



Texe 1

La residence secondaire

Texe 2

Bijourie cambriole a Vewey--- une voiture pour enfoncer la vibrine



1.Tous les jour, je (se lever) a 7 heure.

2.Demain, il vous (accompagner) au la.

3.a cette eq, elle (etre) vendeuse et travaillait dans un magasin.

4. Elle chante (prendre) sa couche.

5.un emplye(travailler)pendant cinq ans ici doit avoir beaucoup de experience.

6.Si je (avoir) de l’argent, je acheterais......

7.Il a dit qu’il (venir) ici deux fois.

8.(avoir) le....! (强调句)

9.Il est dommge que vous (ne pas etre) la.

10. J’irais avec vous a condition qu’il (faire)beau demain.


Le plaisir de camping


Un livre que j’aime le plus

·         Quel livre vous aimez le plus?

·         Qu’est-ce qu’il raconte?

·         Pourquoi l’aimez-vous?


842 翻译与写作


汉译英 50分

Section 1  15分


Whenever something negative happens to you, there is a deep lesson concealed within it. 3分


Yale is renowned for its long history, unique way of teaching and excellence in academic pursuit. 5分


The caged tiger was always envious of the freedom of the one in the wild, while the other one envied the caged one for his ease. 7分

Section 2  35分



Steve Jobs famously declared that 'creativity is just connecting things.' Although we think of inventors as dreaming up breakthroughs out of thin air, Mr. Jobs was pointing out that even the most far-fetched concepts are usually just new combinations of stuff that already exists. Under Mr. Jobs's leadership, for instance, Apple didn't invent MP3 players or tablet computers─the company just made them better, adding design features that were new to the product category.

How can people get better at making these kinds of connections? Mr. Jobs argued that the best inventors seek out 'diverse experiences,' collecting lots of dots that they later link together. Instead of developing a narrow specialization, they study, say, calligraphy (as Mr. Jobs famously did) or hang out with friends in different fields. Because they don't know where the answer will come from, they are willing to look for the answer everywhere.


Section 1 10分

1、Do not rack your brains on scheming to get friendship, otherwise, it becomes sort of business trade. 2分

·         友情不可费力经营,要不然就成了生意。

2、Even if you get no applause, you should accept a curtain call gracefully and appreciate your own efforts. 3分


3、Long before the emergence of the written word, ballads, accompanied by music and dance,and myths, passed around by word of mouth, were widely popular. 5分

·         与舞蹈和音乐相伴的歌谣跟口头流传的神话,远在文字出现之前就已大量产生。

Section 2  30分

Many of us aren’t satisfied with how much we have now. That’s why we’re constantly angling for a raise at work, befriending aged relatives and springing, despite long odds, for lottery scratch tickets. 
Is it crazy to question how much money you need to be happy? The notion that money can’t buy happiness has been around a long time — even before yoga came into vogue. But it turns out there is a measurable connection between income and happiness; not surprisingly, people with a comfortable living standard are happier than people living in poverty. 
The catch is that additional income doesn’t buy us any additional happiness on a typical day once we reach that comfortable standard. The magic number that defines this “comfortable standard” varies across individuals and countries, but in the United States, it seems to fall somewhere around $75,000. Using Gallup data collected from almost half a million Americans, researchers at Princeton found that higher household incomes were associated with better moods on a daily basis — but the beneficial effects of money tapered off entirely after the $75,000 mark.





"People do play computer games at work, but they also doodle with pencils. Do you take away their pencils? That's not the way a modern workforce is managed. You've got to trust people." This is the response of Bill Gates to people’s complaint about digital danger.

In the first part, you should comment Bill Gates’ response. In second part, give your opinions about digital danger, according to your personal experience, reading.....


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