领先地位:first-runner status
大减价: markdown sales
打口碟 cracked CD
打破僵局 break the deadlock
答谢宴会 return banquet
大型电视系列片,长篇电视连续剧 maxi-series
大学扩招 enrollment expansion
大众脸 Miss/Mr Average
大专文凭 associate degree
大会特邀代表 specially-invited delegate to the congress
贷款额度 lending quota
代理服务 agency service
带薪产假 paid maternity leave
贷学金(助学贷款) student loan
待业 job-waiting
呆帐 dead account
贷款限额 credit ceilings
单刀赴会 start a solo run
单方面撕毁协定 unilaterally tear up an agreement or a treaty
淡季 dead or slack season
党代会 congress of party representatives
党风 Party style
党风建设 construction of the Party conduct
党群关系 Party-masses relationship
党外人士 non-Party personage
党务公开 Open Management of Party Affairs
党的三代中央领导集体 three generations of central collective leadership of the CPC
倒春寒 unusually cold spell in an otherwise warm early spring
“大三通”(两岸) the three direct links
德智体美劳 "all around development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labor education "
等额选举 single-candidate election
等价交换 equal-value exchange
地沟油 swill-cooked dirty oil
低价住房 low-cost housing
interview-screening process就是指“面试筛选”
限广令:TV commercials ban
倒买倒卖 profiteering
倒票 speculative reselling of tickets
倒爷 profiteer
盗用公款 embezzlement
大排量车 high-emission car
登月舱 lunar module
抵抗全球经济衰退 combat the global economic slump
电话会议 teleconference
点子公司 consulting company
电子眼 road camera
电子政务 e-government
吊销执照 revoke one's license
钓鱼台国宾馆 Diaoyutai State Guesthouse
第一产业 primary industry
东道国 host country
动感 dynamic
"东突"恐怖分子 East Turkistan terrorist
冻雨 freezing rain
动车组 bullet train
独立国家联合体(独联体) the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
独立自主自办的原则 principle of independence and self-governance
毒枭 drug trafficker
断电 power outage
断交信 Dear John letter (from woman to man)
短租房 short-term housing
对等开放 reciprocal opening
对口支援 partner assistance
对内搞活,对外开放 revitalize domestic economy, open up to the outside world
多党合作和政治协商制度 the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation
多党合作制 multi-party cooperation in exercising state power
多功能汽车 multi-purpose vehicle (MPV)
多极化 multi-polarization
多极时代 multi-polar times
多极世界 multi-polar world
多极性 multi-polarized
多媒体短信服务 MMS
多任务小卫星 small multi-mission satellite (SMMS)
多退少补 refund for any overpayment or a supplemental payment for any deficiency
多元化 pluralism
多元社会 pluralistic society
多元文化社会 multi-cultural society
多种经济成分 diverse sectors of the economy
多种经营 diversified economy
多予少取放活政策 the policy of giving more, taking less and loosening control
多种所有制经济共同发展 allow diverse forms of ownership to develop side by side
厄尔尼诺现象 El Nino phenomenon
恶性通货膨胀 hyperinflation
恩格尔系数 Engel's coefficient--the proportion of expense on food to the consumption expense
二把手 second in command
二次能源 secondary energy sources; second energy
二次污染 secondary pollution
二道贩子 two-way merchants
二房东 "middlemen" landlord
二流选手 "scrub, second-rater"
巧实力 smart power
儿童心理学 kidology
二元经济 dual economy
二手烟 secondhand smoke
发散思维 divergent thinking
法人代表 legal representative
发行建设国债 issue construction treasury bonds
发展不平衡 disparate development
发展是硬道理 Development is of overriding importance. / Development is the absolute need. 法制观念和公民意识 legal awareness and understanding of the obligations of the citizens
法治国家 a country under the rule of law
法制国家 a state with an adequate legal system
法制化管理 law-based control
发挥自身优势 give full play to one’s advantages
法轮功分子 Falun Gong practitioner
法律漏洞 legal loophole
反败为胜 "bring about a complete turnabout, pull out of the fire"
翻版 reprint; reproduction; mirror image
反补贴税,反倾销税 countervailing duty
反不正当竞争法 Law of the People's Republic of China Against Competition by Inappropriate Means
反弹道导弹条约 Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM)
反对党 opposition party
反腐倡廉 fight corruption and build a clean government
翻盖式移动电话 flip phone
返工忧郁症 back-to-work blues
反恐部队 counter-terrorism unit
翻牌公司 government-body-turned company
反聘 rehire after retirement
反倾销措施 anti-dumping measures
防抱死系统 ABS
房产估价师 real estate evaluator
房产证 property ownership certificate
防弹背心 bulletproof vest
防盗门 burglarproof door; antitheft door
防腐剂 preservative
房改 housing system reform
防洪工程 flood-prevention project; flood control project
防护林 shelter forest belt; shelter forest
防护林带 shelter belts
防火隔离带 firebreak
放款 extend loan
放疗 radiation treatment
仿冒 counterfeit
放射性污染 radioactive contamination
防暑降温补贴 high temperature subsidy
防伪标志 fake-proof mark; counter-forgery mark
访问学者 visiting scholar
房屋中介 letting agent
放心店 trustworthy shop
放心肉 quality-assured meat
放行单 release permit
防汛抗旱 flood control and drought relief
房地产商 real estate developer
防范和化解金融风险 take precautions against and reduce financial risks
房屋空置率 housing vacancy rate
返回舱 re-entry module
非常规能源 non-conventional energy
非常设机构 ad hoc organizations
废电池 used batteries
非对称数字用户环路 Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop (ADSL)
非法闯入 trespassing
非法贸易 illicit trading
非公有制经济 the non-public sectors of the economy
非关税贸易壁垒 non-tariff trade barriers
非配额产品 quota-free products
飞天奖 Flying Goddess Award
非战争军事行动 non-combat military operations
非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家集团(洛美协定) ACP(African, Caribbean and Pacific Group)
非自住业主 non-owner-occupier
分期付款 installment payment
分拆上市 a subsidiary company of a corporation is listed on the stock market.
废物综合利用 comprehensive utilization of waste materials
封闭式基金 close-ended fund
封闭式管理 closed-off management
分组讨论 panel discussion
风险防范机制 a risk prevention mechanism
封锁禁运 blockade and embargo
风险基金 VC funds
风险投资 venture capital; risk investment
风险意识 risk awareness
风险准备金 loan loss provision, provisions of risk
丰胸手术 breast augmentation surgery
佛经 Buddhist scriptures
复读生 return students
复关 rejoin the G
伏旱 summer drought ATT
复合型人才 interdisciplinary talent
富豪榜 rich list
附加值高、创汇高、技术含量高、能源和原材料消耗低的产品 product that yields high added value, earns foreign exchange and is produced with advanced technology and an efficient use of energy and materials
福利彩票 welfare lottery
福利分房 welfare-oriented public housing distribution system
父母之命, 媒妁之言 dictates of parents and words of matchmakers
《浮士德》 Faust
复式住宅 duplex apartment
服务外包 service outsourcing
妇幼保健院 maternal and child care service centre
负增长 negative growth
复制文化 copy culture
夫妻相 husband-wife looks
福娃 Fuwa
服务型政府 service-oriented government
发动机排量 engine capacity
法定货币 legal tender
发飙 have a cow
改革开放的总设计师 chief architect of the reform and opening up policy
改革开放和社会主义现代化建设 reform and opening and in the modernization drive
改革试点 pilot reform
改制上市 (of an enterprise)get listed on the stock market after being re-organized according the modern corporate system
港澳台 Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
港人治港 Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong
岗位津贴 post allowance
岗位培训 on-the-job training
高保真音乐 hi-fi music
高材生 top student
高层次、全方位的对话 high-level and all-directional dialogue
高产优质 high yield and high quality
高等教育“211工程” the “211” Project for higher education
高干 high-ranking official
高官会 Senior Officials Meeting (SOM)
搞活国营大中型企业 invigorate large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises
高级经理人员 high-level managerial personnel; senior personnel
高级设备 sophisticated equipment
高精尖技术 high-grade, high-precision, advanced technology
高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想 hold high the banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and carry out the important thoughts of "Three Represents"
高效节能 energy-efficient
高新技术产业开发区 high-tech industrial development zone
高新技术产业化 industrial application of new and high technologies
高压手段 high-pressure tactics
高原反应,高山反应 altitude stress; altitude sickness
高知 high-level intellectual
高指标 high target
高职院校 higher vocational school
高档公寓 high-end flat
高考移民 NCEE migrant
高温湿热 hot and humid
高温预警 high temperature alert
个案individual case ( involving special circumstances)
各大菜系 major styles of cooking
个股 individual share
各就各位 On your marks
(公路)隔离带 median strip
格列佛游记 Gulliver's Travels
个人储蓄账户 personal savings account
户中分离出去。According to a new bank account regulation, clearing functions shall be separated from personal savings accounts.)
个人购房贷款 individual housing loan
个人结算账户 personal clearing account (开立个人结算账户不会增加储户的费用。Opening personal clearing accounts will not mean extra costs for depositors.)
个人理财计划 personal financing plan
各人民团体 mass organizations
个人收入应税申报制度 the system of the declaration of individual incomes for tax payment
个人收入调节税 individual (personal) income regulation tax
个人数字助理 PDA (personal digital assistant)
个人所得税 personal income tax
个人信用制度 individual credit rating system
个人演唱会 solo concert
个人银行卡账户 personal bank card account
跟团旅游 package tour
《更紧密经贸关系的安排》 CEPA
公车私用 use government cars for private purposes
功夫不负有心人 Everything comes to him who waits.
工夫茶 congou--a kind of Chinese black tea prepared with care
公关 public relations
公积金上限 threshold of housing fund
公积金 public accumulation fund; public reserve funds
公平定价 arm's-length pricing
公平合理 fairness and justifiableness
公益广告 public-interest ad
共同监护权 joint custody
共同富裕 common prosperity
共同财产 mutual property
公益性文化事业 non-profit cultural undertakings
公正、公平、公开 just, fair and open
公共监查 public oversight
公共文化基础设施 culture-related facilities for public use
公务员考试 civil service exam
公众听证会 public hearings
固定资产投资 investment in the fixed assets
股本回报率 return on equity
股东会 board of shareholders
有限责任公司 limited liability company
股份有限公司 limited liability company
鼓励奖 consolation prize
股票期权 the stock option
股票转让制度 the stock-transfer system
股市行情 the ups and downs of the stock market
股指 stock index
光棍儿节 Singles’ Day
光碟,光盘 compact disk; CD
关系网 connection network
观望态度 wait-and-see attitude
广域网 wide area network (WAN)
冠名 title sponsorship
冠名赞助商 title sponsor
钢管舞 Pole dancing
规模经济 scale economy, economies of scale
规模经营 scale management
规模效益 scale merit
股份制改造 shareholding reform
鼓励、支持和引导非公有制经济 encourage, support and guide the growth of the non-public sector of the economy
过度放牧 overgraze
过度开垦 excess land reclamation
国防预算 defense budget
国际日期变更线 International Date Line (IDL)
国际商业机器公司 International Business Machine Corporation (IBM)
国际货币基金组织 IMF (International Monetary Fund)
国际禁止化学武器组织 organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW)
国际恐怖主义 international terrorism
国际劳工组织 ILO (International Labor Organization)
国际足球联盟 Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)
国库券 treasury bonds
过劳死 karoshi; death from overwork
国民党 :KMT kuomintang
过失赔偿责任;无过失赔偿责任 liability with fault;liability without fault
过失责任 liability of fault
国书 state credentials
国泰民安 The country flourishes and people live in peace
国土资源部 Ministry of Land and Resources
国土资源管理 land and resources administration
国外旅游 overseas travel
国务卿 Secretary Of State (in America)
过硬 have a perfect mastery of
过犹不及 going too far is as bad as not going far enough; beyond is as wrong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little
国有独资商业银行 wholly state-funded commercial bank
国有股 state-owned shares
国有股减持 state stock reduction; reduce state's stake in listed companies
国有及国有控股工业企业 state-owned industrial enterprises and enterprises whose controlling stake was owned by the state
国有企业股份制改革继续推进 fresh progress was made in transforming state-owned enterprises into stock companies
国有企业下岗职工基本生活保障向失业保险并轨 integrate the subsistence allowances for laid-off workers into the unemployment insurance system
国有商业银行股份制改造试点方案 pilot plan to transform state-owned commercial banks into stock entities
国有资产管理体制 State property management system
国有资产监督管理委员会 the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission
国有资产流失 loss of state-owned assets
国债贴息贷款 T-bond discount loans
国债投资 treasury bond investment
国债专项资金 special fund for treasury bond
国债资金重点项目责任制 the responsibility system for key projects funded by treasury bonds
果子狸 civet cat
过渡期 transitional period
国家发展计划委员会 the State Development Planning Commission
国家计划和财政政策、货币政策等相互配合的宏观调控体系 the macro-economic regulation system by integrating State planning with fiscal and monetary policies
国家审判权 the judicial authority of the State
《国家突发公共事件总体应急预案》 Master State Plan for Rapid Response to Public Emergencies
国际部队 international forces
国际多边金融机构 international multilateral financial institution
国际关系民主化 practice democracy in international relations
国际禁毒日 International Day against Drug Abuse (People around the world hold rally marking the International Day against Drug Abuse.)
国际社会 international community
国民素质 the populace's cultivation
国情 national conditions
过期食品 expired food, out-of-date food (The Japanese, who always pay attention to food safety, have lowered their requirements amid the economic woes, the United Morning Post reported. A survey shows that 83% Japanese think it's ok to buy out-of-date food as long as they don't make people fall ill. 据新加坡《联合早报》报道,向来重视食品安全的日本人,随着经济不景气而口味大降。一项民调显示,83%的日本人认为,只要吃不坏肚子,就无所谓购买过期食品。)
国务委员 state councilor
国务院令 Decree of the State Council
国务院通知 Circular of the State Council
国有商业银行 State-owned commercial bank
国债余额管理方式 the method of outstanding balance management for its national debt
股票市场散户 individual stock investor
股权分置 to float the non-tradable shares; equity division
海关完税价值 customs value
海量存储 mass memory
海峡两岸交流基金会(海基会) Strait Exchange Foundation of (Taiwan, China)(SEF)
海峡两岸关系协会(海协会) the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS)
海选 auditions
寒带 frigid zone
旱地滑雪场 mock skiing park
函授大学 correspondence university
行业准入制度 industry access system
韩流 South Korean fad
好了伤疤忘了疼 once on shore, one prays no more
号脉 feel the pulse
河道整治 dredging waterway
贺电 congratulatory message
和平解决台湾问题 peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question
和平演变 peaceful evolution
贺岁片 New Year's Film
合同医院 contract clinic
核武器数量 Nuclear Arsenal Size
核销 cancel after verification
核心家庭 nuclear family
核心竞争力 core competitiveness
和弦铃声 chord music ringtone
鸿门宴 Hongmen banquet
宏观决策 macro-level policy-making
弘扬和培育民族精神 Carry forward and cultivate the national spirit
后备工业 supporting industry
后备基金 reserve fund
互联网服务提供商 ISP (Internet Service Provider)
互通有无 supply each other’s needs
忽悠 sweet-talk
华表 ornamental column/cloud pillar/stele
花样游泳 water ballet
(农产品国内支持)"黄箱"措施 Amber Box measures
缓刑 suspended sentence
婚奴 marriage slave
汇率制度 currency regime
婚外恋 extramarital love affair
基层工作 grass-roots work
基层监督 grass-roots supervision
基层民主 democracy at the grassroots level
基层社区 grassroots community
既得利益集团 vested interest groups
机动车行驶证 road-worthiness certificate
机构重叠 organizational overlapping
积分制 point redemption scheme
计件工资制 piece-rate system
季节性调价 seasonal price adjustment
吉尼斯世界记录 Guinness World Records
纪实文学 documentary writing
技术产权交易所 technology equity market
技术下乡 spread technological knowledge to farmers
技术依托 technical backstopping
寄宿家庭 home stay
计算机辅助教学 computer-assisted instruction (CAI)
集体所有制 collective ownership
继往开来 continue with the past and open up the future
即席讲话 speak impromptu
机译 machine translation (MT)
基因水稻 trans-genetic hybrid rice
集约化经营 intensive management
家政服务 household service
集中精力把经济建设搞上去 go all out for economic development
集装箱运输船 container freighter
集装运输 container shipping
集资 pool resources
加班 overtime work
嘉宾 distinguished guest, honored guest
假唱 lip-synch
加长版 extended edition
价格波动 price fluctuation
价格操纵 price manipulation; price rigging
价格反弹 price rebound
价格浮动范围 price-float range
价格垄断 price-fixing
价格听证会 public price hearings
加工贸易 processing trade
甲骨文 oracle bone inscriptions
假结婚 bogus marriage
假冒伪劣产品 counterfeit and shoddy products
家用电器 household electrical appliance; home appliance
家庭影院 home theater
家庭经济困难的学生 needy student
家庭联产承包责任制 the household contract responsibility system
加速上市 speed-to-market
家族式管理 family-run management
见不得人的勾当 under-the-table deal
剪彩仪式 ribbon cutting ceremony
坚持对话,不搞对抗 persist in dialogue, refrain from confrontation
剪刀差 price scissors
尖端产品 highly sophisticated products
尖端课题 frontline subject
减肥茶 diet tea
减肥药 slimming drug
监管漏洞 supervision loopholes
渐进式台独 gradual Taiwan independence
健康及意外险 health and casualty insurance
见面会 meet-and-greet
减排 carbon emission reduction
监事会 board of inspectors
减员增效 downsize staffs and improve efficiency
监察合一 the integration of supervision and investigation
僵化思想 ossified thinking
将军肚 general's belly
江南水乡 the south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River
降息 reduction of interest rate
讲义气 be loyal to friends; remain faithful to friends
降雨量 precipitation level
脚踩两只船 sit on the fence
简易过渡房 makeshift shelter
胶囊公寓 capsule apartment
交通文明 road civility
焦土政策 Scorched- Earth plan
教育体制 education bureaucracy
交叉感染 cross transmission
加强水土保持 reinforce the conservation of water and soil
机顶盒 set-top box (STB)
解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进 Emancipate the mind, Seek truth from the facts, Advance with the times
解放思想、实事求是的思想路线 ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts
戒毒所 drug rehabilitation center
家长会 parent-teacher conference
结算货币 settlement currency
解决贸易争端 settle trade disputes
节能型轿车 energy-efficient cars
积极的财政政策 proactive fiscal policy
技工学校 skilled workers training school
紧箍咒 inhibiting magic phrase
金本位 gold standard
金边债券 gilt-edged bond
进口差价税 import variable duties
进口附加税 import surcharge
进口环节税 import linkage tax
金融重组 financial reorganization
金融寡头 financial oligarchy; financial magnate; financial tycoon
金融货币危机 financial and monetary crisis
劲射 power shot
经常性贷款 commercial lending
经常性支出 running expenses
金砖国家 BRICS countries
禁渔期 closed fishing seasons; fishing moratorium; fishing ban
金元外交 dollar policy
紧缩银根 tight money policy
靖国神社 Yasukuni Shrine
经济刺激方案 economic stimulus bill
经济担保书 financial guarantee
经济的持续高速发展 sustained and rapid development of economy
经济复苏 economic resurgence
经济杠杆 economic lever
经济和技术合作 ECOTECH cooperation
经济结构战略性调整 strategic restructuring of the economy
经济林 cash tree
经济特区 special economic zone(SEZ)
经济增长点 growth engine
精简机构 streamline government organs
经济承包制 management contract system
精神食粮 nourishment for the mind
精神文明 cultural and ideological progress
境外投资 outbound investment
经营权与所有权分离 separation of the right of management from the right of ownership
敬业精神 professional dedication
经济立法 economic legislature
经济社会协调发展 coordinated development of the economy and society
经济型轿车 economy car
紧急避孕药 emergency contraception
今日特别推介 today's special offer
金融监管 financial regulation
就地考察 on-the-spot inspection
纠风办 State Council Office for Rectifying
酒精呼气测试 breath alcohol test
九年义务教育 nine-year compulsory education
酒肉朋友 fair-weather friend
酒后驾车 DUI
酒醉驾车 drunk driving
集约型经济模式 intensive mode of economic growth
举报监督电话 hotline for public report and supervision
举报信箱 complaint mailbox
举报中心 informant center
局域网 local area network (LAN)
居家隔离 home quarantine
卡丁车 go-kart
开标 bid opening
凯恩斯政策 Keynesian policy
开发公司 development company
开发式扶贫 poverty reduction through development projects; development-oriented poverty relief
开放式基金 open-ended fund
开放型经济 open economy
开后门 under-the-counter deals
开门红 good start
开涮 make somebody the laughingstock; make a fool of somebody
开题报告 opening speech; opening report
开小灶 give special favor
坎儿井 karez
抗风险能力 risk resistance capacity
考研热 the craze for graduate school
烤烟型卷烟 Virginian-type cigarette
抗震鉴定 anti-earthquake evaluation
科教兴国 rejuvenate our country through secience and education
课间操 exercise between classes
课件(教师多媒体教学演示片) courseware
科技强军、依法治军 strengthen the army by relying on science and technology, and run the armed forces by law
可比经济指标 comparable economic targets
可用收入 disposable income
可再生资源 regenerative resources
科学及民主决策 scientific and democratic decision-making
恐艾症 AIDS phobia
空间病 space sickness
空间对接 space docking
空气质量监测 air quality monitoring
空头市场 bear market
空降师 airborne division
空中巴士客车、空中客车 Airbus plane
跨国婚姻 Mixed marriage
跨行转帐 inter-bank transfer service
跨境交付(服务贸易) cross border supply
跨领域问题 cross-border issue
跨年晚会 countdown party
跨越式发展 leapfrog development
扩大直接融资 expand the scope of direct financing
快闪族 flash mob
快递公司 courier
宽带(ADSL技术即非对称数字用户环路技术) ADSL(Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line)
宽带接入 broadband access
狂犬病 rabies
跨越式发展 great-leap-forward development
亏损企业 enterprises running in the red/under deficit
扩大内需,刺激消费 expand domestic demand and consumption
扩大党内民主 to expand intra-Party democracy
来电显示 caller ID
拉动经济增长 fuel economic growth
拉关系 try to curry favor with
垃圾综合处理 integrated garbage treatment
拉尼娜现象 La Nina phenomenon
拉闸限电 power rationing
来料、来样、来件加工产品 process products with materials supplied by clients
滥发纸币 excessive issue of bank notes
“老大难” 问题 long-standing problem
劳动力过剩 labor surplus
劳动力资源配置 allocation of labor resources
老少边穷地区 "former revolutionary base areas, areas inhabited by minority nationalities, remote and border areas and poverty-stricken areas "
老爷车 vintage car
离岸金融市场 offshore market
(面部)拉皮手术 facelift
冷门 ark horse; a profession, trade or branch of learning that receives little attention; an unexpected winner
冷笑话 bad joke
立体农业 three-dimensional agriculture
理顺经济秩序 straighten out the economic order
离婚诉讼 divorce proceedings
离婚协议书 divorce settlement
联合国环境署 UNEP
联合国开发计划署 UNDP (United Nations Development Program)
联合国粮农组织 FAO
恋父情结 Electra complex
离退休人员基本养老金 basic pensions for retirees
廉政公署 Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)
恋母情结 Oedipus complex
连环追尾 pileup
两岸三地 the Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong
两弹一星 atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb and artificial satellite
两个文明一起抓 place equal emphasis on material and ethical progress
两伊战争 the Iran-Iraq War
两思(致富思源,富而思进) to think of the source of getting rich and of making progress after becoming affluence
粮食收购部门 (government's) grain procurement (purchasing) agencies
两会 two Conferences (i.e. the National People's Congress and the Chinese Political Consultative Conference)
两岸关系 relations across the Taiwan Straits
两岸周末包机直航 cross-Straits weekend charter flight
连锁经营 chain-store operations
利率形成和传导机制 setting and transmitting interest rates
临界点 tipping point
临时巴勒斯坦国 provisional Palestinian state
临时政府 interim government
临时主教练 caretaker coach
另起炉灶 make a fresh start
另类音乐,非正统音乐 alternative music
零配件 spare and accessory parts
领土归属 territorial entitlement
领土完整 territorial integrity
零排放屋 Zero Emissions House
零星抵抗 scattered resistance
临时价格干预措施 interim price control measure
流动人口 transient population
流动售货 mobile vending
流动性资产 current assets
六合彩 mark-six lottery
流行事物 the in-thing
留职停薪 retain the job but suspend the salary
流通股 circulation stock
流通领域 circulation domain
流水账 daybook;day-to-day account;current count
流氓软件,恶意软件 malicious software
留守儿童 leftover children
乱收费 arbitrary charges
隆重欢迎仪式 red-carpet greetings
垄断行业 monopolized industry
龙的传人 descendants of the dragon—the Chinese people
轮流停电 rolling blackout
裸奔 streaking
裸官 naked official
落地签证 visa upon arrival
裸婚 naked wedding
裸体挂历 nude calendar
录取分数线 entry score
绿化 afforestation
绿化运动 afforestation drive
驴友 travelers
绿色通道(快速通道) green channel
旅游热 tourism wave
旅游定点饭店 certified restaurant
旅游城市 tourism city
绿色旅游 green tourism
马尔萨斯人口论 Malthusian Theory of Population; Malthusianism
慢递 future mail
玛雅文化 Mayan civilization
马赛克 mosaic
马票 lottery on horse racing
码分多址 (一种扩频多址数字式通信技术) CDMA
马拉松会议 marathon meeting
马路新闻 hearsay
漫游费 roaming fees
贸易纠纷 trade rows
贸易和投资自由化和便利化 TILF
矛盾的普遍性 universality of contradictions
冒充包装(销售)[指将劣质商品包装成外观像名优产品出售的做法] copycat packaging
盲目改造 blind rebuilding
煤矿爆炸 mine blast
美元陷阱 dollar trap
美容院 beauty parlor
媒介语 mediating language
帽子戏法 hat trick
贸易制裁 trade sanction
米袋子省长负责制 provincial governors assuming responsibility for the rice bag
免费搭车者(享受其他国家最惠国待遇而不进行相应减让的国家) free-rider
庙会 temple fair
面子工程 face job
民工潮 farmers' frenzied hunt for work in cities
民航 civil aviation
民间投资 private investment
民生问题 livelihood issues
买一送一 "two-for-one offer, buy one get one free"
买空卖空 bulls and bears
民族优越感 ethnocentrism
民办高校 private higher learning institution
明星代言 celebrity endorsement
名企 name-brand company
民族企业 domestic enterprises
民间文化遗产 folk cultural heritage
名人堂 walk of fame
模拟测试 mock test;
模糊战略(美国在台湾问题上奉行的政策) indistinct strategy; ambiguous strategy
目无法纪 defy the law ( or standards of discipline)
睦邻友好关系(合作) good-neighborly and friendly relations (cooperation)
母乳 breast milk
幕后操纵 pull strings behind the scenes
目标跟踪雷达 target-tracking radar(TTR)
默哀 silent tribute
摸着石头过河 test each step before taking it;advance cautiously
磨洋工 dawdle along
末日论者 doomster
模仿大赛 look-alike contest
模拟炒股 simulation stock trading, mock stock trading
母婴传播 mother-baby transmission
拇指规则 rule of thumb
母系氏族社会 matriarchal clan society
耐用消费品 durable consumer goods
南巡讲话 South Tour Speeches
难民营 refugee camp
南南合作 South-South cooperation
难得糊涂 "Where ignorance is bliss, it's folly to be wise."
纳米 nanometer
内阁成员 cabinet lineup
内向型经济 domestically-oriented economy
匿名跟帖 anonymous online comments
能源强度 energy intensity
能上网的手机 Wireless Application Protocol(WAP) phone
内政部长 interior minister
内衣外穿 underwear as outerwear
内地上市公司 mainland-listed company
内置的 built-in
内退 early retirement
泥菩萨 like a clay Buddha fording the river-hardly able to save oneself
年度国家预算 annual State Budget
年会恐惧症 year-end party phobia
年末促销 year-end promotion
年同比 year-on-year
农村非农产业 non-agricultural industries in rural areas
农村剩余劳动力 surplus rural labour (labourers)
农村税费改革试点 the experimental reform of rural taxes and administrative charges
农村信用社 rural credit cooperatives
农工党 Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party
农垦 agricultural reclamation
农民人均纯收入 rural per capita net income
农奴制 serfdom; serf system
农药残留物 pesticide residue
农业税费改革 reform of rural taxes and administrative charges
农村综合试点改革 trials of comprehensive rural reform
农村养老金制度 rural pension system
农村电网改造项目 projects to upgrade rural power grids
农转非 rural residents become urban residents
农民人均纯收入 rural per capita net income
浓妆 heavy makeup
诺亚方舟 Noah’s Ark
女权运动 movement for women's rights
欧盟 European Union
欧盟一体化进程 the integration process of Europe
欧佩克 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC)
欧亚大陆桥 Eurasia Land Bridge
欧元 Euro
欧洲共同体 European Communities (EC)
欧洲货币 Euro-currency
欧洲货币一体化 European monetary integration
欧洲委员会 European Commission
欧洲自由贸易联盟 EFTA (European Free Trade Association)
粮食综合生产能力 overall grain production capability
扒窃 pickpocket
派出所 local police station
派购 assigned purchasing
排华政策 policy of discrimination against the Chinese
盘活存量资产 liquidize remnant assets
跑车 SUV(sports utility vehicle)
配音演员 Voice actor
培育新的经济增长点 foster new growth areas in the economy
配音棚 dubbing studio
配套措施 supporting measures
配套政策 supporting policies
跑腿 run errands
片面追求升学率 place undue emphasis on the proportion of students entering schools of a higher level
偏怪题 strange and tricky question
劈腿 two-timing
疲软股票 soft stock
批发市场 wholesale market
棚户区 shantytowns
皮包公司 bogus company
碰头会 "brief meeting
碰钉子 get snubbed
票房毒药 box office flop
漂移农场 floating farm
票友 amateur performer
贫富差距 wealth gap (Amid a widening wealth gap between rich and poor, a new survey has found that 96 percent of the public said they feel resentful toward the rich. 面对不断加大的贫富差距,最新相关调查显示,有96%的受访者承认自己有仇富心理。)
贫富悬殊 wide gap between the rich and the poor
品牌忠诚度 brand loyalty
品牌定位 brand positioning
拼车 carpool
平等协商 consultation on the basis of equality
平等、互利、互相尊重主权和领土完整 equality,mutual benefit, mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity
平等互利原则 principle of equality and mutual benefit
屏蔽 to block
品德教育 moral education
泼水节 Water-Sprinkling Festival
破釜沉舟 cut off all means of retreat
品牌代言人 brand spokesman
品牌知名度 brand awareness
品牌产品 brand name products
平面广告 print ad
凭证式国债 certificate T-bonds
平抑(稳定)物价 stabilize commodity prices
评头论足 nit-pick
乒乓外交 ping-pong diplomacy
平面设计师 graphic designer
普及九年制义务教育 make nine-year compulsory education universal
普惠制 system of generalized preferential treatment in custom duties
普通高等教育 regular higher education
普通高校 regular institutions of higher learning
起搏器 artificial or electronic heart pacemaker
起步价 Flag fall
期末存货 closing stock
期货交易 deal in futures; futures business/trading; forward business
期货合同 forward contract
期货对冲交易 offsetting future transactions
气荒 gas shortage
汽车排放标准 automobile emissions standards
期初存货 opening stock
启动基金 initial funding
欺行霸市 dominate the market
欺行霸市价格 forced quotation
旗袍 cheong-sam; Chi-pao
企业形象 corporate image(CI)
企业改制 restructuring of enterprise
企业重组 reshuffle of the enterprises
企业的自我约束机制 self-regulating mechanism of enterprises
企业孵化器 enterprise incubator
企业兼并重组 annexation and reorganization of enterprises
企业凝聚力 cohesive force in enterprise
企业上市 listing of a company
企业文化 corporate culture
企业效益 performance of enterprises
欠费 overdue
欠条 IOUs
签售 book signing
牵线搭桥 work as a go-between
前沿科学 front-line science
前瞻性 perspectiveness
潜伏特工 sleeper agent
前事不忘,后事之师 Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future.
旗帜鲜明 clear-cut stand
气炸 blow one's top
潜规则 default rule
强制隔离 forced quarantine
抢得先机 head start
强硬路线 hard line
强强联手 win-win co-operation
强迫购物 forced shopping
抢红灯 run a red light
抢购 panic buying
青春饭 professions for young persons only
侵权责任 tort liability
亲民党 People First Party
亲子鉴定 paternity test
企划推广 marketing layout
切身利益 vital interests
侨务 affairs concerning nationals residing abroad
清算银行 clearing bank
青藏高原 Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
轻型汽车 light-duty vehicle
轻水反应堆 light water reactor( LWR)
清明节 Pure Bright Festival; Tomb Sweeping Day
清洁安全生产 clean and safe production
倾国倾城 Drop-dead gorgeous
全国防治非典指挥部 the National Headquarters on SARS Control
全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放格局 all-dimensional, multitiered and wide-ranging opening pattern
取信于民 attain the people's trust
去伪存真 get rid of the fake and retain the genuine
祈愿法会 prayer meeting
企业的承受能力 the sustainability of enterprises
求实精神 matter-of -fact attitude
清真食品 Halal food
请勿乱丢杂物 no littering
全国性大罢工 general strike
全国人民代表大会主席团 the NPC Presidium
全国人民代表大会常务委员会 the NPC Standing Committee
全国人大代表 deputy to the National People's Congress
全国人口普查 nationwide census
全面战略伙伴关系 the comprehensive strategic partnership
全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器 complete prohibition and thorough destruction nuclear weapons
权力下放 delegate power to the lower levels; shift of power to the grassroots
全力以赴 all-out efforts
全面推进党的建设的新的伟大工程 forge ahead with the new great project of Party building
权力交接仪式 power handover ceremony
全国政协常委递补委员 by-elect members to the Standing Committee of the Ninth CPPCC National Committee
全球首映 world premiere
权益回报率 returns on equity (ROE)
权宜之计 half-measure
全院表决 floor vote
全天候友谊 all-weather friendship
全天候飞机 all-weather aircraft
全体会议 plenary meeting
全球多边贸易体系 global system of multilateral trade
全能冠军 all-around winner
权责 rights and liabilities
群体无聊 group boredom
群发短信 mass texting
裙带关系 nepotism
确认书 confirmation note
鹊桥会 match-making party
取缔非法收入 ban unlawful incomes; ban illegal earnings
全心全意为人民服务 serve the people wholeheartedly
全球和平指数 Global Peace Index
群体性事件 mass incident
人才保障房 social security housing for talents
热岛效应 tropical island effect
燃油附加税 bunker surcharge
“让权力在阳光下运行” power must be exercised in the sunshine
染色馒头 tainted steamed buns
人才库 talent bank
热污染 thermal pollution
燃油税 fuel oil tax
人才培养机制 talent development scheme
人才强国战略 the strategy of reinvigorating China through human resource development
人才市场 the personnel market
人弹 Suicide bombers
人道主义危机 humanitarian crisis
人逢喜事精神爽 Joy puts heart into a man.
人浮于事 overstaffing
人工消雨 artificial rain reduction
人口贩卖 human trafficking
人口普查员 census taker
人寿保险 life insurance
人类免疫缺陷病毒 Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV)
人力开发 manpower development
人类基因图谱 human genome
人口红利 demographic dividend
人口过剩 overpopulation
人口负增长 negative population growth (NPG)
人妖 ladyboy
人员流动率 turnover rate
人之初,性本善 Man's nature at birth is good.
人才储备 talent pool
人民币汇率形成机制 the rate-forming mechanism of renminbi
日本协力银行 Japan Bank For International Cooperation (JBIC)
人与自然和谐相处 harmonious co-existence between man and nature
日经指数 Nikkei Index
日食 eclipse
软盘 floppy disk
入境限制 entry ban
入境问俗,入乡随俗 When in Rome do as the Romans do.
入境旅游 inbound tourism
社会主义荣辱观 Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace
瑞雪兆丰年 A timely snow promises a good harvest.
弱肉强食法则 law of the jungle
入住率 occupancy rate
塞翁失马,焉知非福 Misfortune may be an actual blessing.
三八红旗手 woman pace-setter
三八线 38th Parallel
三步走战略 the three-step development strategy
三大法宝 the three main and effective method
三大作风 the Party's three important styles of work
三废(废气、废水、废渣) “three wastes”(waste gas, waste water and waste residues)
三高农业 "three highs" agriculture (high yield, high quality and high efficiency agriculture)
三个代表 three represents theory (the Party must always represent the requirements of the development of China's advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China's advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China.)
三个有利于 three favorables (whether it promotes the growth of the productive forces in a socialist society, increases the overall strength of the socialist state and raises the people's living standards
《三国演义》 The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
散客 individual traveler
"三讲" 教育 "Three Emphasis" Education
三好学生 merit student
《三国演义》 The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
桑拿天 sauna weather
三资企业(中外合资企业,中外合作企业,外商独资企业) "three kinds of foreign-invested enterprises or ventures: Sino-foreign joint ventures, cooperative businesses and exclusively foreign-owned enterprises in China "
三字经 three-character scripture
“三沿”开放(沿海、沿边、沿江) "Sea-shore, River-shore, Border-shore" opening-up
三下乡 "a program under which officials, doctors, scientist and college students go to the countryside to spread scientific and literacy knowledge and offer medical service to farmers"
三十而立 "A man should be independent at the age of thirty.
三权分立 separation of the executive, legislative and judicial powers
三农问题 issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers
三民主义 the Three People's Principles (Nationalism, Democracy and the People's Livelihood) put forward by Dr. Sun Yat-sen
三维动画片 three-dimensional animation
森林覆盖率 forest coverage; percentage of forest cover
扫除文盲 eliminate illiteracy
扫尾工作 round-off work; wind-up work
三峡移民 Migrants from Three Gorges area
闪电战 blitz; lightning war
沙尘回流 dust backflow
森林女孩;森女 mori girl
傻瓜相机 Instamatic
擅离职守 AWOL
赡养费 support payment
商标冒用 trade mark infringement
商标专利权 exclusive right to use trademark
上海合作组织 Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
上海五国第六次峰会 the sixth summit of Shanghai Five
上海五国机制 the Shanghai Five mechanism
商检局 Commodity Inspection Bureau
商界 the business circle
上门推销员 knocker
上山下乡 (of educated urban youth) go and work in the countryside or mountain areas
商品销路 commodity outlet
商品过剩 glut of goods
商品房 commercial residential building
商品房空置 the vacancy problem in commercial housing
商品过剩 glut of goods
商业间谍活动 industrial espionage
少林功夫 Shaolin Kung Fu
社保体系 social welfare system
扫黄运动 anti-porn drive
上证指数(上海证券交易所指数) SSE (Shanghai Stock Exchange) Composite Index
社会保障制度 social security system
上门服务 visiting service
商务出境 outbound tour for commercial affairs
上火 suffer from too much internal heat
商业信贷原则 principles for commercial credit
舍利子 Buddha's relics
社会总产值 total social output value
社会总供给 total social supply
社会总需求 total social demand
社会主义精神文明建设 socialist ideological and ethical progress
社会主义价值观 socialist value outlook
社会主义精神文明建设 socialist ideological and ethical progress
社会主义政治文明建设 socialist political civilization
社会治安情况 public security situation
社会投资 nongovernmental investment
社会力量办学 running of schools by non-governmental sectors
蛇头 human smuggler
审时度势 size up the situation
摄政王 acting king
社会信用体系 the social credit system
社会主义初级阶段 the primary stage of socialism
深加工 deep processing; further processing
申诉权 right of petition
社会保险机构 social security institutions
升级换代 updating and upgrading (of products)
生态农业 environmentally friendly agriculture
生态危机 eco-crisis
生态效益 ecological benefit
市场饱和 market saturation
申请专利 apply for a patent
生源地助学贷款 locally-granted student loan 生物降解的 biodegradable
剩女 3S lady
生育率 fertility rate
市场疲软 sluggish market
市场调节 market regulation
实弹演习 live-fire drill
适度从紧的财政政策 moderately tight fiscal policy
试管婴儿 test-tube baby
适度从紧的财政政策 moderately tight fiscal policy
适度微调 an appropriate amount of fine-tuning
试点计划 pilot program
实弹演习 live-fire drill
市场占有率 market share
视频博客 vlog
石漠化 stony desertification
实名举报 real-name reporting
十六大精神 the guiding principles of the Sixteenth National Congress
失恋 be disappointed in love
世界观、人生观、价值观 world outlook; outlook on life; values
世界大学生运动会(大运会) Universiade
实践是检验真理的唯一标准 Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.
实体经济 the real economy
市盈率 p/e (price/earning) ratio
适应气候 agree with the weather.
实现零的突破 "fulfil the zero (gold medal, medal, etc) breakthrough"
实行股份制 enforce stockholding system
实行国民待遇 grant the national treatment to
世界无车日 World Car Free Day
使中国经济与国际接轨 To bring China’s economy more in line with international practice
实地考察 fact-finding tour
试婚 trial marriage
实事求是的态度 down-to-earth attitude
世界知识产权组织 WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization
失业保险 unemployment insurance benefits
实施稳健的财政政策和货币政策 follow prudent fiscal and monetary policies
“十一五”发展规划 the 11th Five-Year Development Guidelines
施政报告 policy address
收盘价 closing price
首脑会议 summit conference
手机报 SMS news
首航 maiden voyage
首次载人航天飞行 first manned spaceflight
熟年离婚 late-life divorce
(企业)收购 acquisition
手足口病 hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD)
首映式 opening of a film
首席大检察官 procurator-in-chief
授信贷款 credit extension loan
收视率 viewing rate
收入分配调节 regulation of income distribution
输入型通胀 imported inflation
耍花招 Monkey business
双刃剑 double-edged sword
双重国籍 dual nationality
甩卖 clearance sale; be on sale
刷卡,划卡 to punch the card
睡眠障碍 sleep disorder
水墨画 Chinese brush drawing; ink and wash painting
税前/税后收入 pretax / after-tax income
税收优惠 tax preference
水土流失 soil erosion
注意力不集中症 ADHD
水利工程 water conservancy project
水力发电站 Hydro power complex
税级 tax brackets
水荒 water scarcity
四合院 courtyard dwellings; quadrangle dwellings
司法独立 judicial independence
说曹操,曹操到 Talk of the devil and he comes
熟女 sophisticated lady
顺风车 free ride
税收起征点 tax threshold
四书(《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》) The Four Books (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, The Mencius)
私募股权 private equity
四库全书 Complete Library of the Four Branches
司法公正 judicial fairness
思想僵硬 fossilized concept
私生子 lovechild
松花蛋 century egg
缩小南北差距 to narrow the North-South gap
孙子兵法 The Art of War
岁岁平安 Peace all year round
速冻食品 frozen food
速冻食品 quick-frozen snacks
所有权经营权分离 separate ownership from managerial authority
搜索引擎(计算机) search engine
速配 speed dating
台湾当局 the Taiwan authorities
台联 All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots
太空(舱)育种 space breeding
台湾同胞 Taiwan compatriots
台湾当局 the Taiwan authorities
太空行走 space walks
太阳能汽车 solar car
碳浓度 carbon intensity
探月卫星 lunar probe
谈判筹码 bargaining chip
唐装 traditional Chinese garments (clothing); Tang suit
讨债 debt collection
韬光养晦 hide one's capacities and bide one's time
讨价还价 wheel and deal
逃避银行债务 evasion of repayment of bank loans
逃生装置 escape system
特别提款权 special drawing rights (SDR; SDRs) ; paper gold
特困地区 destitute areas
ST股;特别处理股 Special Treatment
PT股;特别转让股 Particular Transfer
替代疗法 alternative treatment
挑大梁 shoulder a big beam
踢皮球 kick the ball
提价 price hike
提倡晚婚晚育 encourage late marriage and late childbirth
调整和优化产业结构 re-adjust and optimize the industrial structure
铁杆粉丝 die-hard fan
贴息贷款 soft loan
贴现公司 discount house
贴现率 discount market
调节收入 readjust income distribution
提倡社会主义政治文明、物质文明、精神文明的协调发展 promote coordinated development of socialist political, materialist and spiritual civilization
停产整业 suspend operation in order to consolidate
停运 drivers strike
提前预约 advance reservation
体制性障碍 systematic obstacles
同步卫星 geostationary satellite
统筹安排 comprehensive arrangement
统筹兼顾 make overall plans and take all factors into consideration
统一市场 single market
统一战线 united front
同声传译 simultaneous interpretation
统分结合的双层经营体制 the system of unified management combined with independent management
童婚 Children wed
通货升值 currency revaluation
同类产品 like product
通用分组无线业务 General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)
偷税漏税 tax evasion
投资多元化 the diversification of investment
通胀预期 inflation expectations
土地复垦 land reclamation
推进舱 propelling module
退市 delist (a listed company)
推进城镇化 carry out the process of urbanization
退耕还林还牧 convert the land for forestry and pasture
退票 ticket refund
脱轨 derailment
鸵鸟政策 ostrich policy
拖油瓶 children from the preceding marriage
脱贫致富 "cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity"
托管 trust; trusteeship
外国专家局 bureau of foreign experts affairs( BFEA)
外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MFA)
外债余额 outstanding external debt
万国邮政公约 Universal Postal Union(UPU)
王储,王太子 Crown Prince
往返航程 round trip
万能卡 Master Card
网络拜年 online greeting
网络攻击 cyber attack
网络礼节 netiquette
网络审查 Internet censorship
网络推手 Internet marketer
网络虚拟财产 online virtual assets
网络瘾 cyberaddiction
网络战 cyber warfare
网上诊疗 Online clinics
网瘾 Internet addiction
慰安妇 comfort woman
微博 micro-blogging
《围城》 A Surrounded City
往事如风 "The past has vanished (from memory) like wind.; What in past, is past."
危房 dilapidated house
伪劣商品赔还法 lemon law
违法占用土地 illegal appropriation of farmland
违章建筑 unapproved construction project
伪造材料 forged document
文化旅游业 cultural tourism
五保户 household enjoying the five guarantees
无多数议会 hung parliament
无公害蔬菜 "green" vegetable
无固定期限合同 open-ended contract
无人驾驶车 driverless vehicle
午睡吧 nap bars
无息贷款 interest-free loan
武侠小说 tales of roving knights; martial arts novel; kung fu novel
无效进球 disallowed goal
无性夫妻 “separate” couples
无烟环境 smoke-free environment
无期徒刑 life imprisonment
无条件最惠国待遇原则 Unconditional Most-favored-nation Treatment
乌拉圭回合 the Uruguay Round
五个统筹 maintain the five balances
洗钱 money laundering
吸收存款 deposit-taking
现场招聘 on-site recruiting
咸潮入侵 saltwater intrusion
限购 property-purchasing limitations
现金补贴 cash subsidy
闲置地产 vacant property
闲置土地 idle land
限制战略武器会谈 strategic arms limitation talks( SALT)
享乐主义广告 hedonistic advertising
相亲航班 cupid flight, matchmaking flight
详细计划 road map
小产权房 houses with limited property rights
消费型国家 nation of spenders
消费者权益日 International Day for Consumers' Rights and Interests
小灵通 Little Smart; Personal Handphone System (PHS)
效率优先,兼顾公平 give priority to efficiency with due consideration to fairness
小农经济 small-scale peasant economy
效益工资 achievements-related wages
校园招聘会 on-campus job fair
小组讨论 panel discussions
小额贷款公司 small-credit company
邪恶轴心 the Axis of Evil
邪教 cult
协调世界时 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
写字楼 office building
新能源示范城 new-energy model city
《信访条例》 Regulations on Petitions in the Form of Letters and Visits
新发行股票 new issues
新发行市场 new-issue market
信托公司 trust company
新闻采访权 rights in newsgathering
新兴产业 emerging industry
《信息技术协议》 ITA (Information Technology Agreement)
信用扩张 credit expansion
星级饭店 star-rated hotel
行贿受贿 offer and take bribes
幸福感指数 happiness index
信用紧缩 credit crunch
信仰危机 crisis of belief
形象大使 promotion ambassador
信息化战争 IT-based warfare
信用额度 line of credit
虚拟存款 window-dressing deposits
炫富 flaunt wealth
削减战略核武器会谈 strategic arms reduction talks (START)
宣誓仪式 oath-taking ceremony
学而优则仕 (a Confucian slogan for education) a good scholar can become an official
学术评价体系 academic appraisal system
学杂费 school sundry fees
亚健康 subhealthy
亚军 runner-up
压平物价政策 roll-back policy
压岁钱 money given to children as a lunar new year gift
亚太经合组织经济领导人会议 AELM (APEC Economic Leaders Meeting)
亚太经合组织部长级会议 AMM (APEC MinisteriaI Meeting)
亚太经合组织工商咨询理事会会议 ABAC Meeting (APEC Business Advisory Council Meeting)
亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议 IAELM (Informal APEC Economic Leaders' Meetings)
亚太经济合作组织 APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)
亚洲开发银行 ADB(Asian Development Bank )
严打措施 "Strike-Hard"" drive "
严打斗争 "Strike-Hard Operation, campaign to crack down relentlessly on criminal activities"
赝品 counterfeit or shoddy
阳春(最经济方式) no-frills
遥感卫星 remote-sensing satellite
艳照门 nude picture scandal
洋务运动 Westernization Movement
一次性餐具 disposable dishware
一夫多妻制家庭 plural families
一个中心,两个基本点 one central task, two basic points
义和团运动 Boxer Uprising
医疗合作制度 medical assistance system
一线明星 A-lister
一致决议 binding resolution
抑制需求 control (inhibit)consumption
"一个中国"的原则 "one-China" principle
因果报应 karma
以公有制为主体,多种经济成分共同发展 the pattern with the public sector remaining dominant and diverse sectors of the economy developing side by side
因特网服务提供者 Internet service provider (ISP)
隐性失业 recessive unemployment
鸦片战争 Opium War
有偿新闻 paid news
一线员工 worker at the production line
抑制价格 check the price
一次付清 pay in full
音像制品 audio-visual product
应急办公室 emergency response office
迎婴聚会 baby shower
饮水机 water dispenser
用工荒 labor shortage
永久正常贸易关系 permanent normal trading relations (PNTR)
拥堵费 congestion fee
邮递协议 Post Office Protocol (POP)
忧患意识 awareness of unexpected development
游街示众 shame parade
游乐园 amusement park
有理,有利,有节 with good reason, with advantage and with restraint
有色眼镜 tainted glasses
有条件撤军 conditions-based withdrawal
有效降水 effective precipitation
优质、高产、低消耗 high in both output and quality, but low in production cost
优质、高产、高效、生态、安全农业 high-quality, high-yield, cost-effective, eco-friendly and safe agriculture
油电混合动力车 hybrid electric vehicle
优生优育 bear and rear better children
与国际市场接轨 integrate with the world market;
语音识别 speech recognition
原材料 raw and processed materials
援藏干部 cadres sent to support/aid Tibet
元宵节 Lantern Festival
远期合同 forward contract
阅兵式 military review
越境污染 trans-frontier pollution
阅卷老师 exam marker
羽毛球运动员 shuttler
鱼尾纹 crow's-feet (Dark circles, puffy eyes and crow's-feet are the three main eye problems that can cloud an otherwise beautiful face.)
在职博士生 on-job doctorate
在家教育 home schooling
灾后重建 post-disaster reconstruction
藏独分裂分子 Tibetan separatist
早熟 early onset of puberty
增强型短信服务 EMS (Enhanced Message Service)
增值税 value added tax(VAT)
炸酱面 noodles with bean paste
债务人持有资产 debtor-in-possession (DIP)
战略防御计划 Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
战俘 prisoner of war (POW)
战略性支柱产业 strategic pillar industry
展销 exhibit and sell
招标采购 seek procurement tenders
美国消费品安全委员会 CPSC
针灸 needle treatment/acupuncture
珍稀濒危物种 rare or endangered species
整顿经济秩序 rectify the economic order
政策倾斜 policy support
政府工作报告 government work report
政府指导价 government guided-price
争购 snap up
正式会计师 Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
政务透明 administrative transparency
争抢生源 poaching of talented students
正版软件 genuine software
只读存储器 read-only-memory (ROM)
职场冷暴力 emotional office abuse
政策性关闭破产 policy-based closure and bankruptcy
智能型产品 smart product
指令性计划 mandatory planning
支持线 support line
直板手机 bar phone
直播电视 direct TV
重点路段 traffic hotspots
中国证券监督管理委员会 China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)
中国政协委员 member of the National Committee of CPPCC
中美联合公报 China-US joint communique
终身职务制 life-long tenure
中央商务区 central business district (CBD)
中型商用飞机 mid-size G200 business jets
终身教授 full professor
注册会计师 certificated public accountant (CPA)
住房零首付 zero-yuan first payment (for apartments)
主力军 major driving force
珠穆朗玛峰 Mount Qomolangma
主体思想 (DPRK) Juche Idea
转基因生物 GMOs
转轨经济 economies in transition; transition economy
转租房屋 sublet houses
主场 home court
住房交易税费 housing transaction taxes and fees
准博士 all but dissertation (ABD)
准妈妈 mother-to-be
自动柜员机 automatic teller machine (ATM)
自控系统 robot control system(RCS)
自媒体 We-Media
自然异象 anomalies of the nature
自杀式爆炸 suicide bomber .
自杀未遂 unsuccessfully attempted suicide
咨询热线 counseling hotline
自由迁徙 free migration (
资源节约型社会 a conservation-minded society
资源优化配置 optimizing the distribution of resources
自证其罪 self-incrimination
《资治通鉴》 History as a Mirror
自主创新 self-dependent innovation
自主品牌 self-owned brand
自助银行 self-help bank
自主知识产权 proprietary intellectual property rights
自主招生 independent recruitment
(农产品)综合支持量 AMS (Aggregate Measurement of Support)
综合业务数字网 ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
综艺节目 variety show
走新型工业化道路 Take a new road to industrialization
走形式 go through the motions
足球流氓 football hooligan
足浴 Foot massage
最不发达国家 Least-developed countries (LDCs)
最初谈判权(初谈权) INRs (Initial Negotiating Rights)
最有价值球员 MVP
组委会 organizing committee
作秀 publicity stunt
座谈会 symposia
做假帐 salt a false account
海基会:SEF (Straits Exchange Foundation)