮子弹rubber bullet
海外房地产投资offshore (overseas) property/real estate investment
海外优秀人才overseas personnel of high caliber
消除数字鸿沟bridge the digital divide
海峡两岸关系cross-Straits relations
消费价格指数CPI(Consumer Price Index)
海啸tidal wave(tsunami)
消费税consumer price index
海洋经济the marine economy
消费性排放emissions attributed to consumption
海洋生态系统marine ecosystem
消费者叛逃consumer defection
寒武纪the Cambrian Age
韩流South Korean fad
消息灵通人士well-informed sources
航海博物馆maritime museum
销售收益sales proceeds
航空港air harbor
销售总经理GSM(General Sales Manager)
航空母舰aircraft carrier
小产权房house/apartment with limited/incomplete property rights
航空运输协会ATA(Air Transport Association of America)
小火电机组small thermal power plants
航油价格price of aviation fuel
小康社会a well-off society/a moderately prosperous society/a competitive comfortable life
好莱坞大片Hollywood blockbuster
小卖部grocery store
小品witty skits
合理的收入分配制度rational incone distribution system
小商品集散中心collecting and distributing center for small commodities
合理利用水资源efficient use of water
小意思nothing to speak of
合议审判庭collegiate tribunal
孝顺filial obedience
合众国际社UPI(United Press International)
孝子dutiful son
和而不同harmony in diversity /harmony without uniformity
肖像绘画portrait painting
和孩子一同生活的时光quality time 
校内诊所campus medical center; school clinic
和平方式解决问题和争端settle disputes and problems through peaceful means
笑点、泪点、痛点bursting point
和平统一大业great cause of peaceful reunification
和谐共赢all-win harmony
和谐社会harmonious society
携带者HIV carrier 
和谐世界harmonious world
写真集photo album
和则生谐reconciliation leads to harmony
写字楼office building
和衷共济、团结奋斗concreted and strenuous effort
河道整治dredging waterway
心脏复苏术CPR(Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)
河口三角湾river estuary
新疆维吾尔族自治区Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region
核电在建规模nuclear power capacity construction
新能源车new energy vehicles
核电站nuclear power station
新能源观new thinking on energy development
核反应堆事故nuclear reactor accident
新外匝道new off- ramp
核辐射nuclear radiation
新文学运动New Literature Movement
核军火库nuclear arsenal
新闻发布会press conference
核库存nuclear stockpiles
新闻节目主持人播音室anchor booth
核扩散nuclear proliferation
新闻联播news hook-up
核武器nuclear weapons
新闻人物media individual
核心家庭nuclear family
新闻审查news censorship
核心竞争力core competiveness
新闻线索news peg
核心课程core curriculum
新闻英语journalistic English
核心原则core principles
新闻自由freedom of the press
贺电message of greeting; congratulatory message
新兴市场经济emerging market economy
贺电贺信congratulatory message 
新一代信息技术new generation of information technology
黑白史诗片black-and-white epic
信息产业IT(Information industry)
黑车unlicensed car
信息高速公路 information superhighway
黑恶势力Mafia-like gangs
信息技术IT(Information Technology)
黑客攻击hacking attacks
信息检索information retrieval
黑人人权运动Black power
信息流information flow
黑色星期一Black Monday
信息流通和参与政治的机会access to information and political participation
黑匣子black box
信用便利credit facilities
黑心棉shoddy cotton
信用等级integrity rating
红包convert payment/(neutral)red paper containing money as a gift/bribe kickback
红色旅游区red tourist destinations
兴利除害improvements with reduction in damage
红外线辐射infrared radiation
刑期term of imprisonment
红州支持共和党的州red states 
刑事司法系统criminal judicial system
宏观调控macro-economic regulations; macro control
刑讯逼供forced confession
宏观经济基本状况macroeconomic fundamentals
行李检查luggage screening
洪峰flood crest/flood peak
行为艺术家performance artist
呼吸道疾病临床症状signs of clinical respiratory illness
行业杂志trade journal
行政能力测试administrative professional ability test
互不侵犯mutual non-aggression
形象工程vanity project
互动式教学interactive teaching
幸福指数happiness index
互访reciprocal visits
性别差异gender gap
互惠贸易reciprocal trade
性别平等gender equality
互利共赢的合作mutually beneficial cooperation
性传播疾病STD(Sexual Transmitted Disease)
互利共赢的开放战略a mutually-benefit strategy of opening-up
性倾向sexual orientation
互联网普及率Internet penetration
性骚扰sexual harassment
互相承认mutual recognition
互相控股reciprocal holdings
兄弟会姐妹会fraternity and sorority 
互相宽容和尊重tolerate and mutual respect
休戚与共share weal and woe
户籍登记薄household register
休闲度假胜地recreational resort
户口household registration; registered permanent residence
休闲性旅游recreational travel
户口薄resident’s booklet
休学schooling suspension
户口调查员census taker/enumerator
修订版a revised editing
护士长head nure
修好访问fence-mending visit
花车巡游festooned vehicle parade
虚拟大学virtual universities
花旗银行National city Bank of New York
虚拟经济virtual economy
花样滑冰figure skating
虚拟空间virtual space
花样游泳synchronized swimming
虚拟全景游览virtual walkthrough
华尔街财阀Wall Street magnate
蓄洪区flood control areas
宣传片为电影做广告的简短影片moive trailer 
华语歌坛Mando-pop scene
宣誓仪式oath-taking ceremony
滑盖手机slide phone
宣纸xuan paper — high-quality rice paper good for traditional painting and calligraphy
化粪池septic tanks
选举地图electoral map
化解国有企业历史债务ease the long-standing debt of SOEs
选举权、知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权rights to vote and to stay informed about, participate in, express views on, and oversee government affairs
化学需氧量chemical oxygen demand
选举团electoral college
画家同行artistic coterie
选修课elective course
欢迎宴会welcome dinner
学费上涨jacked-up tuitions
环保汽车clean car
学分academic credit
环保专项治理special projects to address serious environmental problems
学分制credit system
环境保护组织ECB(Environmental Conservation Board)
学风style of study
环境冲突environmental warfare
学海无涯boundless sea of learning
环境监测environmental monitoring
学会评定委员会academic degrees evaluation committee
环境评估environment impact assessment
学科带头人academic leader
环境审核environmental auditing
学历、学位互认mutual recognition of academic credentials and degrees
环境危害environmental risks
学前班preschool class
环境卫生environmental sanitation
学区房school-nearby house
环境友好型社会理念深入人心.public awareness of the need to develop an environment-friendlysociety was heightened.
学生餐厅student cafeteria/canteen
环球嘉年华World carnival
学生会student union
环太平洋地区Pacific Rim
学生减负reduce students’ study load
换乘站transfer station/stop
学士学位bachelor’s degree
换岗job reshuffle
学术翻译Academic translation
换届选举election at expiration of office terms
学术机构academic institution
换药change dressings
学术英语EAP(English for Academic Purpose)
患眼疾have trouble in one’s eyesight
学术自由academic freedom
荒野旅游wilderness tourism
学习型社会learning society
黄标车yellow label car
学习知识acquire knowledge
黄昏恋twilight romance/romance of the elderly
学业academic performance
黄金时代Golden Age
学业成绩academic achievements
黄金周golden week
学业顾问(帮助学生学习并为其提供咨询的教师)academic adviser 
黄色新闻yellow journalism
学以致用study knowledge to apply it
灰色经济grey economy
学杂费miscellaneous fees
灰色收入grey income
寻求双方都满意的解决方案work toward a mutually satisfactory solution
恢复邦交resume diplomatic relations
巡航导弹cruise missile
巡回大使roving ambassador
回头客returned customer
巡回演出road show
回译Back translation
循环经济recycling economy
汇率自由浮动的货币free-floating currency
循环经济促进法Circular Economy Promotion Law
汇票bill of exchange
循环经济试点pilot projects on circular economy
会计电算化accounting computerization
压缩"三公"经费cutting spending on receptions, vehicles and overseas trips
会晤face-to-face talk
亚非经济合作组织AOEC(Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Cooperation)
亚非人民团结组织AAPSO(Afro-Asian People’s Solidarity Organization )
婚检premarital medical check-up
亚裔美国新闻工作者协会AAJA(Asian-American Journalist Association)
婚礼服wedding dress
亚洲教育改革促进发展中心ACEID(Asian Centre of Educational Innovation for Development)
婚前财产协定prenuptial agreement
亚洲开发银行ADB(Asian Development Bank)
婚前同居premarriage cohabitation
亚洲石油公司APC(Asian Petroleum Company)
婚外恋extramarital affair
亚洲太平洋经济合作组织APEC (Asia and Pacific Economic Cooperation)
混合所有制diversified /mixed ownership
亚洲艺术节the Asia Arts Festival
混合所有制经济the economic sector of mixed ownership
延长专利期限extension of the term of patent
活产live birth
严打斗争strike-hard operation/campaign to crack down crimes
活动艺术kinetic art
严肃追究责任strengthen administrative accountability
活期存款利率demand deposit interest rate
言论和信仰的自由freedoms of expression and worship
活性炭activiated carbon
火车票实名制real-name /ID-based ticket booking system
演技派表演method acting
火力发电thermal power generation
演艺业show business
火山爆发volcano eruption
演职人员cast member
火星探测器Mars exploration rover
厌食loss of appetite
货币操纵国currency manipulator
唁电message of condolence
货币供应量money supply
验收试验acceptance test
货币回笼withdrawl of currency from circulation
堰塞湖quake/barrier/dammed lake
货币留成制度currency retention scheme
央企centrally-administered state-owned companies
货币升值currency appreciation
养老保险Pension Insurance
货币一体化monetary integration
养老保障制度old-age security system
货到付款COD(Cash on Delivery)
养路费road toll/road preset maintaince fee
货物处理disposition of merchandise
腰围waist circumference
货物贸易trade in goods
摇摆选民swing voter
货物吞吐量cargo handing capacity
摇钱树cash cow
货运港船上交货free on board FOB
药物生物技术pharmaceutical biotechnology
机场建设费departure tax
野生动物园safari/wildlife park
机电产品mechanical and electrical products
业务范围line of business
机顶盒STB(Set Top Box)
业务中心地区CBD(Central Business District)
机动车行驶证road worthiness certificate
业余歌手演唱会talent show
机房computer lab
液晶显示屏LCD(liquid crystal display)
机构照顾institutional care
一次能源primary energy
机会成本opportunity cost
一次污染物primary pollutant
机考CAT(computer adaptive test)
一次性社会throwaway society
机器翻译MT(machine translation)
一等秘书first secretary
机组机务人员air craft crew/air crew
一级谋杀案first-degree murder
鸡蛋羹steamed egg custard
一揽子计划multi-point plan
积累收益accumulated earnings
一票通用制度universal ticket system
积累知识accumulate knowledge
一生的荣耀the honor of a lifetime
积压产品overstocked commodities
一体化进程integration process
积压航班flight backlog
一条龙服务all-in-one package
基本读写能力basic literacy
一夜情one night stand
基层监督grassroots supervision
一种集编辑、排版和打印一体的汉字处理系统WPS(Word Processing System)
基层民主Community-level democracy
医疗保抢Health Care Insurance
基层社区grassroots community
医学隔离medical quarantine
基础教育basic/elementary education
医学院入学考试MCAT(Medical College Admission Test)
基础设施建设construction of infrastructure facilities
依法行政、公正严明的法治政府a government that respects legal system and rules strictly and impartially
基因改造生物GMO(Genetically Modified Organism)
依法行政意识consideration to carrying out their official duties in accordance with the law
基因库gene pool
依法治国run the country according to law
基因重组gene recombination
依职权而自然获得by virtue of holding an office
基因转移gene transfer
仪仗队honor guard
基准利率benchmark interest rate
绩效工资merit pay
移动数据通讯中的短消息业务SMS(Short Message Service)
绩优股blue chip
移动通信网mobile communication network
激光通信laser communication
遗传疾病hereditary disease
激进组织radical group
遗传密码genetic code
吉尼斯世界纪录大全Guinness Book of World Records
遗传图genetic map
已接电话received call
即时聊天工具instant messaging service
以……名义in the name of;  in one’s name
即兴消费immediate consumption
以人为本put people first
极端贫困extreme poverty
急救治疗emergency medical care
蚁族city ant/antizen
集束炸弹cluster bomb
义务教育compulsory education
集装运输container shipping
艺高胆大superb skill engenders bravery
计划单列市city specifically designated in the state plan
艺术总监art director
计划经济planned economy
音乐电视music TV(MTV)
计算机辅助设计CAD(Computer Aided Design)
音乐节musical festival
计算机化考试CBT(Computer Based Test)
音乐剧musical comedy
纪念封commemorative envelope
音像市场audio-video tape market
纪念刊memorial volume
音效sound track
技术出口限制restrictions on export of technologies
银河系Milky Way/galaxy
技术合作活动technological cooperation activities
银行控股公司BHC(Bank Holding Company)
技术依托technical backstopping
引渡和遣返犯罪嫌疑人extradition and repatriation of criminal suspect
技术有偿转让transfer of technology with compensation
引进人才bring in needed personnel
季风气候monsoon climate
季节性波动seasonal variation
隐私保护意识awareness of privacy protection
既得利益集团vested interest groups
隐私泄露privacy leaks
寄存行李locker service
印花税stamp duty/tax
加工的食物artificial agents
应对气候变化国家方案National Climate Change Program 
加快信息化进程accelerate the informationization process
应急供氧装置emergency oxygen apparatus
加强磋商与合作strengthen consultations and cooperation
应急机制contingency mechanism
加强和改善宏观调控improve macro control
应用翻译研究Applied translation studies
加强科技支撑increase input for science and technology
英国动物保护协会SPCA(Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
加沙地带Gaza strip
英国橄榄球联合会R.U(Rugby Union)
加速老化试验accelerated ageing test
英国广播公司BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation)
加速滞后acceleration lag
英国国民健康保险制度NHS(National Health Service)
加薪salary raise
英国上议院的大法官Lord Chancellor 
家长会parent-teacher conference
英语水平测试EPT(English Proficiency Test)
家长教师联谊会PTA(Parent-Teacher Association)
英语作为一门外语EFL(English as a Foreign Language)
家庭暴力domestic violence
英中了解协会SACU(Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding)
家庭出身family background
婴儿潮Baby boom
家庭废水household waste water
盈利能力earning capacity
营养不良的人undernourished people
家庭联产承包责任制household contract responsibility system with remuneration linked to output
影评家film critic
家用电器household electrical appliances
硬钱软钱hard money/soft money
家族企业family firm
嘉宾distinguished guest/honored guest
永久停火协议a permanent ceasefire
戛纳电影节Cannes Film Festival
优抚安置provide special assistance to entitled groups
价格弹性price elasticity
优化经济结构optimize the economic structure
价格听证会public price hearings
优惠贷款concessionary loans
价值主张value proposition
优惠条件confessional/favorable terms
假唱lip syncing
优先股preferred stock
假冒伪劣商品counterfeit and substandard products
幽灵资产ghost estate
假球soccer fraud
邮件诈骗mail fraud
假文凭fake diplomas
邮政运输postal freight
假新闻骗人的新闻apocryphal story 
游街示众shame parade/public shaming
假账丑闻auditing scandals
尖端技术state-of-the-art technology
游客常去的景点scenic spots often visited by tourists
坚持互助互利persist in mutual assistance and mutual benefit
游客服务中心tourist service center/visitor center
坚持基本纲领uphold the basic program
游览车缆车sightseeing buses/cable car
兼并重组mergers and reorganizations
游轮;游览航行pleasure cruiser 
监护权custodial care of child
友好访问goodwill visit
监控局势monitor the situation
友好往来friendly exchanges
监视居住home surveillance
有关居民阶级构成的统计资料status statistics
减负alleviate burdens
有线电视CATV(Cable Television)
减免农业税reduce and exempt the agricultural tax
有效签证valid visa
减排标准emission reduction target
有效载荷能力payload capability
减轻农民负担lighten the burden on the peasants
有形流动资产current tangible assets
减轻污染pollution abatement
有针对性的工作方案well-targeted plans
减员downsizing/cut payroll
有着积极、建设性、全面的关系have a positive,constructive and comprehensive relationship 
减员增效downsizing for efficiency/cut payroll to improve efficiency
舆论声势media blitz
剪彩cut the ribbon at an opening ceremony
与时俱进advance with times
剪票clip/punch the ticket
与受感染家禽直接接触direct contact with infected poultry
检测、预防和控制措施surveillance, prevention and control 
雨育农业的可持续集约化sustainable intensification of rained agriculture
检票员ticket inspector
语音提示voice prompt
检阅仪仗队review the guard of honour
简单多数原则plurality rule
育龄妇女woman of child-bearing age
简易过渡房makeshift shelter
预备稿advance copy
暗箱操作under-the-table deals
预定轨道pre-selected orbit
建立外交关系establish diplomatic relations
预防措施cautionary measure
建立友好城市关系establish sister city ties with
预付定金down payment
建设高标准农田develop farm plots that meet high standards
预期寿命life expectancy
建设生态文明build a conservation culture
预算外资金extra budgetary funds
建议零售价suggested retail price
域名服务器DNS(Domain Name Server)
建筑面积floor space
域名解析系统DNS(Domain Name System)
健康检查health check
员工帮助计划EAP(Employee Assistance Programs)
健康危害health risks
原设备制造商OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer)
健身房fitness/gym center
原始社会primitive society
渐进尾声draw to a close
原子动力发电公司APC(Atomic Power Company)
鉴别能力倾向考试DAT(different aptitude test)
圆满成功a complete success
将军肚bear belly
圆明园the Old Summer Palace
僵尸粉zombie fans
远道而来come from a distant land
讲诚信反欺诈honor credibility and no cheating
约束理论TOC(Theory Of Constraints)
降低创业门槛lower the threshold for business startups
月球车lunar rover
降低能耗reduce consumption of resources
月球探测器lunar probe
降低资源消耗率slow down the rate of resource degradation
越境污染frontier pollution
交互信息网络interactive information network
越野车SUV(Sports Utility Vehicle)
交换留学生an exchange student
云计算Cloud Computing
交货前付款CBD(Cash Before Delivery)
孕产妇大出血material haemorrhagic
交响音乐会symphony concert
孕产妇死亡率MMR(maternal mortality rate)
胶囊公寓capsule apartment
运动型多用途汽车SUV(Sports Utility Vehicle)
焦土政策scorched-Earth plan
运动饮料sports drink
教学相长men learn while they teach
运水车water tanker
教育费用cost of education
教育公平equal access to education
灾害防御能力disaster preparedness
教育规划纲要national education plan
灾害救助制度the natural disaster relief system
教育和人俩资源管理局EMB(Education and Manpower Bureau)
灾后重建post-disaster reconstruction
教育乱收费unauthorized collection of fees by educational institutions/arbitrary educational charges
宰杀家畜slaughter animals
教育体制education bureaucracy
载人飞船manned spacecraft
教育投入input in education
载人航天计划manned space program
接近峰值性能TPP(Toward Peak Performance)
载人航天任务manned space mission
接口盖access flag
再就业下岗人员re-employment of laid-off workers
接受了新文化的工人acculturated worker
在人烟稀少的大草原in the scarcely settled grasslands
揭老底reveal a deep secret about/of someone
在线股票交易online share trading
节能产品惠民工程project to promote energy-efficient products for the benefit of the people
在押候审suspects held pending trial
节日病holiday excess
在野党party out of office
节约能源法Energy Conservation Law
在栈道上行走walkon the plank path
节约型社会resource-conserving society
在职培训;岗位培训on-the-job training 
节约用地制度system for economizing on the use of land
在职研究生working graduate
拮据预算tight /austere budget
暂住证temporary residence permit
洁治clean governance
赞成安乐死合法化运动pro-euthanasia campaign
结党营私form cliques for private gain
造型艺术plastic arts
结构性减税structural tax reductions
增长与稳定公约欧盟)SGP(Stability and Growth Pact)
结关customs clearance
增加经济社会发展的后劲strengthen the basis for further /sustaining economic and social development
结婚纪念日wedding anniversary
增加碳浓度raise carbon concentration
结婚进行曲wedding march
增强道德观念enhance one’s moral awareness
结交新朋 establish new contacts
增强宏观调控的预见性针对性和实效性make the macro control more proactive, targeted andeffective
结算凭证voucher of clearing
增强忧患意识enhance the sense of urgency
结业资格exit qualification
增收节支increase revenue and cut government expenditures
竭诚do one’s best; spare no efforts
增值税VAT(Value Added Tax)
解放和发展生产力release and develop productive forces
摘要翻译Abstract translation
解放思想emancipate people’s minds
宅男宅女indoors man/woman
解散国会dissolution of parliament
债务限额debt limit
解释权right to interpret
借贷资本loan capital
占优势get the upper hand
借读生transient student
战略撤退strategic withdrawal
金币yellow boy
战略发展空间strategic space for development
金牌演员ace actor
战略经济对话strategic and economic dialogue
金钱政治money-oriented politics
战略武器限制公约SALT(Strategic Arms Limitation Treat)
金秋golden autumn
战略性新兴产业emerging industries of strategic importance/strategic emerging industries
金融寡头financial magnates
战略一致性strategic alignment
金融管理financial management
战略与经济对话strategic and economic dialogue
金融机构financial institutions
战争升级escalation of war
金融监管financial oversight and management
站点管理员site manager
金融债券financial bonds
金砖五国5BRICS(Brazil、Russia、India、China、South Africa)
招聘会job fair
仅供参考FYR(for your reference);FRI(for your information)
招聘栏wanted column
紧急供氧装置emergency oxygen apparatus
招生广告advertisement for student recruitment
紧急粮食援助emergency food assistance
召回公文letter of recall
紧迫感sense of urgency
照片修正程序picture-enhancing apps
紧缩措施austerity measures
近期和中期减排目标near-term and mid-term reduction targets
真人秀reality show
近水楼台先得月a waterfront pavilion gets the moonlight first/a baker’s wife may bite of a bun
进出口总额total volume of imports and exports
镇馆之宝Collection Highlights
进境检测维修货物和配件检测goods entered for testing and maintenance and the components and parts thereof
震级earthquake magnitude
禁闭solitary confinement
征地拆迁land expropriation, housing demolition and resident relocation
禁止令prohibitory injunction
征求公众意见seek opinions from the public
禁止拍照cameras are forbidden
证券投资portfolio investment
京都议定书Kyoto Protocol 
证人证言testimony of witness
京华烟云Peking Moment
政策保险policy insurance
经济刺激方案economic stimulus bill
政策性亏损policy mandated looses
经济繁荣和社会进步economic prosperity and social progress
政党政府party government
经济封锁economic blockade
政府采购government procurement
经济复苏economic resurgence
政府促进就业的责任responsibility of the government for stimulating employment
经济合作和发展组织OECD(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)
政府工作报告report on the work of the government
经济滑坡economic downtown
政府和国际研究中心CGIS(Center for Government and International Studies)
经济技术开发区ETDZ(Economic and Technological Development Zone)
政府机构改革reform of government institutions
经济平稳较快发展steady and rapid economic development
政府间气候变化专门委员会IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)
经济起飞an economic takeoff
政府模式model of government
经济实力economic strength
政局动荡turbulence political scene
经济适用房affordable housing
政企分开separate functions of the government form those of enterprises
经济手段economic measure
政务透明administrative transparency
经济特区SEZ(special economic zone)
政治独立political independence
经济萎缩an economic depression(slump, recession)
政治经济一体化political and economic integration
经济效益economic efficiency
政治色彩political complexion
经济兴旺an economic boom
政治体制改革political system reform
经济一体化economic integration
政治姿态political posturing
经济增长的环境资源代价过大the price paid for economic growth in terms of resourcesconsumption and environmental pressure is too high
支持率favorability rate
经济增长点economic growth point
支柱产业pillar industry
经济指标economic indicators
知情权right of access
经济总量economic aggregate
知识产权intellectual property right
经济作物cash crops
知识产权侵权intellectual property infringement
经贸摩擦economic and trade frictions
知识的价值value of knowledge
经验法rules-of-thumb techniques
执法部门law enforcement authority
经营效率efficiency in operation
执法人员law enforcement personnel
精确新闻学accurate journalism
执行机构executive branch
精神和神经疾病mental and neurological conditions
执行力和公信力executive ability and greater public trust
精神健康mental health
执政党party in office/ruling party
精神满足感emotional gratification
直飞航线non-stop flight /direct flight
精神升华spiritual enhancement
精神食粮nourishment for the minds
职场冷暴力occupational tacit violence
精神障碍mental disorder
职前培训preprofessional training
景区的观光手册a brochure of scenic spot
职权functions and powers
景区设置的轮椅通道access to wheelchairs in the tourist site
职业英语EOP(English for Occupation)
警方卧底线人police undercover informant
职业罪犯career criminal
竞选伙伴running rate
植被覆盖vegetation cover
竞选诺言election promises
指定日门票designated day tickets
静物画still lift
酒后驾车drunk driving
指令舱command module
旧区改造reconstruction of old area
制片协调员production coordinator
救济行动relief operations
制止通货膨胀措施anti-inflation measures
救灾物资disaster relief materials; relief supply
治标治本tackle problems at root and at surface
就业问题employment problem
治病媒介the causative agent
就业指导employment guidance
致命武器lethal arms
就职演说inauguration address
智力缺陷反应迟钝mental retardation/deficiency 
居民(公民)管辖权resident(citizen) jurisdiction 
智能、绿色、低碳城市smart, green and low-carbon city
居委会neighborhood committee
智能手机的高质内置相机smartphones’ high-quality built-in cameras
局势趋向缓和ease tensions
智能学校smart school
局域网local area network
智商IQ(intelligence quotient)
具有实效的合作pragmatic cooperation
中标win the bid/tender
决定性一票casting vote
中等生average student
决议草案draft resolution
中等职业教育secondary vocational education
军备竞赛arms race
中低收入城市居民middle and low-income urban residents
军备扩张military expansion
中共中央委员会CPC Central Committee
军控arms control
中古英语Middle English
军事集团military blocs
中国保监会CIRC(China Insurance Regulatory Commission)
军事委员会CMA(Committee of Military Affairs)
中国的和平崛起的神话myth of China’s peaceful rise
军事训练MT(Military Training)
中国翻译专业资格考试CATTI(China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters)
军事演习war game
中国高铁CRH(China Railway High-Speed)
君主立宪constitutional monarchy
中国共产党CPC(Communist Party of China)
开办登记registration of establishment
中国共产党全国代表大会the National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC)
开笔礼first writing ceremony
中国国际技术交流中心CICETE(China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchange)
开放兼容open and receptive
中国国际旅行社CITS(China International Travel Service)
开放型经济an open economy
中国国家药品管理局SPCA(State Pharmaceutical Administration of China)
开卷考试open-book examination
中国海关总署CGAC(Custom General Administration of China)
开垦荒地reclaim wasteland
中国海监CMS(China Marine Surveillance)
开某人玩笑pull one’s leg
中国环境标志产品认证委员会CCEL(China Certification Committee for Environment LabelingProduction)
开幕词opening remarks
中国经济和世界经济日益紧密结合China’s economy is increasingly tied to the world’s economy
开瓶费corkage fee
中国康复医学会CARM(Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine)
开小灶give extra help
中国民航CAAC(Civil Aviation Administration of China); CIAA(Civil Aviation Authority of China)
中国人民大学RUC(Renmin University Of China)
抗风险能力risk resistance capacity
中国人民解放军PLA(People’s Liberation Army)
抗洪救灾fight floods and provide relief
中国人民银行PBOC(People’s Bank of China)
抗生素残留residues of antibiotics
中国人民政治协商会议CPPCC(Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference)
抗议票protest vote
中国商务部MOFCOM(The Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China)
抗灾救灾工作efforts to combat disasters and provide relief
中国特色社会主义理论体系theoretical system of Chinese socialism
抗震鉴定anti-earthquake evaluation
中国外汇管理局CFECA(China Foreign Exchange Control Administration)
考勤check roll
中国学生学者联谊会CSSA(Chinese Students and Scholars Association)
考试作弊cheating in exams
中国银监会CBRC(China Banking Regulatory Commission)
苛扣工资dock wages
中国银行BOC(Bank of China)
科幻片science fiction film
中国银行管理委员会CBRC(The China Banking Regulatory Commission)
科技含量scientific and technological content
中国证券业协会SAC(the Securities Association of China)
科教兴国战略the strategy of invigorating China through the development of science and education
中华民族的无疆大爱boundless love of the Chinese nation
科教兴农invigorate agriculture by relying on science and education
中华医学会CMA(China Medical Association)
科学发展观scientific outlook on development
中继局电话网trunk network
科学技术教育与培训&S&T education and training
中美三个联合公报The Three Sino-U.S. Joint communiques
科学技术进步scientific and technological progress
科学研究协作委员会CRC(Coordinating Research Council)
中外合资企业Sino-foreign joint ventures
科研成果实现了产业化A large number of research results have been applied in industrial production
中外合作企业cooperative business
可持续发展sustainable development
中小企业SME(Small Medium Enterprise);  small- and medium-sized enterprises
可持续发展战略the strategy of sustainable development
中小学危房改造the renovation of dilapidated primary and secondary school buildings
可持续观光sustainable tourism
中学毕业证书General Certificate of Secondary Education
可持续食品安全政策sustainable food security policies
中央芭蕾舞歌舞团Central Ballet Troupe
可持续水产养殖sustainable aquaculture
中央处理器CPU(Central Processing Unit)
可视图文visual pictures and literature
中央纪检委员会Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
可收回成本债务损失recoverable cost/debt/loss 
中央军事委员会CMC(Central Military Commission)
可再生能源法Renewable Energy Law
中央军委CMC(Central Military Commission)
可再生资源renewable resources
中央商务区CBD(Central Business District)
克隆技术cloning technology
中央信息区CID(Central Information District)
客车站bus station
终端服务器terminal server
客串guest star
终身成就奖Honorary Oscar
客串演出a cameo appearance
种族分划racial divisions
客队visiting team
仲裁条约a treaty of arbitration
客房预约room reservation
客户身份识别卡SIM(subscriber identity module)
众议院House of Representatives
客流高峰期peak time for passenger transport
重大新闻事件media event
客运总经纪人GPA(General Procurement Agent)
重点流域水污染防治control water pollution in key watersheds
课代表course leader
重点学科key disciplines
空巢孤独综合征empty-nest syndrome
重复建设项目overlapping/redundant project
空巢家庭empty-nest/childless family
重伤害aggravated assault
空间对接space docking
重视教育place considerable value on education
空间环境探测系统space environment detector system
重新执政return to power
空间物理探测space physics exploration
周刊weekly publication
空难哀悼日the day of mourning for the air crash victims
洲际弹道导弹intercontinental ballistic missiles
空气清除air stripping
主打曲目title track
空气污染指数air pollution index
主导运营商incumbent operator
空气质量检测air quality monitoring
主流文化mainstream culture
空着的卧铺未卖出)vacant berth 
主权观念notion of sovereignty
孔雀女peacock woman
主权信用评级sovereign credit rating
恐怖片horror film
主权债务危机sovereign debt crisis
恐怖袭击terrorist attack
主题公园a theme park
恐归族home-fear group
主题馆theme pavilion
控制器control unit
主体功能区战略main functional regions
控制与报告中心CRC(Control and Reporting Center)
主着陆场main landing field/primary landing site
控制杂草weed control
住房公基金Housing Provident Funds
枯竭河流dried-up rivers
住房制度改革reform of housing system
垮掉的一代the beaten generation
住房资源分配housing resources distribution
跨国并购cross-border takeover
住院时间duration of hospital stays
跨国公司transnational corporation
助教teaching assistant
跨境贸易人民币结算试点the trials of settling cross-border trade accounts in RMB
跨太平洋伙伴关系协议TPP(Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement)
助学金student aid
快闪族flash mob
助学制度 subsidy system
宽带网broad-band network
注册管理会计师CMA(Certified Management Accountant)
宽屏幕panoramic screen
注册会计师CPA(Certified Public Accountant)
宽容的文化culture of tolerance
注册会计师协会会员ACCA(Association of Charted Certified Accountants)
矿物燃料fossil fuel
注册资本registered capital
傀儡cat’s paw
注定要完蛋的人没有价值的人或事dead duck 
傀儡政权puppet regime
注入强劲的动力give a strong impetus to
扩大内需expand domestic demand
专机charter flight
扩大内需战略the policy of boosting domestic demand
专利持有人holder of patent
扩大自主权enlarge the right of self-management
专利侵权诉讼action for infringement of patent
扩内需、保增长调结构、上水平抓改革、增活力重民生、促和谐boost domestic demand tosustain economic grow, adjust the structure to raise the level of economy development, pressahead with reform to make the economy more vigorous, give top priority to ensure people’swell-being and promote social harmony
专利申请权claim of patent application
垃圾文化Junk culture
专利说明书specification of patent
垃圾邮件junk email
专门用途英语考试ESP(English for Special Purpose)
垃圾债券junk bond
专题片television special
专项教育补助基金aid-to-education grant money
拉尼娜现象La Nina
专用权sole right of use
蜡笔画pastel drawing
专用线路private circuit
拦截搜身stop and frisk
转变职能transform government functions
蓝州支持民族党的州blue states 
浪子回头金不换it’s never too late to change
转轨经济economies in transition/transition economy
劳动力转移就业find work in nonagricultural sectors
转基因生物GMO(Genetically Modified Organism)
劳动密集型产业labour-intensive industry
转让和使用技术transfer and use of technologies
老妻少夫式婚姻December-May marriage 
转手贸易switch trade
乐器数字接口MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
转型外交transformational diplomacy
赚钱的副业a profitable sideline
累计赤字accumulated deficit
准确、简洁、明鲜ABC(accuracy, brevity and clarity) 
累计碳排放预算a cumulative emission budget
准生证birth permit
桌游board role-playing games
冷门an unexpected winner
着陆架landing pad
冷战思维Cold War mentality
着陆区landing area
离岸价格free on board
咨询详细信息请联系游客服务中心contact the visitor center for more information
离任期间during one’s absence
资本还原法on the basis of capitalization
离职补偿severance package
资本市场capital market
资本所有权equity ownership
里氏震级magnitude in the Richter Scale
资产负债表balance sheet
历史剧historical drama
资产折旧幅度assets depreciation range
历史唯物主义historical materialism
资金链capital chain
历史文物historical relics
资深专栏作家veteran columnist
立体电影stereoscopic film
资源产品定价和市场resource products pricing and market
资源节约、环境友好型城市resource-efficient and environmentally friendly city
立体气候three-D climate
资源节约型社会resource-effective society
利用职务便利take advantage of one’s position
资源配置allocate resources
连带责任joint and several liability
资源型产品价格改革the pricing reform of resource products
连锁反应ripple effect/chain effect/butterfly effect
资源优化配置the most optimum distribution of resources
联邦税款在内FTI(Federal Tax Included)
自动测量系统集成AMIS(Automatic Measure Integrated System)
联合公报a joint communique
自动程序APC(Automatic Program Control)
联合国安理会UNSC(United Nations Security Council)
自动柜员机ATM(Automatic Teller machine)
联合国大会UNGA(United Nations General Assembly)
自动寄存箱automatic deposit box
联合国儿童基金会UNICEF(UN International Children’s Emergency Fund)
自动天体导航ACN(Automatic Celestial Navigation)
联合国工业发展组织UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization)
自觉排队日Queuing-up Day
联合国环境规划署UNEP(United Nations Environment Programme)
联合国环境署UNEP(United Nations Environment Programme)
自然风景natural landscape(scenery)
联合国环境与发展大会环发大会UNCED(United Nation Conference on Environment and Development)
自然垄断natural monopoly
联合国教科文组织UNESCO(United Nations Educational,Scientifican  Cultural Organization)
自然选择natural selection
联合国紧急部队UNEF(United Nations Emergency Force)
自然灾害的综合防范和抵御能力comprehensive ability to head off and deal with natural disasters
联合国经济合作行动计划署UNAPEC(United Nations Action Program for Economic Cooperation)
自然灾害多发地区places prone to natural disasters
联合国开发计划署UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
自然灾害风险评估natural disaster risk evaluation
联合国粮食与农业组织FAQ(the UN Food and Agriculture Organization)
自然灾难应急响应the natural disaster emergency response system
联合国旅游组织WTO(World Tourism Organization)
联合国气候变化框架公约UNFCCC(The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)
自杀性爆炸袭击suicide bombing
联合国人居奖UN Habitat Award
自信、自立、自强strive to be confident, independent and self-improving
联合国维和活动UN’s peacekeeping activities
自由度DOF(Degree of Freedom)
联合国宪章UNC(United Nations Chapter)
自由兑换free convertibility
联合国志愿人员UNV(United Nations Volunteers)
自由贸易协定FTA(Free Trade Agreement)
联合国资本开发基金会UNCDF(United Nations Capital Development Fund)
自主创新Independent innovation
联合政府coalition government
自主创新能力capacity for independent innovation
联络处liaison office
自主知识产权IPR(Intellectual Property Rights)
廉政准则code of ethics
自助餐buffet dinner
廉租房low-rent housing
综合国力comprehensive/overall national strength
恋恋不舍feel reluctant to part (with sb)
综合运输体系建设the building of comprehensive transport system
良种补贴subsidies for superior crop varieties
粮农组织FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization)
总体规划overall plan
粮食安全food security
总体污染物控制total emission control
粮食危机早起反应early reaction to food crises
两岸关系cross-straits relations
总统选举presidential election
两岸经济合作架构协议ECFA(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement)
总有机碳TOC(Total Organic Carbon)
两餐半人meal skipper
走班族walking commuter
两弹一星atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb and artificial satellite
走出去引进来going/bringing in global/abroad strategy
两党财政委员会bipartisan fiscal commission
走读生nonresident student
两限房house of two limits;house with limited price and habitable area
走可持续发展道路实现人与自然相和谐已成为各方共同追求的目标sustainable development andharmony between man and nature has become the common goal of all parties
谅解备忘录MOU(Memorandum of Understanding)
走马观花之行a cursory trip
量刑不当sentence disparity
租用滑雪用具rent ski equipment
林业重点生态工程建设key ecological forestry projects
足本词典unabridged dictionary
临客temporary train
组织委员会organizing committee
临时政府provisional government
最大的效率the best possible results
零耕或少耕zero or minimum tillage
最低生活保障subsistence allowance
零关税待遇zero tariff treatment
最低生活保障线minimum subsistence level
零和博弈zero-sum game
最低注册资本the minimum registered capital
零基预算制度a zero-base budgeting system
最高级会谈;首脑会议summit talks 
零帕族stress-free/stress-proof type
最高价price ceilings
领土争端territorial dispute
最高限价ceiling price
令人震撼的效果electrifying effect
最高行政长官first executive office
另类说唱alternative rap
最后in closing
流动负债current liability
最惠国待遇原则MFNS(Most-Favored-Nation Treatment)
流动负债比率current debt ratio
最佳艺术指导best art direction
流动人口floating population
最新票务信息up-to-date ticket information
流动资产负债表current account balance sheet
最新消息latest news/hot news; red-hot news;red-hot news
流动资金占有率current fund employment rate
最新引入景区的游乐项目newly introduced entertainment in the tourist site
流离失所者displaced person
最有价值球员MVP=the most valuable player
流亡政府exiled regime(government-in-exile)
尊师重教respect teachers and value education
流行歌曲排行榜hit parade
尊重学生人格respect the dignity of students
流行性脑膜炎球菌病epidemic meningococcal diseases
作物和家畜的生产率crop and livestock productivity
留守女士留守男士grass widow/widower
作物秸秆crop residues
六至十年级学生就业教育Career exploration
作物轮种crop rotation
龙头产品flagship product
作物歉收crop failures
龙头老大leading enterprise; flagship of the industry
作战能力combat capability
龙头企业pioneering enterprises
坐过山车ride the roller coaster
隆重欢迎red-carpet welcome
做大经济蛋糕make the economic pie bigger
隆重举行observe the grand opening of
做到速度与结构质量效益的有机统一ensure that growth rate is in line with the structure, quality and performance of the economy
楼面价floor area price
做假账falsified accounts
漏报incomplete report/omission of facts

漏油oil leak/spill


陆地和海洋生态系统terrestrial and marine ecosystems

陆路交通枢纽和物流中心a hub of land traffic and logistics

录取分数线minimum enrollment score/lowest mark for admission



旅游爱好者a travel buff

旅游巴士包租、游览服务charter bus and coach services and tour

旅游标识语tourism logo

旅游车tourist coach(bus)

旅游城市tourist city

旅游淡季slack season for tourism

旅游定点商店餐厅officially designated shop/restaurant

旅游经济师tourism economists

旅游景点tourist attractions;  attraction for tourism

旅游收入tourism receipts

旅游陷阱tourist trap

绿色经济green economy

绿色投资green investment

掠夺性开发predatory exploitation

略备薄酒prepare a humble dinner

伦敦东区East End

伦敦国际金融期货和期权交易所LIFFE(London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange)

论语 The Analects of Confucius

裸婚 simplistic marriage/bare-handed marriage

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