

Preface :“逻辑关系词”对于一篇好的文章来说是非常重要的!!!它就像一座桥,连接段与段、句与句,起到一种微妙的“衔接上下文”作用,即承上启下、起承转合、过渡性作用。有效充分地利用逻辑关系词可以让你的文章“语义连贯、完整、顺畅”,不至于太突兀!下面就是我耗费心血、精心整理而成的历年考研英语中常见的十五种逻辑关系词,掌握了这些有助于你做阅读理解,有助于在阅读中更好、更快地把握文章的的写作思路和整体结构框架,理清文章的逻辑顺序与段与段之间的语义、逻辑关系,从而迅速找出正确答案。有利于做排序题,更有利于你的写作!!!(写作时尽量用那些字数多的短语,这样可以增加作文字数)。需要注意的一点是,有的逻辑关系词不只表示一种逻辑关系,有些逻辑关系之间是贯通的,例如 otherwise 表示转折、对比、结果 3 种逻辑关系;让步之中含有转折的含义;对比之中含有转折、强调之意;并列之中含有递进的含义,例如as well as,as well,also,too既表示并列又表示递进;总结之中含有强调的含义,例如substantially,generally,mainly既表示总结又表示强调;递进之中有补充解释说明之意,例如namely,in other words。 考研朋友们在做题中应当加以体会和领悟。期望本文能对考研的朋友有所裨益。同时本人热烈欢迎各位朋友踊跃对本文加以批评和相互交流,在此,我对朋友们的帮助表示无尽的感激之情!!!



第一,   表示因果(世界上最重要的一种关系就是因果关系)

1.       表示原因

because ( of ) =be responsible for =  as = since =for = therein = root =origin ( al ) =causality = due ∕ owing ∕ thanks ∕according  to = be attributed∕contributed  to (原因是)= now ∕ in  that =seeing ∕ considering ∕ given  ( that ) = on account of =on this account = on ground of ∕ that (强调主观理由) = out of = for the sake of =  in ( the ) light of = in view of ( the fact that ) = by ∕ in virtue of = by reason of = as a result ∕ consequence of = in consequence of =arise from = put sth down to sth(把……归因于……)

【注】 put down ① 把……归因于+ to sth   ② 把……看作∕视为   put sth down as sth  ③  使(当众)出丑,让某人丢人现眼  ④ 写下,记下 ⑤ 将……提请(议会或委员会)审议    to put down a motion∕amendment    提交一项动议或修正案  ⑥ 登记,注册,列入名单 + for sth   例句:Put me down for three tickets for Saturday。

2.       表示结果

①     So = hence =therefore = therefor = thereby = thereof = thereout = therewithal = thereupon =  thus = consequent(ly)= result ( ing ) =effect =consequence = in consequence = as a result ∕ consequence = result in =  accordingly = give rise to = lead to = arouse = agitate =awaken = fire up = provoke = spark = spur = stimulate = stir (激起,引起,引发,激发)= trigger = activate = prompt = set in motion = set off  = contribute∕ attribute  to = bring about ∕on =present =it follows ∕ turns out that …

②     Or else = otherwise   否则,要不然

【注】   or else 与 otherwise 既表示转折,又表示对比,还表示结果。

第二,   表示对比

1.       表示“相似性的”对比

①     Likewise = like =similar ( ly ) = akin = parallel ( with …) = analogous ∕ analogy = comparable = by ∕ in comparison ( with …)    与……相似的

②     Identical = same 完全相同的 = much as = as much 同……一样

be consistent with = consistently =  be in agreement with = coincide  with …    = accord ∕agree  with = match(意见、利益等) 与……一致的,相符的

2.       表示“差异性的”对比(这些词也be可以表示转折、强调)

Unlike = by ∕ in contrast = in turn =  in contrast to ∕ with = conversely =  alternatively = on the contrary = contrary to = contrarily = on the other hand = otherwise = while = whereas = ( run ) counter to    与……相反的,但是,然而

3.       暂时无法确定是“差异性”还是“相似性”的

①     比较级、最高级  most important = dominant(ly)= largely 

②     Of … and …      

第三,   表示递进

①     besides =therewith = as well as = as well = and =  also = too =    in addition ( to ) = moreover = furthermore = apart ∕ aside from


②     that is ( to say ) = namely  也就是说(有补充解释说明的作用)

③     to put it another way = put another way = in other words  换句话说(有补充解释说明的作用)

④     simply put ∕ stated ∕ spoken    简言之

⑤     or rather   或者更确切地说

【注】   注意 besides 与 except 的区别。例如:① All of us passed besides John 。(约翰也及格了);② All of us passed except John 。(约翰没有及格)    except 用于“不包括”的特殊人或事物前

第四,   表示补充(解释、说明)

① But = except ( for ) = apart ∕ aside from = other than



例如:① No one saw it but me 。

    ② There is nobody here other than me 。

   ②     that is ( to say ) = namely  也就是说(有补充解释说明的作用)

   ③     to put it another way = put another way = in other words  换句话说(有补充解释说明的作用)

  ④ 冒号、破折号

第五,   表示让步

① Despite = in spite of = notwithstanding = regardless ∕ irrespective of = out of  account (不予考虑)=  in disregard of = for all ( that ) = although = though = as = while = even (if)= much as (用于句首)虽然 = granting ∕ granted that


②     after all 毕竟

③     certainly = of  course = indeed = it is true that …      的确

④     undoubtedly = there is no doubt that …   毫无疑问的是……

⑤     admittedly = we have to admit that …    应该承认的是……

⑥     it may be true that …                 或许真实的是……

⑦     there is no denying that …             不可否认的是……

⑧     to be sure = although ( 常与 but 连用)可以肯定的是…

⑨  at least  至少

第六,   表示转折

①     Instead ( of ) = rather than  (是……)而不是

②     But = yet = although = though = while = whereas = when = only = ( but ) rather = instead = still = nevertheless = nonetheless =  much as(用于句首)        尽管如此,然而,虽然,但是

③     Otherwise = or else  否则,要不然

④     In effect ∕ fact ∕reality = indeed  = virtually  实际上,事实上,的确

【注】 although , though , while , whereas , to be sure , in effect ∕ fact , indeed 既表示让步,又表示转折。

第七,   表示条件

①     if = providing ∕ provided ∕ suppose ∕ supposing  that  如果,假如

②     in case of = in the event of   万一……

③     failing   如果不能,如果没有

④     but for ∕ that   要不是, 若非(主句用虚拟语气)

⑤     unless  除非

⑥     as long as = only if   只要

⑦     on condition that …    条件是……

⑧     if only  但愿,要是……就好了(常与虚拟语气连用)

⑨ only if 必须在……的条件下(引导条件状语从句)

第八,   表示目的

①     For fear of = lest 以免,以防

②     For the sake of …  =  in the  desire to do sth          为了……

③ in order to

【注】 for the sake of 既表示原因,又表示目的。

第九,   表示引出新对象

        ① About = concerning = regarding = with regard to = as for ∕ to =  in respect of    关于

② in terms of  就……而论,在……方面

③ when it comes to …    当提到……时

④ as such  就其本身而言;就……的严格词义而言

第十,   表示强调

①     Above all  =  most  important  =  valuable = dominant(ly)=largely =  most leading = generally = mainly =  chief = substantially=  the first and more  important  = matter = signify = for the most part = most = a large proportion  of    具有重要性, 最重要的是

②     In effect ∕ fact ∕reality = indeed = virtually   事实上,  实际上,的确,其实

③     In any case = anyway = at any rate     无论如何,总之

④     比较级、最高级

⑤  Noteworthy = Of note= Notable = noticeable =Striking= Remarkable= marked =  express (明确的) = evident = distinctly =  obvious = clear ( lee ) = dominant =apparent =crystal (显而易见的) = realizing (清晰生动的,明确无误的) = Worth mentioning= observable = spectacular = pronounced = dramatically = understandable= palpable= Important= Significant 


⑥ reinforce = stress = strengthen = emphasize = build (sth) up    加强,巩固,增加,强调

⑦ always = invariably = continually = consistently 

⑧ considerably相当地

【注】 in effect ∕ fact∕reality , indeed 表示让步、转折、强调;比较级、最高级表示对比、强调。


        ① On the whole = all in all =overall =  in conclusion ∕ summary ∕ general = generally ( speaking )= as a whole =mainly = substantially  = to sum up  = conclude = come to the conclusion     总的来说

        ② in short ∕ brief = in a word     简而言之

     ③ in any case = at any rate = anyway   总之,无论如何


①     Meanwhile = simultaneously  = therewithal  同时地 = coincide with… 与……同时发生

    crop  【C】 同时发生的事情;同时做某事的一群人,一批人 +  of   如:the current crop of graduate trainees  目前这一批毕业实习生

②     Preceding = previous ( ly ) = former = prior to    先前的

③     Subsequent = following = in the wake of = upon = after = latter  随后的

④     Lattermost  最后的

⑤     Of late = lately = recent = latterly   最近

⑥     To late= as yet = hitherto = up to the present = up to that point =  so far     迄今为止

⑦     Present ( ly ) = current ( ly ) =at present   当前的(地),现在

⑧     For the present   暂且,目前

⑨ Around the clock     昼夜不停

⑩  No longer  不再

⑾ initial(ly)最初,开始 = at the beginning of     initiatory  最初的

⑿ for a while  一会儿

⒀ perpetual∕perpetuity∕forever ∕for good∕permanent ∕chronic(长期的)   长久,永远

   【注】 chronic  ① (尤指疾病)长期的,慢性的,连续复发的 = continually recurring

                       例如:the country’s  chronic unemployment problem  国家的长期失业问题

                   ②  长期患病的,长期有某种习惯的  例如:a chronic alcoholic 酗酒成性的人

          chronically   长期地,慢性地

         反义词—intermittent = occasional(ly)= temporary   暂时的

⒁ before long  不久以后

⒂ long before  很久以前



①     Like = such as = for instance ∕ example = take ∕ consider ∕ think of ∕ remember …( as an example ) = a good case in point is … =from … to …( to …) =to illustrate = as an illustration

②     并列的 there be 句型

③ let's take a look at∕return to the example of…

④ in the case of…     比如在……


         ① And ∕ also ∕ too=as well ∕ or = alternatively ∕ as well as( 不但,而且 ) ∕ along with (连同……在一起)

     ② 分号


       ① As if∕though  好像  

    ② as  如……

    ③ just as  正如……


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